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Posts posted by Josh88

  1. Thanks to everyone who replied.

    I think i will give it a miss at this rate with the water being so dirty and rain not seeming like it wants to stop. Might go out in the boat but seabreeze isn't being to friendly until sunday and i'd imagine it'll be very busy being a long weekend. Have to wait and see.



  2. We just have an okuma one that you has 2 sections vertically. You can mount them back to back or side on, we have it back to back as its unbalanced side on and there are 16 places to put your rod but with reels on rods it lessens the amount you can fit.

    Picked it up from like ***** for about $40



  3. Many boats are measure from like the front of the bow the where the transom ends, not that part many boats have extending from the transom for the motor to sit on which is where the extra 30 odd cm comes from. I'd imagine it would be roughly 4.9m to the back of the transom but that extra bit comes from that extension, plus you have to take into account the motor and tralier for overall length.


  4. We were having similar issues when we first got our boat on some of the gauges not matching what was actually happening. Seeing everyone is saying whats happening isn't a problem then it should be fine, if you are worried though, check the wires that go up to the gauges for any damage or if the connections don't seem right and fiddle with them a bit to see if the reading changes. We did this on ours and it fixed the readings up straight away.



  5. Hey Grant,

    Great info, just wondering is upstream from the bridge accessable from a boat or are the waters here too shallow .

    Twin 1

    You definitely can go up a couple of km past the bridge in boat but i think that the boat casts a fairly large shadow in what is already a narrow channel and spooks the fish a bit which can make landbased fishing more productive.


  6. germany all the way. i have very strong feelings on italy after they robbed australia! :ranting2::ranting2::ranting2:

    Too true, most parts of soccer are weak enough as it is, italians just make it look twice as soft.

    Rugby's the only real sport :thumbup:

  7. G'day Josh.

    It's well worth the effort walking the shore upsream from the bridge & flicking plastics. There are a couple of nice holes starting on the upstream side of the bridge itself behind the 1st pylon. Then you drive down as far as you can to the parking area. Only a couple of hundred mtrs up from there is a hole that produces some very good fish. Best I've seen was 17kgs on a big storm shad. Another bloke got one 20kgs + on 4kg braid & a squidgy fish. Plenty of school fish in the 4 - 8 kg range as well. As you keep walking look for any little tracks that go down to the river & have a few casts. If the fish are there you will get them within a dozen casts. Fish bends & anywhere there is a sunken rock or upwelling or break in the current flow & fish around the tide changes.

    Your rig sounds fine. 40lb leader is plenty. You could knock it down to 30lb if you want.

    The pontoon near the boat ramp is usually reliable for yakkas. Can be tough in winter though. You can also get yakkas & mullet from the shore between the pipe & the bridge. You need plenty of burley though. That's also a good spot to soak a livie. I got my 1st ever jew there so I have a soft spot for the place. :biggrin2:

    The moon looks good for a wed's fish however it's not the best time of year & I've never done very well when the water is really dirty from rain. September is when some big fish are up there & it fishes well right through 'till about April when conditions are right.

    Hope this helps,



    Gday Grant,

    Thanks a lot for that, some really useful info there. I'll try and put it to good use :1fishing1::thumbup:



  8. can you get yakka that far up MH? I'll definitely throw out either frozen squid or pillie as well. I know that jew can be caught on lures up past roseville, just keen to have a go myself.

    I'll be using the sp's on a 7ft 4-8kg rod with 20lb braid, does everyone think 40lb leader is the right size?



  9. Hi All,

    Finish exams on Wednesday and weather permitting am hoping of trying for a jew on soft plastic upstream roseville on either thursday or friday. Haven't done this before so was just wondering if anyone else has and had any luck with it? I don't want to be putting my efforts into a nothing spot but first few attempts will need exerimentation i guess...

    Any info is appreciated



  10. Mate what i do (and i dont have anything flash or any expensive boat with plumbed livewell)... I have an big tropical ice box esky thing, around 65 litres or so.. that thing is awesome. Insulated thick keeps ice for days if u wanna use ice however for keeping my fish fresh i put them straight into the ice box 3/4 filled with water. The large amount of water keeps them alive well for ages and i have had a few bream and couple flathead inside alive with no aerator for half a day fine. I also use it as a live bait tank at the start of some trips and occasionally you may need to exchange a few buckets of water from it. But what better way to keep a fish fresh than to bring it home LIVE and kill it immediately with a knife and clean it and cook the fillets up then and there and freeze the rest? Thats as fresh as you can get if u ask me.

    I don't know technically speaking if this affects the quality of meat in any way but if it does i'd say it would have to be much of a muchness... Its always tasted fresh and as long as your not a dud cook ive never been disappointed.

    Bonus is if u dont wanna keep fish live you can load that same ice box up with ice and drinks or bait etc...

    Keep in mind this isnt a small esky. It holds up to 65litres of water in my model, so keeping fish live for hrs and for the trip home is very easy.

    People pay good money to eat live seafood at restaurants mate! :1prop:

    Keeping them in esky will stress them out and they'll release the gland juices like Jewgaffer said. If you have a 2-3kg fish it won't stay alive long at all in an esky. I reckon best is the smack them on the head or brain spike and bleed, then put it esky when its done. All personal choice though.....

  11. Check the websites of both Shimano and Daiwa and look at weights, line capacities etc...

    Depending on what you're mainly going to be using the reel for should effect your decision on which to get. Not a major amount of difference but personally i would go with the 2000 size as it would be a bit more versatlie and could come in handy with greater drag/capacity if you hook a larger fish.

  12. around to the left of the main buildings is the little beach called Stingray bay i think, and you can use the small 2man catermarans free of charge, we had a ball on them. I remember thinking to myself geez what i would do for a few handlines and some bait right about now.....

    you can also grab the surf ski's and paddle across to the small island for a picnic........lots of places over there too

    or hire the jet ski's and an hour and try ytou luck trolling out deep...hahaha now that would be a story.....

    You actually aren't allowed to set foot on that island directly opposite the wharf. Its like a protected animal place that they leave untouched to allow breeding etc...

  13. Hi John,

    We went up there last October and had an awesome time. We didn't have that much luck landbased but off the jetty i know that everything from spanish mackeral to barramundi have been caught off it, quite a few octopus hang around it and pods of manta rays. You can also fish off the beach, we were staying at the furthest house thingo which was very nice but entailed a few long walks each day. I reckon that a landbased spot definintely worth trying would be the furthest point of the island, looking back at mainland AUS. There are some good eddies there that fish should congregate around. Another option is hiring a dinghy which we did and caught some bits and pieces and got smashed a few times by spanish mackeral fishing around a nearby island no too far from shore. There is a guy who runs charters from there and he is a fantastic guy, will PM you more info about that.



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