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Everything posted by Dreamtime

  1. I would think a quick look at the main oil tank would show you if there is any sender there. (Check for any wires also) If not then the level would obviously be for the smaller tank. Cheers
  2. Looks a little like this Jelly Nose fish
  3. Heres a few pics to verify your catch Cheers A Red Gurnard caught on hook and line by R. Hungerford, at a depth of 50 m, 2 km east of Lurline Bay, Sydney, New South Wales, November 2006. Photo © I. Graham. A Red Gurnard caught on hook and line off Sydney Heads, New South Wales, March 2002. Photo: J. Pogonoski A Red Gurnard at a depth of 2 m in tidal waters at the mouth of the Minnamurra River, New South Wales, January 2007. Photo © S. Schulz.
  4. Yeah, but I think my hood and tenticles may be at risk if I sat down in it .
  5. Looks like a definate prize fighter that has been beaten round the head, eyes and nose. Great looking fish, as I'm sure it tasted also.
  6. Hi Pel, Will check with marine with regards to your first question. Rescue services here are basically nil. Our vessels have been seconded probably 10 times in the last 2 to 3 years to do search and rescue. In fact we rescued 22 persons from a deflating liferaft about 2 years ago where 4 other vessels could not manage the conditions and had to withdraw. They were all within 20 miles of the sinking vessel. We travelled 85 miles and just got to them on dark. 2 life rafts, one of which was half deflated. Even though we are in the tropics, the persons rescued were all in a state of shock, shivering and I think with the condition of the raft, would have struggled to remain alive overnight as seas were 10 to 12 metres. This rescue made it onto world news as follows; www.rnzi.com/pages/news.php?id=18185&op=read - 7k Radio New Zealand International, The Voice of New Zealand, Broadcasting to the Pacific Te Reo Irirangi O Aotearoa, O Te Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Accessibility Information My RNZI Go to Site Menu Solomons marine officials probe ferry sinking after rescuers save 60 passengers Posted at 01:38 on 22 July, 2005 UTC Marine authorities in Solomon Islands are investigating how a passenger ferry sank on its way to the capital, Honiara. All 60 passengers and the crew of the MV Liofai are safe and sound after the vessel sank 16 kilometres from West Marou Bay off Makira. Two banana boats took the passengers to shore before the ship went down. The crew took to liferafts and another vessel, the MV Kaona, picked them up late last night. The senior marine officer at the search and rescue unit, Brian Aonima, is preparing a report. “We will be conducting the enquiry with the crews and the captain into how the incident occurred. It depends on the report and the submissions that we will make to the board of enquiries, to conduct the enquiry.” Sources say police will be looking at possible breaches of maritime law by the ship’s master and crew. ***************************************************************************** Pel, we have been involved in plenty of "tows" where vessels are in no immediate danger but have had engine problems. We also have had to do search and rescue for lost passengers from "banana or long boats" as you call them, but unfortunately these have resulted in retrieving deceased persons only. There are 2 "Patrol" boats here, which were donated by the Australian Govt, as they do for other Pacific countries also. These would be 13 or 14 years old now as they had their "half life" (9years) servive some 5 years ago. Don't know what is planned after their retirement. Below is a picture of 1 of the 2 identical vessels. They have occassionally done rescues but only when close up to their base. Trust this is of some information Cheers Carl P.S. I think only 2 private helicopters in the country currently on lease to RAMSI. Rarely, due to cost, are they ever used for marine search and rescue
  7. Bit of an overkill for Cephalopods wouldn't you say Ceph? Seriously, what are you targeting and what rod and line will you be using?
  8. Were the stripies lost? Seriously, how do you mean you found them? Had someone left them, or you caught them, or were they dead and were floating? Cheers
  9. Believe it or not, they are not mandatory here - even in our commercial vessels that travel as far as Vanuatu? We are constantly travelling 200 to 300 miles east of here and I have them in my vessels. But I am the only "white" operator and we have satphones as well. I would suffice to say that 95% of the passenger vessels do not have an EPIRB, however most of the commercial fishing vessels do but theirs will obviously expire also. I will check with fisheries and see if we could possibly procure for them also. Cheers I would be interested in 3 for my commercial vessels - still have the old frequency. We are monitored from Canberra and then alerts are relayed to our marine department. Depending on price, may look at total of 5 to include my pleasure boats
  10. Hi Geoff, Shared your experiences in PNG and thought we were bullet-proof. Boat pictured below belonged to a mate whom I went out with regularly. 100Hp 4 stroke, 15hp aux 4 months ago, 5 people on board, had exactly the problem that Pelican mentioned. Whereas it had no problem with bow height, travelling across a pretty nasty chop, the water kept "lapping" over the gunwales amidship, and was too much for the 2 bilge pumps to handle. Needless to say, it sank, fortunately within about 50 metres from shore. Poor bugger though, punched a hole through the side of the block as the engine was still running when it submerged. The skipper is an experienced man and took charters several times a week. Cheers
  11. I used to buy them direct from W.A. , but that was 20 years ago. Had to buy quantity, but I combined with some squid and calamari and shared with 3 mates. What couldn't fit in the freezer was stored at the local cold storage facility. Had bait, and dinner for the full season then, good excuse to go fishing all the time. Or try: Pilchards Bargain Pilchards here! Find, bid, win it on eBay Australia www.ebay.com.au/Pilchards
  12. Hi Raiders, I went to look at a boat that was for sale today. Fibreglass, 7.4 mtr set up with 2 swivel chairs and a small v-berth cabin. There is no manufacturers name on the hull, only these numbers (CROA11REG293) moulded into the transom Did not take the camera but will take tomorrow. Also it has a 225hp Mariner 3 litre OBM but I couln't find an ID plate or serial number on the exterior of the engine either. (Did not take off the cowling today) Any ideas how to ID the Brand of boat and year of engine. Thanks
  13. Bloody hell!!!! I bet it went well on 4lb. Great effort.
  14. Excellent pics Bart It's been a few years since I was on the Georges - more than 20 I guess. My recollection is not great now and I know that development has changed the foreshore appearance. Do you mind telling me where the shots are taken. I'ts not the corner of Sylvania Marina is it? Cheers
  15. Took the words right out of my mouth.
  16. Yes, it's a problem with most fishermen - addiction - Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!! Fishing, Cold Beer, Cancer sticks, Opposite Sex, Fast Cars, Fast Boats
  17. Depending on what is damaged, i.e - Aluminium, or glass screen. Anyway, I would think that Huey would be the best to answer this and could probably do the repairs as well. Give him a PM Cheers
  18. I believe the site sponsors sell them. Perhaps you should send them a PM Cheers
  19. Recently there have been several postings regarding the edibility of fish caught from the Cooks River. And how far fish move daily. Do you really know what your eating? Are there tags made for estuary fish? Or can they be adapted? Could the Raiders whom fish the Cooks area possibly tag these fish with a distinguishable tag specifically for this purpose. If the fish is then caught at a later date could it be tested for contamination? Is it possible that any contamination would be purged from the fish after staying in a cleaner habitat? Not for fisheries data, but say a specific coloured tag with say the Fishraider address or I.D. for the purposes of members feedback and the public, if advertised accordingly. How much do tags cost? Would be very interesting and informative. I would be willing to sponsor for the cost of tags. Food for thought.
  20. EYE TEST Count every ' F ' in the following text: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTI FIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS... HOW MANY ? WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke. READ IT AGAIN ! Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 F's The brain cannot process 'OF'.
  21. Are you referrring to the famous finger of Hoppowate?
  22. No words can mask the grief that family and friends are presently feeling. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all touched by this tragedy. Please, all fellow raiders, check and double check your safety equipments and life saving devices before you venture out on your next outing. Do not become another statistic!
  24. Yes agreed Stewy Golden butterflyfish, Chaetodon semilarvatus
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