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Everything posted by Dreamtime

  1. We use the kerosene pressure lantern when out in the tinny. The all-round light attracts baitfish by the squillions, which in turn brings in the thumper trevalley. Always end up with a dozen or so flying fish following the light and leaping in the boat. Go to this link for more info http://www.endtimesreport.com/BF-828R.html
  2. I was looking for another option to the snap swivel On occasions I've had the clip on snap swivels break off when changing lures. This has not happened to new ones, but when they have been used and put back in the tackle box. I am guessing that this may be caused from fatigue of some sorts. Would not like them to fail half way through a long fight. Seen these Momoi in a catalogue Wondering how they stay closed. Anyone using them at present and what are your thoughts.
  3. My recipe is similar but with measurements. Beer - copious amounts
  4. Congratulations on your PB estuary, very fit looking specimen. Thanks for your PM, you seem to be blessed, picturesque surroundings and apparently a fish nursery. How's that Breambo, damned stonka. A little darkish in colour or is that the angle of the photo. Great looking snags, definately a place for those Kamakazi pilots to launch their attacks from. Would be nice if you could hire a houseboat down there, would make for a lovely holiday and some great fishing. Thanks again for whetting my appetite Cheers Mariner
  5. Good game, Sharks definately had the ascendancy. Anti-climatic finish, just when one was looking forward to the Golden Point clash.
  6. 1. launched the boat and left the bungs out - YES 2. lost a rod and reel overboard - YES, WITH FISH ATTACHED 3. got the anchor rope caught in the prop - YES 4. run out of fuel - YES, NOT SINCE I WAS A YOUNG'EN 5. left the bait in the eskie for a week - YES 6. got a hook somewhere in your body - NO, NOT FULLY EMBEDDED 7. got smoked by a monster who knows what - YES!!!, 3 TIMES ONE NIGHT ON 200lb HANDLINE 8. left the boat strap on the boat tied to the trailer when launching - NO 9. dropped the boat off the trailer on the boat ramp - YES, MY MILLIGAN NIPPER AT A HAWKSBURY RAMP 10. cast a fully baited rig ( with sinker ) into another boat - NO, BUT LANDED ONE IN A TREE A FEW TIMES! 11. hit a submerged log - YES, MANY TIMES IN MUDDY SWAMPS 12. got fishing line around the prop - YES, I WOULD THINK THAT MOST HAVE 13. got bitten by a tailor - YES, AGAIN AS A YOUNGSTER 14. got a birds nest on an overhead - YES 15. got spiked by a yakka - NO, BUT BY MANY OTHER SPECIES 16. tried to launch the boat with the safety chain still on - NO 17. had a dead battery more than once - NO, SURPRISINGLY ONLY THE ONE TIME 18. got to the ramp only to find you have left your tackle box / bag at home - NO 19. got a plastic bag around the motor - YES, THOSE DAMNED SHOPPING BAGS! 20. lost and anchor (or two) - YES, ONE WITH ALL THE CHAIN WRAPPED AROUND THE REEF OFF TOWNSVILLE AND WAS UNRETRIEVABLE - VERY PAINFULL HAVING TO CUT THE ROPE! 21. snapped a rod tip in the car door - NO, BUT CEILING FAN IS GUILTY 22. dropped the bait knife overboard - YES, EXPENSIVE BUCK WITH CARVED HANDLE 23. putting a livie on a new trace / leader and throwing it overboard only to realise is not tied to the main line - NO, BUT CAST THE ROD & FLICKED THE BAIL ARM OVER BY MISTAKE ONLY TO HEAR THE "PING" & WATCH THE TERMINAL TACKLE FLY OFF BY ITSELF 24. lost a hat / cap / beanie whilst underway - YES 25. lost your mobile phone overboard - YES, HAZARDOUS PASTIME 26. put fish in the keeper net and forgot to tie the keeper net to the boat - YES, I USED TO USE AN OLD BIRD CAGE AS A KEEPER AND KNOCKED ITS' DAMNED HOOK OFF WHEN IT HAD 3 NICE BLACKIES INSIDE - SORRY FOR THE FISH TOO AS i GUESS THEY WOULD HAVE DIED 27. cast out only to have a seabird take your bait and get hooked. - YES 28. Left bait on the hook and "caught" your, or your neighbours cat - YES 29. Gone out several miles, ready to set your lures only to find you didn't bring them - YES 30. Frustrated with jellyfish so put the engine in reverse and chop the shit out of them for 1/2 hour or so - YES
  7. So that's what a hairtail looks like! Nice effort. Are hairtail surface feeders? (We used to catch something similar in PNG inside the Yacht Club Marina. They had some serious teeth and once hooked were quite acrobatic. Can you eat them?
  8. Congratulations Great result and some excellent looking fish.
  9. Seen this on Americas Funniest Video last night.
  10. spider crab - Britannica Concise Encyclopedia | Date: 2007 Any species of sluggish marine crab in the widely distributed family Majidae (or Maiidae). Spider crabs have a beak-shaped head; thick, rounded body; and long, spindly legs. They use a mucuslike mouth secretion to fasten algae, sponges, and other organisms to the hairs, spines, and knobby projections covering the body. Most species are scavengers, especially of carrion. Their size varies greatly. The body of the European long-beaked spider crab (Macropodia rostrata) is less than 0.5 in. (1 cm) in diameter, whereas the Japanese giant crab (Macrocheira kaempferi), whose outstretched claws can measure 13 ft (4 m) from tip to tip, is perhaps the largest known arthropod. Have a look at some other spider crabs on this link http://www.video.scubadata.com/index.php?tag=crab
  11. Thanks Hodgey, I've just had my hit and should be good till your next report. Great couple of hours by the sounds of things, and in such picturesque surroundings. Fantastic photos, and a great lizard as a bonus. Another report worth waiting for, and enjoyed on the Yak idea Cheers
  12. This is from The Australian Museum Fish Site:- Over the years there have been numerous theories concerning the leaping of mullet. There seems to be two categories of leaping: predator avoidance and aerial respiration. Leaping to avoid predators usually involves more than one fish jumping simultaneously, retaining an upright posture and entering the water cleanly. The second type of leaping involves a single fish that does a slower, shorter leap, often flipping onto its side or even onto its back. They may also roll at the surface or move with their head above the water The research of Hoese (1985) suggests that Sea Mullet use this second category of movements to fill the pharyngobranchial organ (an area at the back of the throat) with air. The trapped air is believed to allow the fish to remain active in water of low oxygen concentration for about five minutes. Several interesting lines of evidence support this theory. The number of jumps is correlated with the concentration of oxygen in the water. The less oxygen, the more jumps. Secondly, Sea Mullet feed during the day often in bottom sediments that have low oxygen concentrations. Jumping occurs much more commonly during the day. Sea Mullet rarely jump at night. Further reading Hoese, H.D. 1985. Jumping mullet - the internal diving bell hypotheses. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 13(4): 309-314.
  13. Nice looking boat. I think I would be looking for some testimonies from other owners, or at least go for a test ride before you could make some kind of informed judgement on its' suitability for offshore use. Would be a shame to fork out serious dollars for a "no go show boat".
  14. I think it was one of these?
  15. Bad luck guys and girls Hope the weather clears for you soon.
  16. When in PNG, we used to use a pump action 12 gauge, skin them then simmer in coconut milk. Quite tasty, not as gamey as bush wallaby.
  17. Pleeeaase, it can only go downhill from here. I can testi fy to that!!
  18. I can remember some years back purchasing packets of frozen chicken gut at the local servo or bait shop. Is it still available, and does anyone use it with any success. We used to use it mainly for targeting bream. Wasn't as successful as fresh bait though. Also used to cut up steak in small strips, that was very successful on the bream.
  19. Haven't really got any plans yet. I think sorting a bit of tackle and a Hope everyone else has a good one
  20. Now that's the kind of story I like reading. Congratulations, you are now hooked!!!!
  21. Okay - I'll go with the flow.
  22. What are the two reels you are trying to compare????
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