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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Dave Check out the Humminbird Piranah MAX 190C & the Garmin Echo 300C Fishfinder Both are colour & sell for under $300 The Garmin has a 3.5" screen V's 4" on the 190C but the Garmin appears to have more featuers & is the least expensive of the two Geoff
  2. Gazza Jumping waves in any boat at an angle can be very dangerous. Having said that , there was a video around in 2003 showing Websters in various conditions one of which , at high speed , they hit a big wave at an angle , I think unintentionally , the boat landed nearly on it's side but quickly straightend up. There may have been a few brown stains from the crew but the footage was quite spectacular. Geoff
  3. Here are a couple of video's covering ride & handling that may be of interest Geoff
  4. The other popular brand is Webster , 4.9mt is the most common size. The ride , compared to mono hulls of a similar length is like chalk & cheese , the faster you go , particually into a chop the better the ride Stability . This photo will give an indication. The 2 guys on one side would be around 220kg & there is not much lean on the boat. There are several other members on FR who have Websters Geoff
  5. What size are the rims / tyres ??? The tyres are normally stamped with the max pressure. This is not to say that is the correct running pressure but it is a guide. Subject to the above information , 35 - 40 psi should be OK. Keep in mind the pressure will build during a long road trip so perhaps start around 35 psi Geoff
  6. The unit came with the ball fitting as per this photo. The manufacture has a post option as shown here but they wanted $150 plus freight from Perth for the fitting which I thought was a bit rich especially when new complete jockey wheels are available for $35.00 from marine dealers. As it turned out I found a shaft only at a caravan place for $5.00 The ball is easily removed just leaving the shaft. . The sleve just slides over the shaft however an internal spacer is prefered to reduce the space between the shaft & the sleve. Has it got enough traction to pull your boat up an slight incline? and can it get over little humps ie. 1.5-2cm humps My boat weighs around 800kg & a slight incline is not a problem. The unit has enough power to push over a hump however traction may be a problem. Your most likely correct about the drilling but the bracket had to be mounted as far forward as possible to provide clearence for the battery when turning. The coupling prevented the use of U bolts. PM me if you want to have a look at the unit in action Geoff
  7. I purchased the unit at auction (EB) for just over $1000 & it included the battery. I made the battery base out of 5 ply. It's offset so the battery does not interfear with the coupling when making sharp turns. Geoff
  8. Formosan If your looking at one with a tow ball check out how it performs when pushing / pulling a trailer. This is the unit I purchased & discovered that even with the locking plate that fits under the trailer coupling the unit tilted forward & was very difficult to stear & maintain traction. I changed the fitting to a jockey wheel post & fitted a new JW clamp. It's now easier to connect / disconnect & there is now tilting problems. The other thing to keep in mind is the power supply , ie battery location. A lot of these units are made for caravans where there is a permenant power supply from the van You can run one from the boat battery but connecting can be a bit of a pain. Geoff
  9. There are a lot of books around that focus on specific topics , eg rigs , plastics . One of the best , all round books I've come across is the Anglers Omnibus. It's a bit old , printed in 1972 & as such was released prior to soft plastics & the latest gear technoligy but covers over 500 pages of good , basic information. Google Anglers Omnibus. They are still available. There is one I saw for $6.95. At that price you can't go wrong. Geoff
  10. Geoff

    Wirrah Cod

    Finin. Was it the brown one with black spots. I've not eaten one due to their reputation of not being a nice fish to eat. Someone must be buying them , was at the local seafood store on Saturday & to my supprise the store had about 6 or 8 in the cabinate. $13.88 / kg Geoff
  11. David The beach ramp at Fingle Bay is in the South East corner of the beach & for your boat is definatly 4WD so I suggest you use one of the other ramps in the Pt Stevens area. They are , http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=22250 Parts of PS are a marine park. Suggest you pick up a map from the tackle store in the Nelson Bay shopping center http://www.mpa.nsw.gov.au/pdf/psglmp-zoning-plan-hi-res.pdf The fishing area suggested by Luke is worth a try Geoff
  12. Swordie Yep ,your correct. According to the marks I have the GPS for the B & C are , 34 58.42 150 58.72 This lines up with my earlier comment , "For interest , according to Google Earth , 14km North East of the Currarong ramp is 150.58.38" Geoff
  13. Geoff

    Motor up or down

    It's best to leave it down. This avoids dirt getting onto the rams which could damage the seals Geoff
  14. That's a fair way out & as you say , not for a first time venture. For interest , according to Google Earth , 14km East of the ramp is 150.58.38 Geoff
  15. Further research & the review of a friends Navel map provides different & I think , more accurate information. According to the map , The Banks are kidney shape. The center ,using WGS84 , 34.59.25 - 150.52.00 & extends about 500mt East / West of the 150.52.00 mark. Distance from Currarong ramp is approx 5km. When next down Currarong way will check out if this information is correct. Geoff
  16. I'm planning on heading to Currarong early next year & weather permitting , would like to give The Banks a try. The GPS I have is 34.56.94 - 150.55.65 WGS84. According to Google this is approx 9km East from the Currarong ramp. I have another GPS reference that indicates the distance is 17km Perhaps those who have fished the area could confirm which is correct. Tks Geoff
  17. Pred-ator Did you see this report ?? http://www.trailerboat.com.au/news-and-reviews/article/articleid/73594.aspx Geoff
  18. Every aluminium boat has stainless fittings inc screws & bolts in one form or another. Sounds like someone has been telling stories. Why does he not want to use plastic. Is it not your decission what fitting are to be used? Geoff
  19. I looked at the web site & video for WP. Nice looking boat but would be a bit concerned with the amount of deck space , the cabin comes a fair way back. The video looks nice but all boats look good in calm water. For an offshore boat it's a pity they do not show how it handles rough conditions. Personally , for offshore rough conditions it's hard to go past a twin hull "cat" Here is one to think about http://www.websterstwinfisher.com.au/site/index.cfm?display=229654 Geoff
  20. This one is stainless. Will it do the job ?? http://www.biasboating.com.au/SearchResults.asp?Search=4579&Submit There is also one in plastic for $13.90 Geoff
  21. Similar questions have been asked in the past. Suggest use the "search" function ,key port stevens , or nelson bay. There is lots of information to see Geoff
  22. Pure spirit Just got back from PS on Sunday. to answer a few of your questions , A lot of the PS area is Marine Park so I suggest you pick up a map to see the no fish zones. Also , Don't forget Fishing licences for your non fishing mates if they intend to wet a line Live bait. A few hundred mt's South of the heads there is a large crevas in the rock face ,you can't miss it. This is a good place to try. General fishing , try the island directly off the heads Personally , I would not leave my boat in the water overnight you never know what might happen , also, by the time you remove all the gear the boat could be on the trailer. Ramps. Little Beach is the closest to Dutchmans Beach with heaps of parking. If heading up river use the ramp at Soldiers Point. Note that driving the boat onto the trailer at LB is not permitted. As far as I am aware there are no beach ramps in the PS area. Here is info on the ramps , http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=22250 Regards Geoff
  23. Stan Google both the names , there is a lot of info inc videos on the web that will show the difference between the two brands. Strength , I think they are similar. I have the Boatcatch. I selected BC as it was easier to fit to my boat & I preferred the catch & release mechanisium. Both units come with universal fittings & it's unlikely welding will be required. Geoff
  24. With the overseas I decided to visit friends in Perth. Caught the Indian Pacific on Saturday , arrived Tuesday . The trip included tours of Adelaide & Kalgoorlie whilst the train was being serviced. There were other stops one being at Cook in the middle of the Nullarbor. The sign reads , Population , 5 people , 2 dogs , 3 cats & 2 million flies Went crabbing in the Swan River on Thursday. Laid 10 traps then back to the first checking if any takers. We did the circuit about 5 times pulling in around 30 crabs of which most were undersize but did manage a good feed. Friday headed off shore. Managed 2 keeper Whiting , moved to the weed bed for squid but no luck. Anchored up & with the burley running soon had the fish about . With the exception of 2 good size garfish the rest were throw backs. All in all , a great time Geoff
  25. The boat belongs to Humesy (Andrew). The bucket in the photo looks like the unit but check with Andrew , I think he purchased it from Whitworths. The bait board is a brand called Baitmate. This particular unit includes a live bait tank & a drawer When installed , we included a deck wash outlet Geoff
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