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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. I heard some time ago that there was some construction work going on next to NB ramp & access was restricted , if not at the ramp then with the parking. Has any one been there recently , what is the status Tks Geoff
  2. The following may not specifically answer the question but rather provide some background information.. A year or so back I contacted the 2 fuel companies & asked the question on shelf life. The bottom line , there is no definitive answer as it is very much dependant on the container storing the fuel. Petrol stored in a sealed drum could last a year or more where as if left in the open & exposed to air it may only be a week or so. For boats , as with cars with an inbuilt tank there is exposure to the atmosphere via the breather tube. As the temp of the day increases & decreases so the fuel expands & contracts moving vapour through the breather tube. How long will fuel remain in good condition , there are so many variables , temperature , hose dia. the amount of fuel in the tank etc.. , who knows. A search on the web , Petrol shelf life , or Stale fuel damage or similar searches provides lots of sites relating to the subject. There are claims the stale fuel will damage pistons but I've not seen a post on any website saying the motor / pistons failed due to stale fuel. That's not to say it may not happen but it would be nice to see some positive evidence. I think if the fuel is really stale , the motor won't start or if it dose would run rough or struggle to reach max revs. I think the bigger issue is fuel left it carbys progressively evaporates leaving an oily film & blocking the jets. So , where does that leave us. Personally I think any fuel over 6 months old in an inbuilt tank is becoming risky , how risky , that's the $64 question Geoff
  3. Geoff

    flushing outboard

    Water should also coming out of the exaust this is either through the center on the prop or an exaust outlet on the leg. After running on the flusher for about 10 min the exaust water should be warm. If hot then the water pump could bo on it's last legs & needs replacing Geoff
  4. I went through the exercise recently , http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=54475&st=0&p=393148&hl=baitcaster&fromsearch=1entry393148 There is not too much around for $100 , good reels start around $150 & go up from there. Try the dept stores or the auction sites you may find something reasonable. Geoff
  5. Tks again for the comments. My friend has decided to purchase a 4.8 mt Ally Craft Bowrider. Geoff
  6. Geoff

    EPIRB registration

    Idolz I'm aware of the aspects you mention. My post related to Emergency contacts & when does the search actually begin , after the first pass of the satelite or the second. Geoff
  7. Cam Is there a brand name on the gauge ?? Perhaps a phone call to the supplier will tell you what bits are missing & availability of replacements. Out of interest , how long has it been since it last worked Geoff
  8. Tks guys for your comments. Looks like it is for a bow rider provided it suits your family requirments be it just cruising or a bit of fishing. Will pass the info on. Geoff
  9. A friend is looking at buying his first boat , Aluminium , 4.8 - 5.10mt in length & is , at this time leaning towards a bowrider. The boat would be used mainly for family outings , Wife & kids but also a bit of fishing from time to time. Whilst the concept is attractive , kids up the front etc , the concern is the boat may become bum heavy if all are in the cabin area & as such the bow is up in the air making visibility difficult especially in rough weather which may restrict the boat being fully on the plane. Would be interested to hear comments especially , from those with Bowriders , would you buy another one Geoff
  10. I've been a member of the BAFA club for 5 years & discovered early in the piece issues with management which came to a head in 2009 when an administrator was appointed due to financial difficulties mounting to around $550,000. This was sorted out early last year & the administrator returned control to a then newly appointed board. (not the current board) One of the things that has struck me over the years that this club , it's location & surrounding facilities is a gold mine waiting to be tapped. In essence , it is physically a large club but the membership is small & as such drawing members with club management skills to the board was very limited. This progressively became evident when the administrator was appointed It appears from the TV report that some one has now realised the potential & are planning to enhance the operation , a marina was mentioned. To gain control a new president was required . This was achieved last year when , according to the report , 350 new members joined which was sufficient to vote in the current incumbent. Where it goes from here , who knows In respect to raising fees , it is unlikely to generate additional revenue. They tried this several years ago by raising the ramp fees by nearly 100% , ramp fee revenue for the following 12 months decreased around 25% as members declined to pay the additional amount & moved to the free ramps or joined St George Motor Boat Club who have very reasonable ramp fees.. I understand current ramp fees at BAFA are $200 PA. Considering the free ramp a few hundred meters at Kyeemagh & a bit further on , Foreshore Drive there is no queuing or problems with parking at the club. Geoff
  11. Brett A shim is a thin strip of metal that , in your case , fits between the BB & the inside of the hub thereby creating a tight fit. A word of caution , be carefull which loctite you use as some are designed that once fitted they are not removeable Geoff
  12. Had a similar problem with a friends trailer. Fitted a shim between the BB & hub, problem fixed. If unable to purchase , send me a PM . I think I still have some shim material in the garage but will need to confirm Geoff
  13. I received a letter this week from ausbeacon to renew my EPIRB rego. During the renewal I was informed by ausbeacon that if my "Emergency Contact" could not be reached & there was no second contact listed then the search could be delayed until the satilite passes over again in 5 hours. The girl explained that if the beacon was activated , contact was made with my "Emergency Contact" to verify I was on the water along with my approx location. If my E.C. could not be reached & there was no second contact then nothing was done until the satellite passed over again to verify the signal. If this is the case then up to 10 hours could pass prior to any action being taken. Has any one else received similar advice. Geoff
  14. This would be a good choice as stability , when at rest , is very important. Avoid boats in the 12ft range where the bottom is not flat or near flat at the transom. Geoff
  15. Tks all for your comments & informative advice. It appears the Curado is the popular choice but Dawia Exceler worth a look. Next stop , the tackle store to see what sort of deals are available Geoff
  16. Leo Could you advise the model number. Is it the EXC100H Tks Geoff
  17. Tks guy's for your comments. Beejay The Curado is on my short list. Is yours the 200E7 or another model. What line (kg's) are you using Tks Geoff
  18. I'm looking at purchasing a baitcaster reel & seek your advice. I had one many years ago , an el chepo & spent more time undoing the birds nest on the spindle than fishing. Since then have been using spinning reels. I've had a look on the net & the options , both in brands & models is huge. Before visiting the tackle stores I would like to narrow the field with a proven product rather than having a sales person push their product of the month What I would like is something under $250 to flick small / medium luers , perhaps around 3 - 4 kg line & not end up with a mess on the reel when the lure hits the water. I understand some reels have a "sensor" that stops the reel spinning when the lure hits the water , is this correct?? Tks Geoff
  19. Roberta Have just returned home after 8 weeks in hospital , hopefully free from cancer , time will tell. In respect to your question I guess there are several ways to look at . Why do they care if you have had cancer. It is no a desise where your fine today & looking for urgent attention tomorrow. If something dose go wrong you can be home in 24 hours.. Are they suggesting that if you fall & break your arm it is cancer related. Donna makes some good points which I would follow up. If you want to be sneakey & take a minor risk answer NO to the question , how will they know the difference Geoff
  20. I think it depends on where the radio is mounted & how protected it is to salt spray or salt air. Also the frequency it is exposed , ie , tournament boats would be used frequently & most likely moored on the water so exposure is 24 / 7 compared to the trailer boat that is exposed far less frequently. So , perhaps not a bench mark to work from. Having said that , spending $350 - $450 for a radio that may have a short life span is expensive & that's one of the reasons I used auto radios. As mentioned above , none of which have failed. These can be picked up from wreckers at very little cost but for those thinking of going down that path ensure you have the pin No. & preferably the wireing diagram prior to spending any $$$$$. There are traps for young players. PM me if further info is required Geoff PS Will be off line for about 3 weeks from next Monday 22nd
  21. Steve As your aware there are heaps of radios available in the auto industry but the only marine radio I'm aware of that matches your requirments is the GME GR9220 at $ 279 or the GME GD9520 for $349. Speakers start at $55 pair. Over the past 20 years or so I've used second hand auto radios which I've collected when up grading radios in my car & never had one fail yet. Currently I have a AM / FM radio from a 1996 Holden which I had lying around after the kids gave me a new CD radio for Xmas a few years back. The speakers I picked up at Repco when the had special on for $20 / pair. So , it all depends on how much you want to spend. My current set up , alowing for some wireing & clips etc , around $30. In respect to reception I think it depends a lot on the aerial used. I understand the marine radio aerial can be used but this would need to be confirmed with the marine dealer. I use a $10 rubber aerial & it works OK but rarely go more than 8k's off shore Geoff
  22. Ring around to a few wreckers who handle Volvo , you might get lucky. When I was looking for a tow bar recently the cheapest place I found was a trailer , towbar place on Newbridge Rd Moorbank. Can't recall their name , they are a few hundred meters down from Moorbank Ave. Geoff
  23. Geoff

    Which Fuel ?

    fryboy As Steven has advised , do not use Ethonal in your motor unless Yamaha (not a dealer) say it is OK which is unlikly for your motor. Ethonal can effect the the rubbers & seals in the fuel system which will need to be replaced Ethonal also attracts water so a good quality fuel filter with a seperator should be used. Ordinary unleaded is fine but if not available then use premium Geoff
  24. Geoff

    Boat Insurance

    Dave That's a good price. Is it market value or agreed value. Market value tends to be less ecpensive. Also what is the excess $$ Geoff
  25. Geoff

    Boat Insurance

    Dave Have a scoll through these 2 post , they may answer some of your questions http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=51575 http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=52009 In addition , a full cover that includes not only the boat but all the motor. If they can't see it then they can't see what is underneath. It's less likely it would be pinched when they do not know if the boat / motor worth steeling *will i be able to get full comprehensive insurance for a boat parked on a quiet street? *what anti-theft devices would they require? These questions would be best answered by the insurance company as different companies may have different conditions or coverage. *will the insurance cover thefts such as someone nicking my battery or will there be an excess on things like that Generally speaking , yes , but the excess which can be up to $500 , so it's not worth claiming for a $150 battery *around what kind of premium should i expect to pay, My insurance is due in the next few weeks with NRMA. Based on my policy I think for $18k you would be looking in the $400 - $500 range. Mine is agreed value not market value so clarify this when speaking with the insurance company *what insurers have you guys found to be the best? Suggest you stay with the big ones as I have generally found them better to deal with when making a claim NRMA , GIO , Club Marine & Alliance Geoff
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