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Posts posted by Geoff

  1. Pekingduck

    If you like I could get one of the ones I trust to give you a call

    Tks for your offer , I will keep it in mind

    Bob. Your last post , Nov 14 touched on a No of aspects relating to investement , returns & security of funds.

    These are all very important especially if placing every last cent one has into an Allocated Pension & for some reason the wheels fall off , Eg the market crashes & suddenly you loose tens of thousands of $$$$ over night. I remember Oct 1987

    Now every one is different & branching off here on how & where to invest is another subject & will vary from person to person.

    For myself & without going into personal details I will not be placing every $$$$ into the A.P. There is money in other investements should I need a temporary fall back position.

    Also , if I mentioned the name of the fund manager (very well known with a good track record ) & how the money will be distributed by percentage & category I think most would agree that whilst it is a slightly agressive / balanced mix it is reasonably responsible & if one catagory , eg Oz shares drop then other section like cash or property will deminish ( I Hope) some of the decline

    Tks again to your continued interest & comments


  2. Hi Geoff,

    This takes us back to my first question: Do you need a financial planner?

    If you're not going to follow the advice you pay for, then why seek out and pay for advice in the first place?



    My origional post related to the cost for their service not weather or not I should follow the advice they were offering.

    I needed to find out if the cost being quoted were competitive , ie how did this compare with others in the industry.

    From research over the past week or so their costs were higher & subsequent discussions have seen them reduced in line with what I would consider industry standard.

    My comment relating to challenging their choice ( selection) of investements was perhaps "off topic"

    At this time I plan to move forward with their recomendations



  3. when you buy a new engine. the manual expect you to flush the engine, but no device is included to conect to a hose, does this sound right??

    also i was told once when you do flush your engine, and your almost done to disconnect the fuel line. so you burn up all the fuel in the engine.

    is this a good idea?

    when breaking in an engine, how important is it to vary speed and not to go flat chatt????


    Flushing device is not normally inc with a new motor. Unless you have a large tub , purchase a set of "Rabbit ears". These are available from any marine outlet , not expensive.

    Connect to the hose & slide the R.E. over the water pick down near the prop.

    Do not disconnect the fuel line. running the engin dry is not a good idea

    New engines should be not be run over 4000rpm for the first 10 hours


  4. After reading that yet another person has had a tyre blowout I realise I should get off my bum and get myself a spare wheel for my trailer. I have a Dunbier trailer with 13inch wheels with 5 studs. My question is where is the best place to get one of these from. Can I get one from Dunbier or should I go to a dealer or can I pick one up from a wreckers?

    Lasty. Most trailers are fitted with either Ford or Holden hubs. Suggest you contact Dunbier to find out which one is on your trailer as they are not interchangeable.

    You may need to have some idea when the trailer was made as Dundier may have changed from one brand to the other at some stage.

    Once you know , then the choice of purchase is your call.

    Suggest you take one of the trailer wheels when purchasing the spare to double check the stud holes line up. Finding an error when sitting on the side of the road will not be a happy experience. :1yikes:

    Also , consider purchasing a spare set of wheel bearings. Grease them up then store in the boat , in a place which is the least exposed to salt water.

    And , don't forget the wheel brace. The nuts on the traiter may be different to the tow vehicle


  5. 1. The Industry, due largely to Government pressure, has attempted to clean-up its act in recent years. Despite this, advice received is not always impartial: it can be tainted by the remuneration arrangements of the adviser.

    Bob I think this remains one of the main sticking points for the industry & comes under the heading of "Conflict of Interest".

    It is interesting to challenge F.P. on their choice of recomended investments. There are many to select from & the trick is to access what they are not saying , rather than the explenation given


  6. Bob

    1. How complex are your financial affairs:

    They are reasonably straight forward. I'm not actually using the planner to sort out what I have , more so to advise on the various investement options & if / when I am happy actually place the funds with the selected fund manages.

    In this regard you should be aware that there is currently legislation before Parliament which, if passed, will from June next year essentially exempt superannuation pensions and lump sums from tax when received from age 60.

    Yes , I am aware of this change , turned 60 last June so only 6 months before the new rules kick in

    It might be worth having a chat with a financial planner about this before making a longer-term commitment or signing any service agreement contract.

    We have discussed this

    2. Fees charged should be justified by the services provided to you. What will you receive for the fee? How will you be better off? Remember, the fee quoted is invariably a percentage of the money invested, not a percentage of the returns from the investments. This will be important when investment returns(investment growth and dividends and interest) inevitably at some future time decrease from what they currently are.

    Yep , in the fore front of my thoughts

    . Investment performance over the last four years has been very good -- well in excess of increases in the cost of living -- due largely to stunning share-market performance. This is unlikely to continue indefinitely.

    I think the rule of thumb is out of 7 years 2 negetive years & 5 positive years . But overall a positive result

    I lived through the 1987 crash , lost heaps in the short term but over all has recovered to healthy No's over the years

    For what it is worth the people I am talking with are very large in the industry , not sure if that is good or bad


  7. Tks guy's for your comments

    Pete Your comment on research is correct. Since my origional post I have been back to the planner expressing my concern on the rates & indicating rates obtained from other sources.

    A few hours later received a response advising the annual fee would be reduced from 1.6% to 1.51% , not a lot but the big one was the 1% initial establishement fee reduced to .40%.

    I have a No. of other inquiries out so still researching

    Robbie Your accountant friend has a good point. When the industry kicked off in the early 80's any one could hang out a shingle & reep a nice income from charges. There was a lot of bad taste left behind & whilst the industry has gone through a major clean up in the past 5 years there is still some mud sticking.

    Unfortunatly for many people who do not understand or have taken an active interest in their personal financial plan there are not a lot of options known to them & tend to blaze off in blind faith to a F.P.

    Understanding how the system works & who get's what for what services is important this includes what charges are on top of the table & what slides under , eg trailing commissions or commissions to the actual fund manages from the declared performance .

    There is nothing illegel about this , it is common practice across the whole industry.

    Eg Company A declares 15% investement return for the past 12 month period. Check a statement , the actual amount paid is around 13% - 14%

    It is one of the major attractions for people to to set up their own Self Managed but that is a whole differ subject

    Any way , we will keep plodding along


  8. just some clever work from a taxidermist. It was once a baboons scull.I found a whole articale about it and how he made it a while back ill see if i can find it for you guys

    I tend to agree , but someone has gone to a lot of trouble


  9. After 45 years of pushing papers around various desks I'm off to retirement land tomorrow & looking forward to some mid week fishing. :thumbup:

    Considering the weekend weather which has been pretty crappy over recent months mid week is looking good. :yahoo:

    Changing the subject , what Raiders have had experience with a Financial Planner. I have recently visited a planner & received a detailed proposal all of which is looking very promising.

    The sticking point at present is the proposed chargers , mainly in year one.

    In checking around I have received indication from other planners of around 1.6%. The company I have received the plan from want 2.55%. 1% of this is a once off charge for setting up the investements into an allocated pension.

    Now , 1% may not sound a lot but apply it to a reasonably sum of $$$$$ & it can be many thousands of dollars. Keep in mind they also receive an additional .70% for annual adminstration fee. ie 1.7% in year one then .70% of the total fund value in subsquent years.

    Would appreiciate any experience or feed back you have had in this area



  10. My old boat has a 20 inch transom and 4.3 m long - just wondering who has headed out onto open water on smaller boats. What other factors would you consider important? (no doubt the weather) I am new to boating...What advice can you give? What is the best way to learn about crossing bars and general seamanship?

    Caribet The guys have provided good information , especially with,

    Pick the correct day

    Know your boats capabilities & relialability

    The free board & design of your boat is similiar to my old Quinnie. Comparing todays 4.3 to yours is like chalk & cheese.

    The weather needs to be very good & no suprises on the horizen. Crossing a bar , forget it . the near flat bottom is not suited to climbing over breaking waves

    In respect to learning , there is a DVD available , I think from Waterways , on bar crossings. There are also DVD on boating & safety

    Another source , check the Volenteer Coastal Patrol . The hold boating courses


  11. Ref my origional post , here is a summary of the trip

    Wed , Arrived 1.30pm , 20 - 30 knot N/E :1yikes:

    Thur. Same , but managed to launch Neil's boat (he wanted to give it a run), & find a reasonable location . Picked up 2 small Flounder & 6 "just" Whiting. :thumbup:

    Friday Weather crap with scattered showers , but we did have a small window late Friday for some beach fishing , unfortunately , no result , not to worry no one else was catching any thing either

    Saturday , Rain set in around 9.00pm Friday night being pushed along with a 15 - 20 knot Southerly. Did not ease up until mid morning Sunday , just in time to pack the car. :thumbdown:

    Left 11.00am Sunday & arrived home , 2.00pm , again , in time for the rain to begin pissing down

    But , a good weekend with the guy's , lot's of wine & even got to the club for a game of snooker on Saturday

    Other than the weather , the down side being , the boat never left the trailer. not to worry , these things happen


  12. Stewy Tks for you effort & contribuation. The shape looks correct. Colour , well sort of

    But how can I argue with my name sake

    Allen, G.R. 1997. Marine Fishes of Tropical Australia and South-east Asia. Western Australian Museum. Pp. 292.


    Geoff. ( R . Allen.)

  13. " If this bow developed over time (ie was not originally like this), could it be taken out by some means?"

    Caribet Have been away for a few days hence my late reply.

    I have only heard about this problem , not actually seen an example.

    The guy I have heard speak on this problem is Rodger Huett @ Huett Marine , Cowan .

    Give him a call

    Also , have you checked the linkages to ensure you are getting full throttle. If not ,

    With the motor OFF , remove the cowling

    Select foward gear

    Push control to full throttle

    Check throttle cable / linkage in the motor to ensure it has gone all the way (or very close to ) the full throttle stop.

    If the throttle linkage is some distance from the "stop" then adjustement will be necessary.

    Note , the problem may be in the control box , not necessarly in the moror area



  14. The tinnie needs a new paint job. What do you think is the best way to get it off? I am thinking with paint stripper.....hopefully that won't react with the aluminium.

    Reference to your other post on identification , I painted the Quinnie in the photo. Sanded down the existing paint with wet & dry sandpaper until it was smooth. Most of the existing paint remained.

    Where there was bare metal , sprayed with an appropiate aluminium undercoat & then oversprayed with enamel paint.

    Came up like new


  15. I have checked it twice and it only goes that speed. Seems to struggle to get any lift at the front....doesn't seem to be a noticeable plane. Maybe could have something to do with the fact that the driver is at the front of the boat and it is very wide up there (maybe extra friction).....or again, maybe a prop type issue. I have even adjusted the trim to see if it makes a difference but it doesn't really (with that, the trim meter on the dash always says the boat is pointing down....can't get it above horizontal). I don't know so any other thoughts would be great.

    Standing up the front should not make any difference , mine was forward control.

    Could be prop. Contact Cohoe Marine at Newtown. They should be able to advise the correct prop & how to identify what you have at presant & perhaps advise on the the trim meter issue

    Also , check the keel line to see if it is straight. Some older model aluminium boats get what they call a banana shape , ie a bow in the keel. Whilst unlikely , if it does have a bow very little can be done


  16. I agree with Stewy , Dehaviland Here is a photo of a 1966 Quinnie. Note the difference in the bow shape , Dehaviland was more uplifted , also the rear , Dehaviland was tapered in the transom where as the Quinnie had a cut out section


    Regarding the speed , you may want to recheck. The Quinnie in the photo had a 30hp Tohatsu & with 2 on board could reach 45km


    I found a photo , all be it a bit blury of the Quinnie looking from the back



  17. Guy's This may be way out in left field but what do baby Dolphin fish look like.

    The head is similiar , perhaps a bit stumpy in the tail area

    Are they born green & yellow or perhaps that is the colour they change to when mature


  18. Thanks Geoff, main use would be dams and estary. May look to head to rougher waters on occassions

    Just a further thought , have you checked how the boat will sit at rest with say , 1 person up the back

    A 40 4s may be a bit on the heavy side. Have you considered a 30 4s

    As a guide , check out the Yammie web site & note the weight difference between the 30 2s / 4s & the 40 2s / 4s

    As mentioned previously my friend has a 4.6 with a 40 2s & it flys. With 2 or 3 on board rarely runs on full throttle.

    Perhaps your spending $$$$$ on unneeded HP

    Food for thought



  19. Geoff, if you read this, is there any possible way of providing a larger photo? It is most likely a Steephead Parrotfish.


    Flattieman Unfortunatly this is the only photo I have. Tried to enlarge but just became blury.

    Maybe some one who can enlarge the photo but maintain the focos would like to volenteer


  20. Looking at a 4.10 top ender with a 40hp 4 stroke

    It depends a lot on where you plan to use it , calm water , rivers , dams etc or in open water / outside

    If calm water then just about any boat will do , it gets down to personal design preferene , space , fittings , accessories you may wish to add & of course , price

    If rough or potentially rough waters then thats another story.

    A friend of mine has a 4.6 with a 40 2s & is very happy with the boat


  21. I'm wondering if Geoff"s picture of the fish is just a little overexposed and it is actually a blue colour

    all over.

    if Geoff is reading this..was it's colour predominately blue overall or a light yellowish colour overall?

    If blueish, I'd have to say Steephead Parrotfish for sure.


    Guys , Firstly tks for your interest & comments. Perhaps I should mention I have no idea what it is so keep those suggestions coming. It would be great to reach a consenious.

    Also , the fish was releasd so perhaps is still swiming around the end of the third runway.

    Pete The photo is accurate , in fact if anything it was actually a bit whiter , in particular around the head , you could say a pearly white.

    Trust this has not thrown a spanner in the works


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