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Posts posted by musty

  1. My Father in law being the generous guy he is has permanently lent me his 4.2 seahawk stacer(about 25 years old, in perfect nick, very low hours, prob less than 200), while getting the info on it, i noticed that the plate says max hp 35, but it's got a 40hp on it. I'm not going without insurance, too big a risk for me. Talked to Telwater(Stacer manufacturer ) and they can't/won't do anything. What are my options ???

    She'll be right mate, wack it on! If in doubt get a triangle brace either side of the boat from gunwhale to transom welded on and beef up the brace back down to the keel. 5hp isnt gonna make a difference and how many boat acco's do u see around the place? I dunno maybe thats just my laid back attitude.


  2. Hi does any one know if you can install electric start and or an alternator to a 2010 Suzuki 30 hp 2 stroke motor? And if so how much would this roughly cost?



    Yes you can, as my mate recently bought a new boat with an electric start 30hp 2 stroke Suzi, with alternator fitted to his battery. He got a whole BTM package though with planty of features so i wouldnt be able to tell u the specific prices on just those.

    It is easily possible though.


  3. Can't help to point out, if its off the coast of Newfoundland, that means they are Canadian...which re-enforces the fact that we have more "balls than brains." That, or we would go to many lengths to get our catch. :biggrin2:

    Ive seen that footage on utube i thought it was Iceland sumwhere. Either way i love watching video of boats in heavy weather, especially the pilot boats in category 7+ storms with 4-8m seas. They look invincible! Thats the sort of thing u wanna be in offshore!


  4. :1yikes: :1yikes: :1yikes: :1yikes: :1yikes:

    A Female Prime Minister??

    Initially news reported that it was a fait accomplis!!

    I bet the Mining Tax will be changed or scrapped!


    Hmm, news conference now Rudd says the ballot is tomorrow ..... a fore gone conclusion, perhaps??

    what difference will that make they are the same u know what with a different smell.

    Out with the lot of them!


  5. We were pulled over by the guy in the Sharkcat & we were also quized about the social when he noticed our name badges.

    I to have a lot of time for Maritime but this guy was a bit over the top.

    For something that should have taken a few minuits we were there for 10 min or more.

    He just went on & on about the infrigment.

    I got the feeling he was waiting for me to become agro or back answer to give him an excuse to pull out his book.

    The message here is , if pulled over be polite , don't challenge there questions or comments & unless there is a major infrigment , ther is a good chance to be let off with a warning.

    Any way , all ended well & the day was not spoiled by copping a fine


    The Sans Souci NSW Maratime guys and girls are champions. The area they have to cover and with the demographics involved i think they do a great job and if anything they might be a little UNDER staffed. They have their blitzes and daily patrols and static patrols but there is far too many clowns on the river esp during summer. These guys look out for safety and usually prefer to warn and educate people rather than issue fines.

    In the 1st few years i owned a boat on the river i was checked on most occassions when spotted and even warned for a few minor issues. These guys and girls are courteous enough to slow down and give u a friendly wave if they know ur fishing and once they recognise ur boat or know ur face.

    Ive encountered the gentleman on the jet ski once while fishing with Rizzo and wish i could say the same for him.


  6. All fishraiders

    Today is the Winter Solstice :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

    Days now will get longer and start to get warmer.

    I'm trying to think positive here :wacko: with the cold weather.

    Yeah and I know the August westerlies are yet to come. :mad3::mad3:

    But another 2 months and Woo Hoo back to some survivable weather.

    As Peter S as said of himself, I'm now a fair weather fisherman,

    Bring on the daylight.


    Trapper Tom

    Mate, so far, I wouldnt even call this cold! I still feel like we are in the lead up to winter as i froze last year and the year before. This years been quite good. The day times definetly still warm! mornings a little nippy..

    Beats being on the water in 38 dregrees with jetski's zooming past between u and the shoreline 25 metres away while there is 150m of river behind you, as if to say "look at me look at me" meanwhile u dont give a rats.... hahaha

    Nevertheless i always agree with keeping positive!


  7. I hate to burst bubbles..and welcome to fish raider! But this new member may need to alter his site name me thinks??!! a little to close to yours truly perhaps?


    EXACTLY what i 1st thought.. and very interesting looking fish


  8. Hi raiders, anyone have any experience with omoto reels?

    I havnt heard of that name for years! Pretty sure I seen them like 10 years ago they were worth like $40 a pop from memory. Cheap and nasty?

  9. yeah bearings are so easy to do almost foolproof..and as long as I said before that you have the right tyres for your size boat.. the rest is easy.. just general maintance and keeping your eye open...not much more can go wrong other than bearings and electrics.. anything else is just one of those things, that you have to look for..

    I agree totally with everything yarraone has said.

    Trailers ARE the simplest of mechanics and u only have to watch somebody do it it once and u'll be away. I have Bloopin to thank for my knowledge and really, its not hard. Routine maintenance and checks, keep an eye out and listen for unusual noises etc while towing and you will soon realise when and what needs attention.


  10. Hi raiders,

    I was just looking at fish finders from bcf.

    I came across this finder Furuno LS 4100 Fishfinder - No Transducer


    I am just wondering how does this model work if their is no transducer, bacause the only reason i havn't bought one yet is that i am worried about drilling my transom.


    It doesnt work without a transducer. Thats why its so cheap. Other boating supply shops sell that model for over $400 WITH the transducer. Obviously those blokes sell it separatley. It definetly needs a transducer, an Airmar P66 infact. I know coz i have that same model sounder on my boat- drilled into the transom even :)


  11. Bummer to hear about the fone!

    Dont bother going there on a king tide mate u'll be paddling like the Solo man trying to hold position and u'll need a third arm to hold ur rod with!

    Good to see u out on the water once again.

    Wait till this water clears upstream im going to record u being towed around by a stinky jewfish in that yak of urs!


  12. Iam really glad we changed our minds.

    Forecast 20-25 s/w winds.

    At the moment it would be the best part of 30knt south easter.

    willy weather the only one to get it right.

    cheers Rick.

    Willy Weather are champions, I dont even bother with BOM anymore.

  13. There is a ramp at the boatshead off Carinya Rd Picnic Point. If I recall correctly there is a ramp fee involved but how secure it is at night is another question.

    Finding a location with good lighting would be an advantagage , trailer wheel clamps would be another idea to consider.


    Great ramp, its my 2nd home when im not at work but be warned... Ive TWICE had scumbags attempt to steal my trailer from there wen doing late night jew sessions back when i used to bait fish. Even with a trailer lock on the towball, scumbags undid the plug and split pin and tried to remove the entire towball attachment which feeds into the towing frame. Only because my car has a tight pin in the fitting and a sensitive car alarm which reacts to vibrations did they leave it alone. I figured being close to homes it would be safe but obviously not. So watch out mate

    I also know of a bloke who got a boat and trailer knocked off WITH wheel clamp. What a sorry state of affairs...


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