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Posts posted by musty

  1. I had a Humminbird sounder on my Brooker. Terminated the power wires off the humminbird with the little square connectors that slot over the battery terminals (see web site picture) simple and effective. I would troll and cast ALL day when in Darwin and the battery would last 2 days.

    You can also buy a small charger, that simply charges the battery, no cycling etc. It just plugs into the wall outlet and already has the square connectors on it.

    They are fairly small and relatively light for there size, a LOT more useful than a deep cycle battery. If you were going to mount an stern mount electric (as some guys do on canoes) then a bigger battery would be the go.

    Regarding the boat setup, my cranking battery is only charged from the boat alternator. It powers the engine (obviously) on startup, lights, electric trim and sounder. I thought about a VSR, but have read that most outboards under 100hp are not effective in charging large deep cycle batteries, due to small alternators and output.

    After each fishing trip, I just plug in the external charger, firstly for the deep cycle and every now and then for the smaller cranking battery, to keep it "fresh".

    My engine supposedly has one of the largest alternators on the market for its size, 17 a/h. Maybe a VSR would be a good idea??



    Mate from everything my boat mechanics told me a VSR would be a great idea even for yours. Previously I only had a 15hp and they recommended not bothering with it as it wouldnt put enough amps out to make any difference but once i upgraded to the 25hp they said it was possible, but ideally they said over 30-40hp would be better.

    I find it does make a difference, especially if i do long runs on the outboard and shorter bursts on the leccy, although mostly it works the other way around. I dont consider it a battery charging system. Moreso like a bit of a trickle charge. Other people i have seen like to wack a small solar panel on board, I guess it all helps.

    But your right, mine gets charged via smart charger at home after almost every trip anyway.


  2. Hi all

    I found a few good sots for fishing for blackfish off cliffs - comfortable and safe fishing in any sea. Trouble is, how to get the fish up? I've been using 9lb line straight through (normally use 6lb trace, but not needed these spots). Anyway, my question is, does anyone fish for blackfish off cliffs and if so, how do you get the fish up? Gaffs? Nets? It's an odd arrangement as you normally need light light to hook them, but heavy line to lift them!



    Go 10-12lb leader and just winch them straight up mate. U might lose a couple but u'll be right!


  3. Have to agree with Darkhorse there I use one of those batteries to power the sounder in my boat and have done for quite a few years Think Im up to my third battery in around ten years

    That reminds me... When I originally bought my boat the gentleman who wired up the electrics had it all wired to the same battery you buy for $20 or so and use with the prawning light. It powered my sounder and lights and only ever died on me during extended night time bait fishing sessions.

    Im greatfull for the delkor deep cycle wired up to the alternator though im never going back! :074:

    But its a good point. I guess a sounder alone needs very little power to operate so those batteries are looking the goods. THANKS GUYS!


  4. G'Day Musty,

    Back in the old days in Darwin, I used a 7 amp/hour sealed lead acid battery from dick smiths. Worked a treat. Small sounders/plotters dont draw a great deal. Only small battery, dark blue in colour. About $35 if I remember as I recently purchased one for my house alarm.

    Here is a link:


    Obviously you can buy a higher amp/hour version.



    Thanks Rob. I will have a look tomorrow.

    Speak soon mate,


  5. Awesome wild river basses! :thumbup:

    Wenever i fish this stretch of waterway its 50 fingerlings to 1 photo or measure stick worthy fish but u know what, sumthing about being away from all the jet skis and weekend warriors casting lures in calm water. Its an awesome way to spend an afternoon

    Well done lads


  6. Hi Raiders,

    I was wondering what kind of battery any of you yak fisherman use or have seen used to power the fish finder only.

    Ive got it all wired up and terminated just need a battery to hook into. I was thinking something small such as a sealed 12Ah even will be sufficient. I'd rather not be lugging around a big heavy battery.

    What are your thoughts/ experiences?


  7. hi guys i was just thinking i have had my battery for a long time never missed a beat never had to charge it even after winter.i was shocked when i looked at the sticker.month=may year=2002 battery is a super charge gold cacium mrv70 cca 720,is this normal :biggrin2:

    My Delkor deep cycle has been 4 years and still going strong running a 55lb thrust bowmount, sounder, lights, and bilge.

    I get 2 decent sessions out of it before i need to charge it up but generally it gets topped up after every outing, but also recieves charge via the outboard.


  8. Going for a drive + a quick LB sesh at Wisemans and around...Conditions not looking promising with thunderstorm forecast though :/ .. any last minute tips?

    Wish me luck! :D

    Conditions are looking great mate as long as the wind behaves its self. Water may be a little discoloured up there still but dont see why the fishing shouldnt be good.



  9. Thanks for the quick replys.

    Huey, the bloke said he bought it from the country and it only had low hours on it when he got it. I don't know but it doesn't seem right to me, the price is okay i guess, but i wouldn't trust it, i'll keep looking, better to be safe then sorry, thanks mate. :)

    Maybe the meter has clocked it already and its the 2nd time around!


  10. Tell me about it :1badmood: ! I will probably hang these in my room for deco and use the cheaper ones i got as they dont hurt the wallet that much when the LJ are on the chew. :1prop:

    Start off with a couple of el-cheapo's until ur sure the jackets arnt around then whip out the new arsenal! :thumbup:

    Goodluck mate!


  11. Hi all

    How do you de-bone and prepare Garfish to eat????

    any info would be greatly appreciated :biggrin2:

    Being from a mediteranian background we were brought up eating small fish such as herring, sardines, garfish etc, i find the best way is to simply fry them up whole till they are nice and crispy and the meat basically just comes clean off the bones otherwise if they are very small they get eaten whole bones and all!

    I would imagine deboning garfish would be very much like filleting any other fish although you could butterfly it width ways if u want to keep both fillets joined. These days I only eat fish that i catch and i rarely catch garfish, when i do its only a few and they are awesome kingy candy so they never make it to my fry pan. Great tasting fish though i must admit!


  12. What is the weirdest thing you have caught in your crab trap.Had a mate who is camping at patonga for the weekend and he put some crab traps in out the front of patonga yesterday afternoon he is pulling one in and low and behold there is a 80cm cobia curled up in the trap.

    Much better catch then some crabs anyway I suppose that is why the fish is so mysterious they just turn up whenever and wherever they feel.

    A 2 meter long pike eel with fangs bigger than my little jack russells canines, and girth as big as my arms! Had obviously gone in then done the death rolls and had muzzled its self good and proper around the jaws and gills. I also had a crab in there, Not wanting to deal with it all out there as i was ready to leave i brought the mess home eel included. Got MASSIVE amounts of clean white meat from the eel but it was one of the most tastless and boney fish i have ever attempted to eat! Never again


  13. there is a saying that there is good lures and there is old lures.

    i reckon this lure is well over 10 years old and its been everywhere, hasnt been used much but its been to 4 states, pacific and indian oceans coral and arafura seas and inland aswell.

    i think it has 1 small (foul hooked) queenfish to its name.

    post-1192-026061700 1290143013_thumb.jpg

    whats the oldest thing in your tackle box.

    Mate you can work wonders on old crappy looking lures simply by changing trebles and split rings.

    Ive got some old manns stretch+ lures i think thats about as old as my stuff goes as i only ever spun metals prior retiring from my "baito" career about 7 years ago.

    Actually i think i might even have some Mr Twisters and wonder wobblers laying around!

    My mate Rizzo loves the old skool lures and has a mini museum of proven lures in his stash he still regulary catches fish on!


  14. Gday raiders,

    I had a made that was over HK jus recently and he had ask me if i would like anything from there. In the back of my mind i remember a fella from this site had posted his shopping venture around there so i did a search found the info i needed and email them to my freind and this is what he brought back for me :thumbup:

    Now where to put them into good use???

    The sydney Leatherjacket population is gonna LOVE you! :074:


  15. Awesome report mate! I got my 1st yak a couple of months ago now infact its a Prowler 15 in the exact same colour as yours, built for that style of kayak fishing unfortunatley i havnt had a chance to take it anywhere apart from the river.

    Havnt hooked anything that big off it yet im sure it was great fun. I'm gonna get out there this summer for sure!

    Congrats on the top catch. :thumbup:


  16. Thank you ALL for your kind replies and for all your help and encouragement!

    I am not very happy with the Squidgy heads. As mentioned by Musty, the little wire keeper kept ripping the plastic and then they would just slide down the hook effectively ruining the plastic.

    Will look at getting some TT heads instead. What head weight do you suggest? What about the Nitro heads by Berkley?

    Will also need to get some more killer tomato squidgy fish as well, thanks Musty :biggrin2:

    Bloopin, it was the positions that you told/shared with me that had me hooking up today, especially my PB, so a big thanks to you :yahoo:

    Looking forward now to bettering my PB and getting a bream or two on soft plastics.



    For flatty or general plastics fishing off the flats a 1/8th, 1/6th, or even 1/4 ounce jig head in a size to suit your selected plastic will do the job fine. Flathead arnt very finnacky and niether are trevally, flounder, tailor ot the odd salmon or king that can occassionally zip past and grab your plastic while waking you up good and proper for the morning! The bream will require a little more finesse though in most conditions.

    While your at it get yourself some pumkinseed turtleback worms, dont be put off by their length bream love them and flatty's take anything anyway so you will cover more bases :thumbup: 1/6th ounce TT in a 2/0H suits them perfectly.



  17. Ps, Try and get some TT jig heads mate, they are a little more pricey than your average jig head but i guarantee they will never open up like the one in the pic..


    Exactly what I was going to tell you the next time we catch up Rob!

    I started off using those squidgy brand heads and got turned off really quick when i found that the little keeper hook tears the pastic up or even off when wacked. Also on larger fish i found they very often opened up.

    TT's are the only jig heads i will use and go the heavy gauge ones denoted by a "H" after the hook size.

    Well done on the PB mate thats only a taste of things to come!


  18. Im happy to take you rock fishing some time mate although im busy the next couple of weekends :thumbdown:

    If your inexperienced I would be very mindful of fishing off the rocks, especially on your own.

    Make sure you tell people exactly where you will be fishing and what time you plan to be back, wearing an inflatable PFD is a great idea and NEVER turn your back on the sea.

    Good luck!


  19. + 1 for Musty suggestion- there is no point in getting a specific rod for unweighted pillies... BUT...

    I wouldnt go anything below 10 foot for any casting type application esp from the ocean rocks, and I wouldnt go above 13 foot.

    I would get a rod in either 5-8kg or 8-12kg and use a 7000 or bigger reel (for capacity) and load up with 30lb braid with mono backing.

    Brands like Wilson, Silstar, Shimano and even UglyStiks are great casting rods in the longer versions, and make good spin rods aswell if you are so inclined to have a go @ chucking lures around...

    Musty mentioned the "8 wrap snyder glass" rod... well I have one and they are designed to be used with Alvey's, they're heavy but cast a mile without a doubt and are tough as nails, matched to a 600 series Alvey they are hard to beat for toughness and relibaility... so easy to maintain... beat overheads hands down and outcasts most spin gear.

    Good luck with the search


    Just further to Anthony's info on the 8 wrap Snyder Glass rod. These do come in varying types and those designed for Alvey reels are quite common. Typically they have a shorter butt section, i.e the reel seet is sitting closer to the end of the rod. Mine however is designed for a spinning reel and has a more conventional butt length. Alot of stores that do rod building will often build these rods and can be purhcased for between $140-$220 depending on hardware/fittings etc.

    Maybe have a look at a 7 wrap snyder instead. Atleast when your not casting your unweighted pilchards off the rocks they also make an awesome whiting/bream rod off the beaches.

    Good luck!


  20. This came over the side while fishing the small reef of Lion island. Any ideas?

    You can see the small gill at the start of the slender head and the mouth is very small with no teeth that we could see.

    Reminds me of an aardvark for sum reason! LOL

    Ive caught some wierd and wonderful things in my time... THAT Sir i have never seen.

    thanks for the pics and look forward to hearing about what it could be.


  21. another vote for lanox or inox.

    Inox if u need plain old lubrication which can withstand the elements and saltwater better than most popular lubricant sprays, Lanox if u want a thicker longer lasting protective coating layer. For parts which are submergable or always being sprayed both will need regular applying, but lanox seems to be the thicker of the two, both are at top of the class for marine applications as mentioned!


  22. What should I look for in a rod for casting unweighted pillies. I will be casting them off rock platforms mostly. What sort of properties in a rod make this sort of style of fishing easier?

    Been casting bobby corks and pillies for years, thought i'd give this a try :D

    Personally mate, and this is just MY opinion... I wouldnt go outlaying money on a specific rod just for casting out unweighted pilchards off the rocks. It IS a very successfull way to catch fish at times but i've found its main success is on tailor and salmon, the same species u can catch with the bobby cork and sinker.

    That being said if im feeling lazy or having a coffee, break between spinning etc i might cast out an unwieghted pilchard on gangs or snelled hooks. If I do that i'll do it off whatever rod i've got on hand which is either my custom built ifish 9ft rock/spin, 8ft powertip, or 8 wrap snyder glass beach rod @ 12ft.

    A lighter rod will obviously get u a further cast within reason, however u dont want to go TOO light and risk losing that big fish that can often come while fishing off the rocks. If u do wanna chase up a rod for this sort of thing i reccomend a "fast action" rod, of about 9 or 10 foot. I really wouldnt bother fishing anything less than 20lb off the rocks and even then most kingies will laugh at that! I learnt it the hard way before i had internet and forums with helpful and like minded people lol


  23. Thats insane!

    Was that some sort of join/weld there previously do you think, even if it was unbeknown to you?

    You not wrong about serious metal fatigue but even still, Why has it broken off so neat and tidy and from that one spot?

    As far as i was aware drilling or welding to ANY part of the structural frame of the chasis was a no no and in particular the coupling section which specifically says do not weld of drill into it.

    Im glad that you and the family were not hurt mate! Good thing it happened when it did and not on a freeway!

    Goodluck with it.


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