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Posts posted by musty

  1. Thats a great catch mate you did better than me on sunday I was having a barry crocker!

    The belting hangover and sun beaming down on me wasnt helping either.

    Where you in a group with a couple of other yakkers or on your own? Was a busy day on the water and its only gonna get busier the next 4-6 months!

    See you on the water


  2. Good to see you had a bit of fun. Spewin i couldnt make it but fishing wise i suppose i didnt miss out on too much but shame i missed out on the non stop laughs and good times i know we would of had as usual! :ranting2: I was only catching the same size species and fish around Towra and Woolaware when i did manage to sneak out. No bigguns tho :thumbdown:

    Atleast u didnt have to yak it all day every day. Keen to see Baz's new boat too should be a heavy duty weapon!


  3. Mate my trailer is dunked into saltwater at LEAST once a week. I have bearing buddies on. Don't be removing the dust caps when u launch. Dunk the wheels retrieve and give the entire hub and axle a good blast with the hose when at home. Every 4-6 months pump the bearings full of a good quality grease via the grease nipple.

    I have mates that change their bearing once every 12 months regardless, just to be on the safe side however i myself wait a little longer.


  4. Cheers Musty

    Shows how much i have taken it out... ever since i bought it noting but rain, :1badmood:

    I have a Mariner super 15hp for the back, i welded up a bracket for the electric motor to sit on the front and also one for the rear i can post up a picture if you like.

    i would like to do a range of fishing salt, and fresh and catch a feed of mud crabs to if there is some about. i hate buying bait from the shop haha keen on catching it fresh. Squid nippers poddys, yeah but if there is some places around like that please let me no, yeah to right about gods country!


    Squid, nippers and poddies can all be found in Port Hacking. Poddy's can be found just about anywhere in the Georges River and squid in most places holding kelp in the lower section of Sydney Harbour. Yellowtail can be found in most areas before it becomes brackish. Goodluck



    Haha Im good thanks mate...Thanks for the welcome. Where are you from mate and what do you like chasin?

    Im from sydney, and i like chasing heaps of things!

    Girls, my nephews in the backyard, my jack russell terrier... etc! :074: lol

    On a more serious note, I like chasing jews, bream, flatties, marlin, tuna

    Im easy mate :icon_peace:


  5. thanks for the info guys. I can buy on from america for around 375 US with transducer which i think is pretty cheap or i theres on one online shop so ill see what happens.

    Musty if i do get one if possible would u e able to pass on some tips and what not...



    Yeh mate I would be mindfull about trying to go around the back door and getting it imported from the states or whatever. That price for $375 is $5 less than what i paid here in Sydney 2 years ago on special just prior to christmas.

    Wen u get it from overseas Furuno Australia wont want to touch any warranty claim for a start and rightly so, and considering its only $100 more even now while its not on special i think its not a lot of money when u factor in piece of mind and after sales service, even knowing that it will all be perfect when it comes out of the box and if not its only a short drive back to the store u bought it from for an exchange.

    Having said that its each to their own.

    It wouldnt hurt to ask Huey for a price- i've only ever heard good things about his service and prices so it would be wise me thinks.

    If you do buy one regardless of where and want some detailed information on tuning it for best performance im happy to help you out.


  6. Hi Raiders

    I couldnt stand the old lady complaining about the yak being in her way in the rumpus room,every day for the last 3 months so i finally hanged it up to the garage ceiling slab.Got the idea from another site and it worked a treat here is the finished product

    All items were brought from bunnings(had to visit 3 stores to get everything so frustrating).

    Best thing about it,drive the car in drop it down onto the roof racks strap it and ur away,too EASY!!

    post-10704-010359700 1289309148_thumb.jpg will load more pics when ive figured the resizing issue out.

    That looks good, but just check the storage instructions for the Hobie. I know with my Ocean Kayak they instruct not to store it in that way as they can warp or twist slightly over time with changes in temperature. Mine is specified only to be stored on edge since the cockpit area is built with most rigidity and its overall width makes it less likely to warp.

    Apart from that its a top little idea!

    Kayak in the rumpus room! :thumbup: ha ha ha


  7. Hi Guys,

    im looking at getting a Furuno LS4100 fishfinder and was wondering if anyone has used them before?

    i was in BCF to have a look at the unit and it seemed really dim... im not sure if it was just the setting.. any advice would be great!


    Im the same as Mick. Got an LS-4100 in the boat and a Lowrance x67c on the kayak.

    The Furuno was the best greyscale sounder I could find at the time and I dare say probably still is since the trend nowadays is to go colour. The LS-4100 can be a very powerful sounder with heaps of detail if you know how to work it correctly.

    I was kindly given some documents with hints and tips for this sounder by a fellow raider a while ago and have never looked back since. I can sound out schools of fish such as estuary perch, bait school, bream, and individual fish such as kings or jews.

    The key is to get it out of auto mode, switch to manual then analyse the hell out of what u see... After a while it becomes quite obvious when your on hard bottom, soft, over weed, etc.

    They do seem a little pricey IMO but are sometimes on special. The major boating shop has a big catalogue which comes out a few times a year I think and if you keep your eye's peeled you may find it for $100 less than what it normally retails for.

    I did, and it was this time of year roughly so I bought myself a christmas present! Thats what you got to do when u have no mates :074:


  8. Gday Raiders

    This is my first post on the forums, i have recently moved to Sydney "carlingford area" from coffs harbour, i had done plenty of fishing up there from the canoe chasing bass to in my old mans quintrex chasing mackerel, but it was time for me to leave the nest and here i am, i have recently bought a boat and spent my weekends getting her ready, i would like some advice on areas to fish at and whats available. i have attached a few before and after shots of my boat, cheers.

    Let me know what species your after and I will give you a suggestion for each.

    For now, I'm not 100% certain because I've only ever seen transom mount leccy's utilised off the bow as yours but it seems to me that you may have to loosen and rotate the head 180 degrees?

    Otherwise your reaching out past the bow in order to steer while moving forward.

    Great lookin set up though you've done a good job!

    Welcome to Sydney aswell, although im buggered if I know why you would leave god's coutry for this rat race! :074:


  9. hi

    i'm new to this so i don't really know much on bag and size limits and i usually go to the government site for reference

    the only problem is that they don't have a lot of fishes there and don't really know what is legal and not

    are there any other sites or places you can refer to for these for NSW?


    If its not on the list then i believe there is no size limit and a total number of 20 per person (or something along those lines dont take my word for it). There is a fine print to the side or bottom of most bag and size limit lists i have seen which refer to "all other".


  10. They dont call boats "a hole in the water you throw your money into" for no reason! ha ha ha :074:

    Looks good though, if it brings u good times its money well spent i say. Good job!


  11. Dear disgusting wind & rain,

    Would you kindly #*+#* go away and get lost somehwere in the northern hemisphere as I would really like to go fishing.

    Thank you.

    C'mon mate find a nice place out of the wind, a bit of rain never hurt anyone! :wacko:


  12. Hi everyone...some of yu may have read my last report were i sadly lost my anchor lol...

    Need to buy a new anchor so we can get back out there.

    does anyhone know any good places to buy anchor rope and chain and what anchor do you recommend for a 20 ft boat?

    about what price range are we looking at?


    Losing an anchor isnt that big a deal, sadly it can become expensive if it happens frequently.

    Any of the marine/boating shops around town will have a large range, as will decent marina's.

    Basic anchor and 50m rope for that size boat should be under $150, unless you want sumthing a little better such as a sarca or another brand/style.

    Ive been lucky in that ive caught 2 anchors in the river lost by others, and only lost 1 of my own over the years. Having said that an anchor, chain, rope setup for a 4m tinnie works out well under $100.

    As a hint for future, if ur using the convetional type sand anchor, don't use the back hole on the main arm to D-shackle the chain to. Drill a hole on the flat plat near the anchor head if it hasnt already got one and D-shackle the chain to that. Then cable tie the chain with 3-4 thick cable ties back to the hole on the anchor arm. The idea is if its ever wedged under a rock or snagged, when u drive forward with a bit of power the cable ties will break allowing the anchor to be pulled out via the chain directly from in front the head rather than by the bar which is acting as a fulcrum.


  13. can anyone recommend any specific brand of braid for this setup?

    im planning on running 40lbs as i already have 20lbs on my light spinning setup as i want this to be my heavier setup

    30lb Power pro mate.Or spiderwire.

    Great setup its gonna be, u'll be hooking bonnies, kings, salmon and hopefully tuna in no time!

    Im replacing my old TSS-4 and will have a very similar combo to u. Love spinning off the rocks i can do it for hours off a good ledge.


  14. G'day Musty

    We covered a lot of territory out there for very little result considering the loss of rigs and sinkers. Most of the time we were in 45m-65m. We did venture out wider to a depth of about 85m, but only found jackets and small nannygai. I suppose we were about 3-5km out.



    Thats not out of range for the small blacks when they are in full swing. We've caught them in that range and last year i seen one cruising 150m north of Jibbon bommie! Better luck next time and thats for the reply


  15. Hi Everybody,

    i'm in the market soon for a setup for spinning lures, hard body lures and poppers.

    ATM i have my eye on the Daiwa Saltist, they have two models 4500 and 6500 would the 4500 be better for what i wanna do? main fish i will be targeting are kingies and what ever takes my lures n etc.

    Also can someone recommend me a rod aswell as im not sure what rod and size to get, budget would be $100 - $300 the cheaper the better but if it's within my budget im happy.

    any help would be appreciated.

    cheers Daniel

    I was just looking at the saltist a few days ago and thinking i would replace my old set up with that soon. At the moment i spin with an old TSS4 Speedmaster. Its got sentimental value really but were the best back in their time.

    With the saltist it really depends on the size of ur rod. Ideally u want the smaller model as you would know sumtimes u'll be casting away for HOURS on end.

    For good cheap off the rack rods have a look at the old Silstar PowerTip models if they are around otherwise up the budget a tiny bit and find sumthing like a Wilson live fibre


  16. I know its not a thread about anchors but how about this one... I anchored once with my normally oversized anchor and found i was slowly drifting... Pulled up the rope to re-anchor and its GONE... chains still there but D shackle and anchor has done the harry holt...

    Only a couple days ago i tried to open the D shackle and couldnt coz it was siezed...


    Having said that they are $35 worth of metal i lose more in lures on a bad day out!

    Inconsiderate mongrels are a bummer though thats being polite lol


  17. Trung mate ur report and pics have inspired me to get back out there and fish hard!

    Ive been quite lazy lately after burning the candle at both ends for the last 2 months with night shift work and mornings on the river fishing...

    Love this time of year! No freezing ur ass off and no sweating like a tomatoe and cheese sanga out on the water!

    Great catches there mate and very tasty feeds to be had.

    Hope to see you out there!


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