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Posts posted by Trouble

  1. Yeah jewie came right into my mind when i brough the little one in, but i didnt have a rod of suitable size to throw it out with..i ended up freezing it whole and all the heads for next time when i want to encounter mr mulloway.. :thumbup:

  2. Headed down for a fish this afternoon on the hawkesbury somewhere :1prop: and wasnt to successful with the fish so decided to put on a squid jig, 40 mins after dusk and came up with the goods..Ended up catching 5 within around an hour and had a bit of fun at the same time..defiently plenty about with a few others spotted but they where not interested..not complaining though as now i have some quality bait and food to get into.. :thumbup::biggrin2:



  3. Sounds liek a godd little session, did you stay in the same place or move locations at all?


    Yeah there was no need to change locations as the action was preety constant.. i just kept aiming for where the whitewash met the cleaner water and it seemed to be right..

    As for the location it has been said a few times in the replies.. :1prop:


  4. nice work mate...

    how you fish for em? you use a float? what bait/lures etc coz i wanna start some rockin  :1punk:


    Tailor and salmon are found both on the surface and bottom and if there gonna be there you are going to get them both ways for sure but Today i just fished on the bottom mainly because there was a few other lines in the water and its a bit of hasle when you got a float bobbing everywhere across lines etc..pilchards are the go :thumbup:

    If i had the choice i would been throwing a few chrome lures at them but yeah a few to many other anglers about...


  5. Thought i would give the rocks ago after watching a few blokes pull in a fair few hefty salmon yesturday morning while having a surf, so i thought it would be my turn today and organised to go down with a buddy this morning..Got down to the rocks around 10am(very late start) and the fish where allready on the bite with every cast being a tailor or a loss of bait...

    Also managed to land an averaged size salmon which gave me a bit of curry for a while which was good fun.. :thumbup:

    There was also another salmon caught after mine that i reckon would of gone a easy 4kg, very healthy looking..

    Ended up with around 9 tailor - biggest around 45cms

    1 salmon

    Top little morning.. :thumbup:

    haha just had a look at the photo's, ill try and smile next time i get one.. i allmost look unhappy.. :1prop:



  6. i have been meaning to head up there this year but just havent had time due other commiments and $$$..i have relatives who live 15 mins outside of airlie beach who we visited 2yrs back around august and there was an abundance of surface action around shute harbourl but didnt have any fishing gear with us but all this talk of backpacker talk is making it sound all more inviting to head back up and i just happen to still be in my youth.. :1naughty: looks like better start saving.. :1prop:

  7. Had a fish on the harbour early this morning off one of the more known whalfs for a few hrs to try and catch a few trevs.They where quite for a while but i persisted with a bit burley and ended up having a fun little seshion..Was using ultra light bream gear and found my self running around the jetty trying to steer them into clear water which worked a charm sometimes and other times the more grief you gave them they gave twice as much back..

    Got busted up once, pulled the hook trying to a redirect the fish and a bloody corment(bird that can swim real well under water at pace) :ranting2: stole one aswell.. All fish where around the 35-38cm range :thumbup:

    The tally ended up like so...

    Me 2

    Trevs 2

    Cormet 1

    Also was preety cool watching a few of the navy boats heading out through the heads..

    Sorry didnt take any pics of the fish(lazyness) :ranting2: but took a few of one of the Large vessels on the move..




  8. :risata::risata::risata::risata:

    Great joke mate !!!

    Oh you where being serious :1prop: !!

    A staff members at the my local fishing shop reckons him and his mates have been getting a few now an then but he is bloody secretive person about it all..lol

    kinda makes you think he isnt..

  9. The usual fish that i find gang hooks in the stomach are salmon,tailor flatties and they have been of good size fish so yeah dont think it affects them too much but off course there is allway going be fish that you catch that arent going to survive for much longer..this topic also brings up the question, should we use chemically sharpened hooks or hooks that are able to rust away in a few months time.. ^_^

  10. Cheers grant,

    Interesting method for the surf and obvisouly a good one as thats a bloody good strike rate.. :thumbup:

    Was going to head down tonite and have a go but still got the flu so thinking of heading down friday or saturday..catch a few mullet and pin them through the nose and throw them about for a while.. :thumbup:

    get back to you tommorow.. :thumbup:


  11. Might have a look after work if i get time this arvo as im heading down that way if not ill have a look tommorow morning and post the status of it at midday.. :thumbup:

    If you dont mind me asking, what type of lures did you spin them up on?



    Two very good looking fish.. :1clap:


  12. Yeah as bluecod mentioned its usually nature that makes the tidal flow happen but council usually give it that extra touch along to strengthin the flow and the from there on it usually widens up real easy and fast..

    Quite keen to hit it around mon - tues night but tides are not looking all that inviting but in saying that with the amount of bait that would get flushed you would think something would be lurking the entrance for sure..

  13. Yeah nth palmy has some of the deepest gutters i have seen in a while, i thought i would investigate the depth of the gutter while i was having a surf there a week ago and it was double over head on the mid tide in the front gutter.. so it looks promising.. :thumbup: It is a fair hike for most sydney siders but i guess if you make the effort it will paysoff sooner or later..

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