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Everything posted by jewnut

  1. jewnut

    80cm King

    a fantail as a size reference, whats next...a gas heater on a hairtail social
  2. jewnut

    80cm King

    way to go big fella thats a beaut king from the harbour, not quite the same without your trademark report to go with it
  3. Rapala CD's are the go, a CD 9 would be a good size. Or you could always try sluggos.
  4. jewnut

    Pb Jew

    top fish Dan, especially fishing solo and a new fishraider record for the taking...get that pic in the records section champ ...gives me a bigger target to break
  5. steve, i am in the same boat as you mate...only worse i have seriously spent the last 7 years trying to score my first big jew. I have no problems at all getting the school fish but to date my biggest is only 10 kgs. To say im frustrated is an understatement. i have had friends in my boat, on their boat, next to me on charters or just boats anchored next to me score fish over 50 pounds and it breaks my heart. I know im doing everything right but i think i may have a hoodoo on me or something...i feel your pain mate one day....just maybe... btw, ripper fish Dan, congrats on breaking your duck
  6. squid can be caught up the ends of most of the bays in the Cowan system as well as in Pittwater. the convenience store in Brooklyn (next to the pub) sell squid that have been frozen fresh and will score fish so dont be too concerned about getting live squid. as for rigs, i use a two hook rig ranging from 6/0's to 10/0's depending on the size of the bait. do yourself a favour and take up Jewel's sugestion and grab a copy of Jewfish Secrets from most tackle stores. it has everything youll need to know and will be much easier for you to follow and learn as you can see the rigs, how to bait up properly etc and its made by Greg Joyes who is the guru when it comes to Jew.
  7. Jocool had a post in the boating section a little while back, got plenty of responses and may help you.
  8. if its jewies you want they are definately around at the moment. I have had some great sessions on the schoolies at the road bridge. Get your boat in about 35-40 ft of water and fish back to the pylons with the tide, i.e runout-anchor upstream of bridge and fish back to it and vice versa on the run in. I like to anchor in line with the end of the beach(bridge side) on the upstream side on a small run out. If its big jew you want you could try to join the masses that will no doubt be at Juno. As for bait, you must use FRESH squid(or live of course) as well as fresh slabs of fish(tailor, mullet etc) but you cant go past squid. Best of luck.
  9. kevvie mate, i feel your frustration and no hard feelings, everyone is free to air their opinion. cheating is blatantly wrong and you have obviously been given the rough end by this bloke which i really cant comment on...as i said, only met him once and he was fine (never knew of the bad publicity about him prior to this) My main point is to not let him or any other crap spoil your fishing experience, and yes some people genuinely dont know theyre doing anything wrong as i said in my earlier post. I have never had a go at anyoune on the water, i dont own it and dont let people ruin my days out which are too few and far between. Now if youll excuse me im off to tie my rigs for tomorrow, hoping to crack my long overdue duck on a biggun good fishing to you...
  10. kevvie, calling people pussies (i will assume u are referring to me too as i dont appreciate all the bulls#$t involved with this topic) is a little childish mate. Be a man and get on with it-your input on this site has been helpful to many im sure and being an experienced jewie fisho you can help a lot of others. no one is trying to push you away, and if youve caught your share of big jewies than you should be well aware of some poeples poor choice of anchoring positions, im sure its happened to you too -Dan hit the nail on the head. like the majority,i am a peaceful person who fishes to relax, unwind and appreciate how lucky we are just to be alive and have the chance to fish... amen to that, brother
  11. i was fishing next to him last week in a prominent spot. i was already anchored there before he arrived. he asked if its ok to anchor in line with me (left me plenty of room) and also said to let him know if i hook up and he'll clear the way a couple of hours later a boat anchored in front of him (and in my way too really) and he yelled out to them to make them aware but they anchored anyway. he did not say anything rude and i too was annoyed but reckon these guys thought they left plenty of distance. Luckily (well not really) we didnt hook a big boy as we would have been in trouble as the ell says, once youve hooked or witnessed a big jew run you will understand what im saying and understand his frustration. Having said that, nobody owns the water and i have no problem sharing spots with other boats as long as common sense and a bit of respect are shown.
  12. jewnut

    Where Am I

    this ones had long enough, whats the answer Pedro?? please.
  13. all i can tell you John is i pick up reception fine (i listen to Nova and have the same boat as you too), ive got a car stereo with marine speakers and 27meg aerial, buknow jack shit about electronics so cant explain why. If all else fails, why not cruise in style to the relaxing sounds of AM...
  14. WOOHOO after your hard luck story (had the same prob as u before, not again since i installed a battery cut off switch) you deserved a day like that. Congrats!!
  15. thought id get the ball rolling, Ken
  16. the guy you mention in your post mate is a member on this site and may not take too kindly to your allegations there. How do you know who he did not get the fish within the comp time? I have met him and he is a champion bloke and gun jewie fisho but dont hang him just because he was seen fishing prior to the comp...innocent until proven guilty.
  17. judging by reports off this site alone, the place seems to be on fire...wish theyd do the same for the Hawkesbury
  18. nice bag of fish there stephen its great when you finally work the prime time for fishing your favourite spot, as i did during the week at my fave jewie spot you should consider setting a larger bait to target those jewies considering you got em on the worms, you may just come across a big bugger. good fishing to you.
  19. jewnut

    Hook Sizes

    you must select the appropriate size according to the size of the bait as well as the target species. Having said that, i like 6/0s for most of my baits but will go up to 8-10/0s for big slab baits and live baits. whatever you do, make sure the hookpint is well exposed, its possible you missed the fish because the hookpint buried back into the bait.
  20. This may be a silly question Andrew, but were you targeting jews with the 3inch minnows as i would have thought them to be a bit small. BTW, thanks for your previous advice on lure and jighead selection, i put them to good use on the Gold Coast last week and hooked up (but lost ) 2 good fish on them which is the closest ive come yet to cracking one on a lure. The bloke next to me (i was on an estuary charter) got one on a livebait after i dropped mine that went 40 lb. I will post a report soon.
  21. bisso, hope you njoy the site. having only ever boat fished as far up as Ettalong i cant say much for boat spots in the more sheltered areas as it can become quite rough around the mouth, however i have fished a fair bit shorebased (along with my young nephews) at Empire Bay and done quite well. Weve caught good bream, flatties,whiting and crabs here (not heaps but quality fish) and i could only imagine it to be even more productive from a boat as i have caught most of my fish casting out to the edge of the channel (i aim for the channel marker). its peaceful and protected and one of my favourite spots to get away from the ratrace. Im yet to get a jewie from there but theyd definately be an option too btw, best bait has been live bloodworms and good Hawkesbury prawns. Best of luck.
  22. well said Simon...besides, theres not much to gain posting bulls*%t stories anyway.
  23. welcome to the site mate, you have joined a long list of jewie freaks awsome fish, sure gets my pepe going..a doing, doing doing
  24. ive seen jews "boofing" in daylight up at Roseville...awsome sight that really pisses you off when theyre out of casting range
  25. at least you caught an eel you know, we used to dread the old catties and eels on our bream and jew trips but knew its just par for the course...havent caught one for months (a good thing really but doesnt say much for the mighty hawkesbuy
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