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Everything posted by Red

  1. Red

    Reel Repairs

    Mario, I may be able to help. What is the reel doing wrong? Cheers Red
  2. Anthony, you are the man. Expect a call now. Regards Red
  3. LOL....mate i won't ask. What's the bet you nail one too . I will be chasing reds outside, in a bid to escape the crowds. There's been a lot of good fish coming your way of late. When it rains, it pours Regards Red Netic/Frank, i think its time to hit the harbour. Just got a solid report of kings to 94cm.....might have to dust off the heavy gear.
  4. Hi Raiders, i'm looking at getting a very sturdy cutting board made to suit my boat, with heavy duty rod holders for trolling . Looking for quality workmanship and prepared to pay for it. Any recommendations? Cheers Red
  5. Johnno, no need to be sad mate. You will make up for it before too long. Tabsy, Artie runs the local tacklo. Between running the store and a very young family, spare time is non existant. Hoping to take him out for some more short stints in the near future as he really enjoyed and appreciated the trip. You out chasing fin this weekend? Regards Red
  6. Red

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday guys Tabsy, hope your present weighs 1000 pounds Regards Red
  7. Hit the bay again this morning with my mate Artie. Had to be off the water at 8am so an early start was mandatory. Arty doesn't get too much time to fish these days and he was hoping to enjoy a couple hours of fun. We shot off to get squid and fed them to the poor kings at Mouli Pt and the Drums. I think we hooked a dozen or so kings but only managed to land 7 on light tackle. Artie got to fight the majority of them and he can't wait for the next opportunity to get amongst them. I'm sure many of you are getting sick of my monotonous kingfish reports so i promise this will be the last for a while. Go get 'em Raiders Cheers Red
  8. Red

    Stand Or Sit?

    Good thread. The first thing that came out of my boat were the seats. That was 18 years ago and my boat has gone seatless since If i ever were to put seats back in, i'd opt for those Boat Box style Duo-helms. You know the ones with the little rearward facing seat. You end up with 4 seats and a stack of storage Another reason i like to stand when driving is because i don't like to look through a windscreen, or clears for that matter. Unobstructed vision is very important, especially at night time and its also handy for spotting tailing marlin etc Cheers Red
  9. Red

    Choke Issues

    Thanks so much Huey for all your input. You've helped me heaps Will look into replacing the part when i get back from Cairns. Cheers Red
  10. Red

    Choke Issues

    G'day Huey, had a play with the outboard over the weekend and it seems to be a little better now but still not perfect. You know how when you're travelling along and you accidentally bump the key and activate the choke primer, the motor would usually stall without warning? Well, its not doing it now, however when you manually turn the choke valve off, the engine shuts down immediately at idle. Are these primer units adjustable in any way? It seems to be priming but not quite enough. Its only a problem with cold starts and not a huge problem really but i can't live with it anymore Regards Red
  11. Red

    More Kings

    Matrix, yeah its hard to ID someone wearing sunnies and a hat at the best of times Fact is we couldn't keep our eyes off the Skeeter . What a sweet fishing rig Was fun watching you guys hooked up on light gear and land the fish. We were wondering how you were going to net the king with your small bream net. Nice work Regards Red
  12. Red

    More Kings

    G'day Tabsy, hope you are well mate. Good to see someone was out chasing real fish in the swell. Such a shame the fin was dropped Was it on the cube or troll? We were off the water before 11am - spewing we missed you. I'm totally pumped for trip up north as i'm sure you are. Are you up there the same time as us? Penguin, i'm a supersticious so n' so, and do not believe in cameras.....actually video cameras are even worse. Not only are you guaranteed to catch nothing , you may not even make it safely back to the ramp. Next time i promise to take a pic when we get home. Ben, congratulations on your first king of the season. We were admiring the sweet boat you were on. I believe you guys caught something else worth mentioning too Next time, come over and say g'day. Cheers Red
  13. Red

    More Kings

    Russ, i'm a legend in my own lunchtime. My mates Aero and Rodholder were onto them first while most of us were asleep The plan for this year is to fish light and to use mainly poppers when they become more active. Popper fishing has got to be the most exciting form of chasing these fish Steve, you are right for sure. I reckon from the long weekend onwards, these forums will be flooded with kingfish reports. Might have to spend more time in the harbour as the average size seems to be better there. The bay has too many throwbacks, now that the legal length has increased to 65cm. Lets hope this increase will pay dividends in the near future. Cheers Red
  14. Red

    More Kings

    Wildfish, there was a ripper swell pumping this morning so we stayed inside and fished the marker poles. Water temp was 16 degrees. Shaping up to be a great season Cheers Red
  15. Red

    More Kings

    No mate, was in Botany Bay. They were only your standard run of the mill rats so we didn't bother with photos. The Rack raider is a short handled bream rod. It was inches from going overboard today. Went for a big hookset and the grip slipped through my hand Lucky we caught it because the rod was not mine Cheers Red
  16. Red

    More Kings

    Had another fun day on the bay. Got a late start and the squid were tougher than usual but managed enough for the session. First strike came on a topwater lure right next to the boat but the hooks pulled during the fight. From there we boated several on the live squid with only 3 keepers amongst them. All in all an enjoyable day on the bay, complete with some memorable bust offs. Rack raiders and kings are not a great idea after all Cheers Red
  17. Was soooo good to see Thurston have a sook at the end Orford was all over him like a rash and frustrated the hell out of him World's greatest player? No way! Not in this lifetime . Praying for a Parra victory tomorrow. Cheers Red
  18. Raiders, i'm sure many of you were watching the footy tonight. How good was Michael Monaghan? That was one of the gutsiest displays i've seen. Well and truly a deserving man of the match. I bet there's a few Sydney clubs regretting they didn't get his signature. Sad to see yet another talent go to England Here's hoping Parra beat the Storm and we can enjoy an all Sydney grand final Cheers Red
  19. Red

    Choke Issues

    Thanks again Huey. You have been most helpful. The red valve was indeed pointing down. My motor does have the valve you speak of and has a grey cap screwed onto it. Now just got to conduct the voltmeter test. Will let you know how it goes. Kind regards Red
  20. Red

    Choke Issues

    Huey, thanks so much for your reply. I will have a go at doing the tests this weekend and get back to you. Just to confirm, is choke primer the unit with the red plastic flag? If so, should it be pointing up or down? Best regards Red
  21. Red

    Choke Issues

    Hi raiders, my 2 stroke 01 model 90hp Johnson has developed what appears to be a choke issue and cold starts are no longer a breeze The solenoid is making a clicking sound when the choke button is depressed. The motor runs beautifully and warm starts are instant. Any ideas as to what can be going on here? Cheers Red
  22. Red

    What Rod

    In your price range, the new team daiwa Advantage 7ft, 10-17lb would suit that reel nicely. My brother in law is buying that very same outfit. Red
  23. Red

    Back To The Bay

    Looks like a great time was had by all. I'm really sorry to have missed it. Congrats to all involved and to those who walked away with prizes. Cheers Red
  24. Roberta, the heaviest we use on inshore kings is 20lb braid and 30lb leaders. Most of the time we run 10 and 15lb braid. Its amazingly strong and we have no option but to push it to the limit and that's so much more enjoyable than skulling them on heavy tackle. You lose some now and again but who cares....lol I'm sure Aero uses more drag on his 20lb baitcaster than many people use on their 50lb sticks The brother in law is hooked good and proper. He even loves squidding which is great to see Got to get him onto a yellowfin and really blow his mind Keeping Tabs, i will call you on the weekend pal. Hope you have another great day down there. drkcld, pink fireline was used. screamnlines, i left that rod at JB. We used a Daiwa Kingbolt with a 1500 Luvias. So much fun on that stick Gotta go. Have a great weekend. Red
  25. G'day Penguin, unfortunately i'm off to Jervis Bay again, trying to get amongst the tuna we found last weekend. Its a real shame to miss this social, especially as its at my home ground Any idea as to what time it will wind up? Might be able to make it for a beer at day's end. Hope you all have some stories to tell. Regards Ange
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