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Everything posted by Red

  1. Great catch Penguin. A great feed there . Regards Red
  2. Awesome! Great to see the ladies getting involved. Cheers Red
  3. That there is the law. Both on the water and on land. Regards Red
  4. All colours work! Its more the style of jig, the sink rate and the action imparted that makes all the difference. Cheers Red
  5. That's sad news. Hope they had their lifejackets on and come out of the experience alive. Any further news Jigholio? Regards Red
  6. Top report! Sounds like a fun session was had by all. I was super keen on getting out this morning too but was totally shagged after watching the entire Hewitt v Baghdatis battle. Watching tennis till 4:35am is plain wrong and had me questioning my sanity many times Jess, congrats on your first kingie May there be many more. Cheers Red
  7. Well done Humesy That's an excellent catch on your home turf. Regards Red
  8. Awesome fish. Congrats to all involved Cheers Red
  9. Mik, i think the Spheros 12000 might be a tad large for the T-Curve Kingmack. My Kingmack has an upgraded Spheros 8000 loaded with 30lb braid and what a sweet outfit it is. Took it up to the Ribbon Reefs last october and it nailed some superb fish....GT's to 20kg, big Spaniards etc without missing a beat. The T-Curve 7ft 6" Bluewater spin would be a better match for a Spheros 12000. I assume you will be loading it with 50lb braid or heavier??? Cheers Red
  10. Its easily the best bayboat i've ever been in. Oh, what a ride
  11. Congrats Rodholder They are great solo kings on such a relatively light outfit. Great sport Regards Red
  12. Top fish A big congrats goes out to your boyfriend. Cheers Red
  13. Screaming Lines, good spotting mate. I will say g'day to Gabriel for you. BTW, did you happen to weigh your 96cm whopper by any chance? Raiders, thanks for your replies. Uncle Johnno's trophy fish was quite a suprise. It took a 100mm Squidgie Slick rig and put up a good show. We thought it was a school jew at first as it took off on a good solid run with jew-like headshakes. This was Uncle Johnno's first fish on plastic but its all down hill from here old pal . Here's hoping the mould turns out stunning and may it keep Uncle Johnno's ego inflated for many years to come Sounds like there are some awesome flatties starting to get around which is great to see . Cheers Red
  14. G'Day Raiders, Took GOOB and his brother Uncle Johnno out on the Bay for an early morning trip to get some squid and possibly a feed of fish.Uncle Johnno has some very peculiar fishing ideas, such as he only wants to catch 1 fish as long is its decent. Johnno's been begging me to take him fishing for a while, to prove to him that you can catch fish on plastics. He only ever comes fishing once or twice a year max, but this will probably be the last time as his bragging has yet to cease. You see Raiders, the lucky buggers 1 fish just happened to be a trophy Flathead of 98cm. Johnno has decided to keep it and get a mate of his to mould it for him. Goob and i tried to talk him into releasing it but won that argument according to his one fish rule. Johnno is so proud of himself, I now have a signed pic of the thing in my garage that he has bolted to the wall so I can't get it down. Lets not forget the constant SMS messages GOOB and I get REMINDING us who is the real "Crocodile Hunter" and "The Lizard King". We are happy for Johnno but when will it stop? I have attached a pic of the Flattie so you can get an idea of why he is a proud fisherman. Hope the guy does a good job with the mould. Cheers Red
  15. Caine, thank you for the confirmation. The sliding system seems handy but has its obvious draw backs. Cheers Red
  16. Great fish fellas Sensational Cheers Red
  17. Dan, i accept full responsibility for that
  18. The sliding snell seems popular amongst some raiders. I haven't even attempted to tie one and don't plan to as i'm not a fan of the concept. Does the top hook slide down onto the bottom hook under load? A standard snelled twin hook rig does me fine. Cheers Red
  19. G'day Raiders, Just received a call from an excited Jewgaffer and he asked if i could post a brief message. He's been up in Ballina and getting amongst the fish by the sounds of things. Today he had a great day scoring a box full of nice bream and a bonus 10lb jew. He's also been getting amongst the flathead on the hardbodies and lured yet another jew in the shallows. Sounds like happy days up there He also wishes to say a big Merry Christmas to all of his Raider mates and for holiday motorists heading north to be careful as the conditions up there have been rather unsafe of late. Regards Red
  20. Andrew, what a great fish......you are the man! I can now see why some people use large Saltiga, Torsa and Stella reels in the harbour. Cracker fish! Cheers Red
  21. Ahh Goob, thats the life. I can only imagine what it was like tucking into those mud crabs and washing them down with some cold refreshments Shame about the lack of mangrove jacks. Which lures proved best for your barramundi? Cheers Red
  22. Nice healthy looking king. Well done Cheers Red
  23. Very nice kings there guys. Good to see the harbour fishing well. Cheers Red
  24. Stylo, i have one squid rod that does it all.....well almost. Its the mighty 7ft Daiwa Battler baitcaster, rated 6-8kg. These days its married to a little Daiwa Alphas and what a sweet featherweight combo it is. This brilliant rod weighs 120grams but is very stiff, easily the best squidding rod i've used to this day. The same stick gets a flogging on rat kings, jews, reds...etc. Its really the only outfit i need for bay work and inshore reds. With squid, i like to get them to the surface quickly and then skip them to the boat with the rod up high. Much easier and quicker that way. Unfortunately this is impossible to do with the kilo plus kegs often encountered. Use minimum 12lb unless you enjoy losing your expensive jigs. These days we use 15 to 20lb leader and catch rates have not declined at all. Years ago i always used 4kg mono and lost several hundred dollars worth of jigs Took me years to realise there was no future in that! Now using 15lb braid i honestly can't remember the last jig donated to a snag. It would have to be close to a year ago if not longer. Mike, i love your work . Brings back funny but bad memories Regards Red
  25. Well done Bob. Those Pheromone Skins in size 4.0 have been my favourite calamari jig since discovering them a few months back. They aint cheap so make sure you use at least 15lb line as you will have a strong chance at pulling them out of snags . Cheers Red
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