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Everything posted by Hooky.

  1. G'day Phil I haven't been down in that area since July 03 mainly because of the drought. Last time I went I was fishing from the Breakfast Creek junction to Kanangra Creek over 4 days. It was to be longer but the lack of fish made us return early. We usually start the trek at Carlons farm and down Packsaddlers then follow Breakfast Creek till we get to the Coxs River. Then after a change of clothes and waders and throwing excess gear into the scrub to collect on the way back, it's off and on our way downstream. No decent fish were caught on my last trip till we got past Kanangra Creek. All the fish caught were Rainbow Trout except for one brown. Camping is always enjoyable down there, the peace and quiet is priceless and laying back watching sattelites go over is intriguing to say the least. Since my last trip there hasn't been a substantial flow of water and I doubt there would be too many fish making there way out of Warragamba either.....I may be wrong though. Due to my hockey injuries, bad back and knees, I doubt I will see that part of the world again although if I can scratch up the cash for a chopper flight in to the joint I will most definately go again. Here's a pic or two of some fish I caught at the Kanangra Ck/Coxs River junction, not all that big but still enjoyable to catch. cheers Hooky
  2. Good stuff there Pete, it's lookin' good. Can't beat the satisfaction of doing the job yourself and like you, I stole some of Ozy's ideas as well. 'Onya Ozy. http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...topic=5275&st=0 Good stuff. cheers Hooky
  3. That is a fair statement Joe. It's not easy to please everyone in life. At least you kept the old boy happy. cheers Hooky
  4. Not a bad start?? Sounds like a good start to me...well done. cheers Hooky
  5. G'day Laurie Saltwater Lagoon is near Old Bar (Taree) on the Mid North Coast of NSW. cheers Hooky
  6. I knew of a few young fella's that done that at Salty Lagoon back in the mid eighties, certainly helps with the prawn run. EDIT: Thanks for the pic Mick.
  7. You're not wrong there. Ken, just wait until the winter winds blow the snow off from on top of Barrington. Mind you, I'm probably just jealous 'cos I'm not moving back there.
  8. Hooky.


    I always thought it was the other way. The increased high pressure decreases their "tummy's" and makes them fell empty, hence they want to feed. Buggered if I know but this question always seems to pop up and I'm still none the wiser. I don't usually worry about the pressure too much for the simple fact that I just go fishing whenever I can, not when the barometer tells me too. cheers Hooky
  9. I've always used Penn 10X when fishing with mono. As for using mono and SP's, you will find that there are quite a few anglers using mono instead of braid. One of my mates in particular uses flouro green mono straight through to the jig head for all his fishing, SP and HB, and it doesn't seem to pose a problem. cheers Hooky
  10. If ever there is an award for Fishraider Jew Catcher of the Year I would vote that pic of Joe as the trophy emblem. It always seems to get pulled out of the moth balls at the right time.
  11. Nice pair of whiting there paggles and a great little feed. cheers Hooky
  12. G'day Chris Great looking lizard there and congrats to Jim for his PB. We scored a few flatties at that same spot yesterday, most fell to a black gold squidgy fish. At least you had more favourable weather than we did at Molineaux Point yesterday. cheers Hooky
  13. G'day Joe I think it was a bad hair day........for myself and the shark and a darn heavy bugger too.......so was the shark. G'day lurespinner Here's the link to it. PJ Shark record.
  14. It was a pretty ordinary day and if it wasn't for the tailor we would have been home earlier but when the bite is on, a bloke may as well stay fishin'. The tailor weren't huge but good fun. Plenty of these buggers.
  15. G'day Raiders Just a quick report for those that might be heading out tomorrow (Sunday) onto Botany Bay. There were schools of Tailor working the end of the third runway today from 12.30pm and still boiling when we left to come home at around 4.30pm. We threw everything at them and in the end they seemed to like watermelon bass minnows and frostbite squidgy wrigglers. That's just what seemed to work for us. No great size but the majority went 40 - 45cm, good enough for a feed. Don't know if they'll be there tomorrow but might be worth keeping an eye out for the birds. Also, be warned, we also anchored up on the northern side of the third runway until the Port Jackson sharks turned up and they weren't small either. Could be another Fishraider record on it's way when I post a pic or two tomorrow. Also there are flatties at the usual places like off the groynes at Kurnell and at Bonna Point and also out the front of the Novatel. Weather and wind was OK after 12 midday and the Bay seemed to calm down quite quickly and it made for better conditions. Anyway, good luck if you are heading out tomorrow. cheers Hooky
  16. Rob I'd say he's landbased paggles.
  17. And here is the weekend again. This 'arvo is "making berley time". I've got a freezer full of fish frames which I'm going to put through the wifes food processor, throw in some chook pellets, some dog food (darn dog doesn't like the latest dry food on offer), some tuna oil, some bread and that's my recipe for a bucket load of burley which I hope will attract some fish for Saturday. Saturday I'm heading out early, 5.30am on the water in Botany Bay and heading to Molineaux Point in a hope that there may be some trev's and other fishies still around. Probably see if the whiting and flatties are still around as well. I'll be in my mates 4.75 SeaJay bowrider so if you see us just throw a wave. Doesn't matter if I don't know who you are as I seem to wave to just about anyone when on the water. Sunday, depends on the weather, more than likely I'll be doing yard work, 'gotta spray the fruit trees and roses. Darn aphids are showing there evil side already. Anyway, that's my weekend taken care of. Have a good weekend Raiders. cheers Hooky
  18. Great report there LeeLee and great to see a successful outing was had. Couple of nice ones there too Rick.
  19. Well done there Jethro. Top looking bass.
  20. Hooky.

    Hello To All

    rzep cheers Hooky
  21. Lawrie A good chance you've fished alongside couple of my rellies off the sand. Mick'll tell 'ya who. cheers Hooky
  22. Yep, I can recommend the mail order process, quick, easy and hassle free. cheers Hooky
  23. Great stuff there Motty. Good to see you back and mobile on the water again. Who know's, we might bump into each other this summer on the bay. cheers Hooky
  24. Hooky.

    Where Is....

    It's a lot higher in your pics Joe. I would be thinking in your pics that it would be around 35%+. When I was there last time it was only around 24-25%. The place looks even worse when it is closed to boating which is at around 20%. Hopefully Delta have enough water and don't need to start pumping water back up to TCD. Did you see the overflow wall and the size of the dam wall faces? Can you imagine sliding down both as a teenager. BTW, did you stop in at the caretakers office and ask what the capacity was? cheers Hooky
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