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Everything posted by Hooky.

  1. Sorry Mick, you're not getting my hard earned just yet. Ken, ken 'ya throw my name in the hat as well. Thanks and good luck to all. cheers Hooky
  2. This link has some more info. Securing our Fishing Future and From the Minister cheers Hooky
  3. Oi Mick, is that $29.95 for the two DVD set or $29.95 each DVD.
  4. G'day Ken I think NSW Fisheries Dept are still trying to work it out for themselves re sex of big flatties. Extract taken from here List of current research projects. Research Project Description Project Title: Size and age at maturity and timing and location of spawning of dusky flathead in NSW (FSC2000/056) Principal Investigator: Dr Charles Gray Funding Source: Recreational Fishing Trust Objectives: 1. Determine the reproductive cycle, size and age at maturity and the timing and location of spawning of dusky flathead in NSW. 2. Provide advice on the species life history and possible management options to maintain sustainable harvesting including suitable size limits. 3. Disseminate information on the biology of dusky flathead to recreational anglers. Summary: Dusky flathead is an important finfish species harvested by recreational and commercial fishers in NSW. Because of concerns over the long-term sustainability of the resource (see Gray et al. 2002), the minimum legal length of dusky flathead was increased from 33 to 36cm in July 2001, with a further increase to 40 cm proposed. This proposed increase in size limit is based on relatively rudimentary information concerning the size that flathead spawn. No detailed study of the reproductive biology of dusky flathead has been done. This is needed so that future decisions on the most appropriate size limit for the species can be based on rigorous scientific knowledge. Sampling of the size and age compositions and reproductive condition of estuarine populations of dusky flathead was done throughout 2001 and 2002. Preliminary analyses indicate that flathead grow quickly and that spawning occurs between October and March. Further data will be collected during the 2004/05 spawning season to ascertain the minimum age and size that dusky flathead reach maturity and the exact timing and location of spawning. The outcomes of the study will be used to develop management plans for the sustainable harvesting and conservation of the species.
  5. Yep, I checked out a catalogue which had Smith lures as well. Japanese made and some of them looked the goods. The "Beauty Cicada" looks ok but I also noticed a range of bibbed diving lures called "Jade" and the colour range looks very familiar to some of the SX40/48 range.
  6. I'm over buying up on SP's as I have more than I really need. I'm actually bolstering up on HB's and mainly surface types, buggi-pops, bass/bream busters, skywalkers etc. cheers Hooky
  7. The same thing happened up in Crowdy Bay not long ago. Some people I know were having great luck fishing for Jews and then it slowed down somewhat. A few ton off the beach up there as well. Here's some reading for those who are interested about the pro's pushing to get back in to the estuary systems. Push to reopen river to pro-fishers Plan to share resources No win for recreational fishers
  8. Not much this weekend. The boys and I have had plans all week to hit Botany and we are sticking to them so Botany it is tomorrow for some bait drowning and lure tossing. Hopefully a feed of flatties and whiting with some extra flatties for the freezer. Sunday, don't know yet but I'm sure there will be something on. That's about it Raiders, have a good weekend all and good luck to those wetting a line. cheers Hooky
  9. G'day again Mr Crabbin'. May I ask what bait you were using in your crab nets on the Georges? cheers Hooky
  10. Nice feed there Mr Crabbin'. Well done. cheers Hooky
  11. Crikey, I'm a bit late this weekend. Currently I'm replacing the springs, u-bolts etc on the old tinnie trailer. Deadset the worst job around when rusty bolts are concerned. Time to get the angle grinder out. It's getting warm so I guess working out in the sun means I deserve a beer or 12 or more. I haven't been to the pub in yonks and since it's Derby Day I might head down the road at 12 or so for the arvo. Sunday, not sure yet but probably work on the trailer or something. Have a good weekend Raiders. cheers Hooky
  12. That's the one. Certainly does the job for me when it comes to keeping cool in the hot sun.
  13. That's a familiar photo, taken at low tide I suspect and probably at the same time as a few bait danglers and lure tossers were getting amongst some whiting. Good luck with the casting Ken.
  14. mud_crabbin Damn fine feed of muddies you have there, delish. cheers Hooky
  15. It's funny how long it takes for things to filter through. I remember about two months ago (maybe less, give or take) on Hi-Tide, "Duffy" was talking about it and reporting on it whilst doing his weekly fishing report for the Salamander Bay area. I wonder why it took so long to get picked up on by the mainstream media. cheers Hooky
  16. Hmmm, soon be Christmas. Saturday I'm heading over to Penrith with the Iceman for a bit of bassin'. Here's hoping they come out to play. Sunday, not sure but more than likely at home pottering around the yard. Have a good weekend Raiders and good luck to those who are wetting a line. cheers Hooky
  17. Basserman, seen you around the traps. Hope you enjoy Fishraider, plenty of helpful members around this joint. cheers Hooky
  18. Now that's a good looking feed if ever I saw one. Nice catch clutch. cheers Hooky
  19. I was wondering what happened to this thread. After Dorado 2 replied with a wrong assumption most posters seemed to answer his post. Does anyone ever read the original (first post of a thread) and then answer with a reply.
  20. IMHO, it's a good thing that they are getting out there on the water and showing their faces and getting serious. It's about time they earned their keep. Let's hope that they get the results to go with it and people start to respect the job the officers are out there to do. And flattie man,. cheers Hooky
  21. Hooky.


    Great info there bombie, thanks for sharing it with us. Actually, good thread and info all round. cheers Hooky
  22. Crikey, another weekend. I had plans to pack my gear and do some camping and fishing at Lake Lyell starting tomorrow evening but I got a call from the oldies and it looks like I'll be entertaining mum and dad for the weekend. Can't complain as I only see them a couple of times a year and it's always good to blow the froth off the top of a few with the old boy. Have a good weekend Raiders and good luck to those wetting a line. cheers Hooky
  23. Another good outing there clutch and a top looking snapper. Unbelievable that the 5hp gets you up on the plane, great stuff. cheers Hooky
  24. Nice flatty there Graham. Been a while since I've been into Nambucca itself, '87 I think it was when me and the wife put some artwork on the breakwall. cheers Hooky
  25. Thanks for the replies fella's, there's plenty there for me to go on and I'll start ringing around. Just need to get the whole job done by Chrissy or earlier.......which isn't that far away you know and it's even closer if you take out lost work time due to fishing committments on the weekends. Oh, and MrYabbie, a few people have told me about Sales Trailers so they must be OK, thanks for the phone number as well. cheers and thanks again Hooky
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