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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Raiders,

    Myself and Johnny (FisherDoi) got out on My Boat yesterday for a Fish in the Harbour.

    We Tried a Spot that I found on the sounder that I was keen on trying near Drummoyne,

    We Decided on launching from a different Boat Ramp near Gladesville to save time but Unfortunately

    there was Absoloutely no parking anywhere :ranting2: so Back in the car we went and off to Kissing Point Boat Ramp!!!!

    there goes about 45 mins :thumbdown:

    After all that was sorted we finally got out on the water about 10.45am Boat fired up 1st go and away we went finally arriving at our destination at 11:30am and settled into some fishing.

    We were armed with a cocktail of Baits Beach Worms, Squid, Slimey Macrel, Mullet and of course Johnny as Always has his Soft Plastics handy

    I leave all my gear on the Boat now also so I chucked on a Blade and had a toss for about 1/2 and hour for zilch!!!!

    In this time Johnny had allready picked up around 3 Undersize Flatties so I decided to Join him using Soft Plastics.

    I loaded up a Pumpkin Seed Minnow Grup 4in and he was Using a Squidgey Unsure on the type...

    Not long after that I picked up the first Legal Fish for the Day a Nice healthy flattie going just shy of 50cms high fives all round as once I

    felt the fish hit the Plastic we both thought it was another undersize one but as I starting bringing it in it woke up and was a good little

    fight have not caught a flattie of that Size for quite some time especially on the 6lb Braid good fun :thumbup:

    anyway no more flatties after that apart from a few undersized ones and the odd pinkie and undersized bream for the next hour or so then Johnny

    Hooks onto something with alot of stamina plus he likes fishing very light drag so his reel was screaming for a while after a very long couple

    of minutes a Legal trevally comes on board :thumbup: I was impressed for a small fish they put on a great tussle Johnny said the next one he

    Catches he will let me fight it so 30 minutes after that sure enough he was on again so it was my turn could not take the smile off my face especially when they take their lunges so another trevally on board around the same size!!!!

    Johnny continued catching undersized flatties and then It was my turn to hook a trevally on my Rod and a new personal best for me 34cm mark

    and another great Fight :biggrin2: wouldnt mind catching more trevally from now on not sure what they are like to eat but Johnny knows how

    to cook them so I gave him the one I caught plus the Flatty due to lack of freeser Space I was just happy to get out and get a few fish

    Enjoy the Feed Johnny!!!!! :biggrin2:

    All in all a Great Day to Be out.

    heres some photos of our adventure,




    Sounder Image,


    My Flattie,


    Johnny's Trevally,


    My Trevally,

  2. Happy Birthday Dean!!!! Enjoy it :1happybday:...

    Ray you should get Dean on Fish Raider also seems to be into the Fishing like his Father!!!!

    The time sure flies My Daughter is approaching 2 very quickly and I remember holding her like it was just yesterday!!!!

    Also looking forward to some more reports from you Ray been hitting the sand lately???? I'm thinking of a Beach bash soon.



  3. G'day raiders.

    while i save for a decent boat to fish out of im stuck with my small tinny for now.

    i want to get a cheap sounder setup to keep me going till i can upgrade to a larger model.

    it doesnt have to be flash just something to read depths /drop offs etc.

    if any raiders have suggestions on where to start let me know.




    Id go check out a few boating stores compare the Models I think Garmin & Eagle will offer the Cheaper Units but you might be lucky enough to pick up a better model on sale I have just installed a Lowrence Mark 5x sounder on my Boat not a real flash unit but for the extra $100 as I was going to buy a eagle cuda 300 for $169 I got a much better unit, cut a long story short might be better off to spend a little bit more to get a better sounder and if you realy like it take it with you when you buy your next boat or better yet flick a PM to Huey @ Huett Marine(Site Sponsor) see what they come back with,



  4. Good on you guys,

    Finally some action close to home!!!!

    I must admit the cold has got the better of me too but ill be back in full swing soon just looking for a new car but thats proving

    difficult!!!! look forward to catching up when your free pete and also marcel would not mind having a crack with you also...



  5. Shes A Beauty!!!

    Just wondering though about the Bilmi was that with the Boat or did you purchase that separately?

    I have one on my Boat but your's sits up nice and high and you have rocket launchers on it also that's a great idea keeps the rods right out of the way

    Now I have something to spend my Tax return on!!!!!



  6. Good Work Pete,

    There's nothing more rewarding than doing a job like that on your pride and joy by yourself!!! your previous setup was awsome hopefully this time around it does not rot away and you can get back to doing what you do best fishing :1fishing1:

    Look forward to getting out there with you again soon.

    Ill take you out on my Boat and hopefully you can give me an idea or 2 :biggrin2:



  7. :thumbup: Well Done Guys,

    Nice Haul of Fish there guys.

    If only we could always bring home at least half a dozen keepers it would be great!!

    well thats fishing.. Looking forward to teeing up with you again pete!!!



  8. Good Onya Guys for getting out there and having a go!!!

    Yum Fishcakes!!! Ill have a go at making them one of these days!!!

    I might have to join you guys when you head up to broken bay providing its not too cold :frozen::1gathering:



  9. Steve,

    That's Awsome great Report and Great Fish.

    I have to agree you did extreamely well not to lose your lunch.

    Its going to be hard to convince myself to go outside again last time I went I was as sick as a dog...

    Good on you for getting out there and having a go..



  10. That would have been a great experience,

    I've seen dolphins off the rocks at Avoca and that was great but being able to follow them would have been awesome.

    as for the Mullett thats a good sign and chances are if they are in numbers around middle harbour they may be in sydney harbour

    and upper reaches of parra river also may change my choice of bait this weekend to mullet and see if that works.



  11. Also the main fuse I would go probably 15-20amp then maybe 5-10amp to the light but check the instructions or with the person

    you bought the lights from see what they recommend.



  12. Just something to add.

    Use a test light and try to find the main source of power from the battery to the switch panel.

    In most cases there will be a positive ran from the battery straight to the switch panel then the positive is connected to each

    switch then to the device you wish to power.

    Make sure that there is a fuse off the main source which is reasonably close to the battery then add a individual fuse from each switch to each device if it is not allready done.

    If you need any help feel free to pm me anytime.



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