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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Good On you mate!!!!

    Very happy for you although it took you a while you stuck to your guns and fought for what you believe in and won!!!! very happy for you

    Now enjoy the water and catch heaps of fish mate!!!!!!



  2. Good On you Pete,

    You definitely know how to put in the effort mate well deserved,

    Some great fish there and I would not be worried about keeping the Flattie you always abide by the rules and not to mention all the fish that you have released in the past no-one has the right to question your reason's for keeping fish as you have done nothing wrong mate!!!

    Great pics also Pete!!!!

    Good luck getting Roberta onto some Jew look forward to hearing about it!!!!!!!



  3. Hats off to you for keeping your cool,

    I hope that your good deeds go a long way mate,

    Honestly I believe every Dog has his day hopefully he hooks a big Kingy which takes him and the rod :biggrin2:

    Good luck to you Hope you make up for it with some good fish in your future endeavors,



  4. My Brother decided to message me at 5:00am and bail at the last minute,

    I don't want to boat it alone not confident enough yet, plus he has spoiled the mood for me

    Ill be giving it a miss also, sorry guys i hope it turns out to be a great social,

    Regards Nathan,

  5. Thanks for the response fellow Raiders-

    Most fish were caught on the live baits so it was well worth the effort spending some time catching the yellowtail.

    Most of the time the fish would take the live bait and then we would get a hit on the jigs as we thrashed it thru the school, the fish which had taken the livie sent the rest of the school in a frenzy and then they would take the jig.

    If we had rushed out to the kingie reef and not had the live bait we would have only caught 3 legal size.

    You tend to get the bigger kings on the live baits as the smaller ones are curious and will take the jigs.

    Nathan - the arms are sore but a nice sore if that makes sense.

    twin 1


    Yeah I know what you mean :biggrin2:

    I must get out there and have a go It has been a while sine I have caught something decent!!!!



  6. Guys,

    As this is my first social and First time taking the boat to the Bay,

    Just wondering where the Raider HQ will be so I can work out where to park the Boat.

    thinking of launching at Sylvania as there is quite a bit of parking there?

    Anyone's feedback would be greatly appreciated,

    Look forward to meeting you all,



  7. Thats Un-Believeable,

    Goes to show what kind of a world we live in today,

    Donna & Stewy hats off to the Both of you Really look forward to metting you both on sunday,



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