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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Great Session Groper,

    That squid is a Tank catching fish of that size is good enough!!!! let alone a squid well done guys,

    I am sure the Mrs was very happy once you got home with a feast like that!!!!

    Hope your next trip is just as if not more successful!!!!



  2. Another Successful Outing Well Done Mate!!!!!

    Spewing about the Jew you have not caught one for quite some time now!!! don't worry you will get her its just a matter of time,

    Beautiful Healthy looking bream there too!!!

    Keep up the great reports great reading,



  3. Speak to Shimano Direct

    I purchased a spare spool for my Symetre which was not very expensive at all.

    if Taren Point is out of your way you could even order it over the phone or through your local tackle supplier.

    Hope this helps you,



    Contact Us

    Australian Fishing Office

    Shimano Fishing Australia

    36 Bay Road

    Taren Point NSW 2229

    Customer Service: (02) 9526 2144

    8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday - Friday

    Australian Eastern Standard Time

    On-Site Spares & Service Centre: (02) 9526 5279

    8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday - Friday

    Australian Eastern Standard Time

  4. Sounds like somewhere Id like to go!!!!

    Fantastic Report and congrats on catching 14 Species in a week and some mighty fine one's too!!!!

    The 2 that got away you can only wonder how big and what they were.....

    I really enjoyed the read top stuff there mate!!!

    Nice pics!!!!!

    I hope to do something like that one day!!!!!



  5. It is a Samsung WB 5500, not a full DSLR but it does have heaps of the things that a DSLR has, plus it was only $400.00, haven't quite got enough for a DSLR.

    Honestly Ray your last Camera did well and by the looks of it you put quite a bit of reasearch into the camera you bought,

    I bought my wife a Sony cheapie around $200 which she is happy with for now but later on she wants something a little better...

    I hope you have a good run with the camera I might keep it in mind for my sister who is into photography,



  6. I had the same problem with my Outboard its a evinrude 50hp.

    What I found was a loose screw on the lower carby which holds the rod that opens the butterflies of the 2 carbies there is a little bit of adjustment on it if you are prepared to play around not saying that this is your problem but this is something to look at if you are not confident take it back to where it was serviced.

    Ill attach a image for you anyway of what i am talking about,

    post-9366-096227000 1284285540_thumb.jpg

    Good luck with it anyway,



  7. Mate,

    I have to agree Avoca is a very Beautiful place I have not fished up there for almost 1 year now.

    The Crowds will get busier over the next month or so so If you want to get up there get up there early and remember safety on the rocks is key

    there is some great fishing to be had there but the water has no mercy and never turn your back on it!!!!!

    I look forward to reading more reports from you,



  8. :1welcomeani: Welcome Cushie,

    I also look forward to more posts from yourself!!!

    by the looks of things we are in for a great season this year especially on the Flattie front.

    by the sounds of it you lost a decent fish but theres always next time!!!!

    Tight Lines,



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