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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Raiders,

    I am down in Sydney for the Holiday Period and want to give Narrabeen Lakes a crack with a new combo I scored for Christmas,

    Since I have not seen much reports from there I am not expecting too much but will give it a go anyway,

    Anyone else been around there lately?



  2. Merry Christmas to you All!!!!

    I'm Back in Sydney for Family commitments hopefully a Nice Sydney King will come my Way!!!!

    Everyone please drive Safely if going away and enjoy yourselves and of course Happy New Year!!!!!



  3. I just recently towed my boat up to Brisbane from Sydney,

    I have to agree the Bearings is a ABSOLUTE Must.

    I also went out and bought a new set of Rims & tyres as the original ones looked a little dodgy

    cost $170 I purchased mine from the local tyre shop and have kept the origional set for spares.

    also another point check your wheel brace make sure it is the right size for your trailer as most people dont think of this because they have one in the boot of their car but some cars wheel braces will not fit the trailer.

    You can buy a multi type one from the hardware for next to nothing....

    other than that everything else has been covered.

    Good luck and safe boating,



  4. 2lb Braid Sounds good for Bream I have been told go as light as possible when it comes to Bream,

    But you will need to be patient as when bigger fish are hooked you will have to take your time with them as there is not allot of strength in that line!!!! I use 6lb as I feel its a good middle ground but good luck anyway!!!



  5. Congrats Pete,

    A new Grandson early Christmas present :thumbup:

    Congrats to Rosetta on her first Jew 68cms is not a bad size for a 1st well done!!

    I'm now Looking forward to finding the Jew in QLD!!!!

    Hope to see a new PB for you this year pete!!!



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