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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Man thats a joke,

    It made me feel sick in the stomach I feel for you pal to think that all us Boat owners put so much time effort and money into our boats

    and low lifes like this just come along and help themselves is there anything they wont do??? ohh I hope they get caught to get a few less scum out of business I need to start thinking of some security measures for my Boat and trailer as I just re-built my trailer!!!!

    Also thats a Very nice catch of fish there!!!

    All the Best,



  2. Nice one Peter! especially for the lake. Its funny how you get the occasional big one thrown in, maybe there will be a few more coming into the lake after those higher tides :thumbup:


    Thats a Beautiful Example of a Blackie well done Especially from the Lake,



  3. Sounds like an awesome day mate. Nice to see the locals getting together for a fish and also really good to hear your boat is finally up and running. I haven't taken my boat out for ages. I just managed to do a bit of work on my trailer. Got all the rust removed etc.

    Hey Steve,

    good to hear you have done some work on the Trailer did you do the rollers also?

    The boat is probably as good as she is going to get now for her age.

    For fathers day my wife has let me buy a few more bits and pieces so ill be going hard in the garage today fitting everything.

    Putting in a CD/MP3 player, Horn and a Switch so I can run dual batteries as I dont want to get stuck out there!!!

    if I can be bothered I will also fit a volt guage and inspect the wheel bearings on the trailer as with this wind I dont really want to leave the house!!!!



  4. nice one boys good to see you get a few!I went out last weekend myself but didnt bother putting up a post as I only caught 2 blackfish and a nice flathead. I think the flathead was caught in the same area as yours nathan and I have a feeling that when the water warms up a touch it will be a hot spot for them! like you said bring on the warm weather!



    Were you out last Saturday? as Johnny and I saw a boat Similar to your's drive past us but without the canopy.

    we were in the small yellow boat!! anyway Pete happy Fathers day :biggrin2: hopefully this wind settles down soon

    and we can tee up in the near future I have high hopes for this spot hopefully I am right!!!



  5. Awe thanks everyone.. sorry for the late response but I didn't realise Ray had started the post!! :thumbup:

    Got me a littel Stella 6000 plus a host of rod building bits and pieces... happy days :biggrin2:

    Sounds like a Very Happy Birthday :1happybday::biggrin2:

    All the Best,



  6. 12000 Members that is Awesome :thumbup:

    Thanks to all involved in keeping this site up and running!!!!

    Soon we will not be able to go fishing without meeting a fellow raider thats something that I am looking forward to...

    I am really looking forward to this summer we will see some cracker reports for sure :1fishing1:



  7. You think it was only just over a year ago when we first met and now look at you.

    How much fun is it getting out on your own boat.

    You mentioned that your motor started first pop? Have you been having some issues.

    My motor always starts, eventually, but I stress none the less.

    Great to be out though hey!!




    One year has gone so quick!!!

    I Cant believe how time flies, Actually I have not been up your way for quite some time now do you fish the Beach anymore?

    I have been lucky enough to meet people like yourself, Ray and Pete (Tide 'n' Knots) and learnd a thing or two from you all and have become

    A fishing fanatic!!!! the only issue is Money :biggrin2: but I am getting there slowly.

    I Bought My boat real cheap and have fixed everything up bit by bit shes a little old and small but for a first boat totalling just under $3500 cant complain at all ill put up a post on members boats once I am bothered to take some photos.

    When I first bought the Boat she was very hard to start.. But My Dad rebuilt and cleaned the carbies and gave her a little bit of a tune and now she is running like a champ!! lets just hope my boat gives me a good run over summer.

    How is your boat going????

    And I agree its great to be out there :thumbup:

    All the Best Bring on the Warm weather!!!



  8. Excellent Another Happy Member of The Mulloway Addicts :biggrin2:

    As I was told 1 year Ago they will get Bigger but I really hope that you dont have to wait 6 months to catch another one like i did!!!

    Good on you for your effort persistence pays off Congratulations :thumbup:

    by the way what did she measure??

    The first Jew is something you will never forget Enjoy the feeling :biggrin2:



  9. thanx once again nath for having me out on your boat mate.had a ball,even though the wind got a bit gusty at times.congrats on landing the fish of the day & scoring you new pb trev.they sure know how to fight hard on light line for a small fish dont they.wait til you hook a 50cm+ model.even though we got some big hits on bait,it was good to land 90% of our fish today on plastics.i just love my plastics.to know you'v fooled a fish & triggered it to commit to an artificial is just awesome & a real buzz for me & im sure plenty raiders feel the same way.

    thanx for the day on your boat nath & i cant wait till the water warms so we can get into some of those drag screaming kingies. :biggrin2: .bring it on,cant wait.

    cheers johnny. :beersmile::thumbup:

    Glad you had a good day!!!! thanks for mentioning all the other stuff I missed :biggrin2:

    Yeah Johnny Bring on the Kings cant wait...

    The Boat will be worked on for a couple of weeks adding a few extras and we will organise a outing once again!!!!



  10. Good On you Poddy (SNR) and Poddy (JNR) :thumbup:

    seems like you 2 are a great Team great session by the way,

    also good to see the young Fella taking a interest in Politics and his fishing future.

    Honestly I never thought about politics till I started paying tax hahahahaha

    I am really looking forward to getting out there with My daughter when she is old enough.



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