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Everything posted by damos

  1. Great read there and some nice sambos as well.I love getting them on the light gear.
  2. Nice video there and looks like you have a very comfortable kayak set up. Do you run 2 lures on each rod all the time? Never thought of doing that off my kayak, thought you might end up with some tangles.
  3. Cool thanks mate. Looked like you had a pretty light set-up on.
  4. Crazy hooking one of them off Malabar. I head out there on my yak every now and then as well, great spot. What sort of line class were you using?
  5. I've used a bit of plumbing tube with holes drilled in it off my kayak. Place a cap on each end with a bit of rope connected to one and drag it behind the yak. Good if you're not paddling too far as it slows you down. Have kept poddies, yakkas and a few squid but never at the same time. Should be able to keep squid and other bait fish in there though.
  6. I was out at Lugarno on the kayak on Saturday afternoon as well and saw a couple of them. On the way back to the car saw them swimming up Salt pan creek, hope they don't get lost up there.
  7. Nice work Ben and an awesome write up.
  8. Looking very tasty. How does the premixed batter go, cajun sounds interesting?
  9. Too funny MannY. I think I'd be in the same boat as you, I can't go past a nice cooked prawn. Be nothing left for the fish if I took them along. Congrats on the catch as well, nice little haul of bream there.
  10. damos

    Squid on

    I was fishing Illawong about 4 weeks ago and a small arrow hung around in my torch light for a few minutes while I was fishing at night. I thought it was very lost.
  11. No, it would of been too much for just me and I was happy to see him swim away.
  12. Hit Wanda last night for an hour before and after high tide. I had some pillies and recently caught squid for bait. Set up 2 rods and whilst re-baiting my light rod noticed that the bigger rod had come out of the holder and was making its way into the water. Quickly ran over and after a minute or so had a nice fat salmon on the sand probably around the 50cm mark. Got the hooks out and back in he went. Set the rod holder in much deeper this time . It was then a little while when suddenly my light rod was fully bent over and the reel was screaming. This rod is a very light rod that I usually use for whiting and only had 10lb braid on. It was a pretty awesome fight that went for a while as I took it easy on the light setup, but eventually I pulled up my first ever gummy. I didn't measure him but I'd estimate around the 80cm mark. Took a few snaps to show to the kids and had to cut the line, couldn't get the hook out. Walked him into the shallows and off he swam. It certainly got the blood pumping. Caught my first ever banjo after that but that was more like pulling in a big bit of weed. All in all it was a pretty enjoyable few hours.
  13. Cool thanks for the reply Mr Squidy. Yeah 11pm in summer would of been awesome.
  14. That guy has a few other videos squidding in Port Hacking. He describes his technique a little more as well. https://youtu.be/B5uRdyzZuSY https://youtu.be/9SjxwKdQtAY https://youtu.be/EzfEkBucE9s
  15. So I went down Gymea Baths last night for a squid and a fish, got there just after 8pm then the lights went out at 9pm just as I got my 1st and last squid. They usually go out at 10pm. Was wondering if anyone has been down there during winter and knows if 10pm lights out is only during daylight savings hours?
  16. Cool thanks for the reply Dave. Got some new jigs in the post yesterday so hoping to give them a crack tonight if the rain holds off.
  17. Cool thanks Mike. Ended up having a good session at Gymea again last night landing 7 using those techniques you mentioned above.Will post how I go at Lilli Pilli soon.
  18. No info on squidding at Lilli Pilli, thought someone would have some pointers.
  19. Hey all, So after having a very successful squidding session on my holidays I'm now hooked. There top bait and awesome to take home. I've decided to try some spots around the Hacking and first up was Gymea Bay a few nights ago. I'd never been down there before and would be happy to just catch one. Didn't take long and had a small bait sized one on the platform. I had a few more hits but wasn't able to connect. A few guys next to me also picked up around 4-5 while I was there. I was going to try Lilli Pilli next and was wondering if anyone could give me info on squidding there. Do you just squid off the wharf straight out or fish from the rocks to the side? I'll be heading there at night as well. I know it can get fairly crowded there so want to be able to have a few options. Also with glow jigs, do they work at night if you're not fishing near a lit area? Cheers, Damian
  20. Awesome post Scratchie. I head up to Port Stephens every year so will definitely be bookmarking this post for future reference. Thanks again for all the info.
  21. damos

    Gymea Baths

    Great thanks for the reply. Looks like I may need a back-up plan / location just incase.
  22. damos

    Gymea Baths

    Hi all, Quick couple of questions on Gymea baths. Firstly does it get packed late afternoon / night and can you still go for squid there at low tide? Cheers, Damian
  23. Great writing there Steve, really felt like I was there. I think we all have had a few outings like that, you just had quite a few bunched into one and a half days.
  24. That's the spot I was going to suggest. I pump yabbies there all the time though they are usually a little smaller then port hacking ones.
  25. Best reply to a spot location request yet and a great catch.
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