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Posts posted by James

  1. mate tuff luck there in those situations you have to blame something so yeah i will agree with you on change of season.

    tell you what 15 squid is an awesome catch.

    did you use any squid for bait.

    live there hard to go past as a bait.

    i would be suprised if you couldn t pick up a nice king down there on a live "tim tam"

  2. mate thanks for that.

    i think that was quite informative and may help us out one day.

    bloody hell all this info coming out of the dreadful dramas that have occured over the last couple of days has definately enlightened me and maybe useful in the future.

  3. i normally go to seabreeze and then the BOM.

    form there i subtract the Seabreezes prodictions to the BOM and get my weather wind and swell.

    that way i got no one to blame and usually im spot on :074:

  4. the TAB prospers by giving people cheap odds and people throwing hard earnt cash around on animals being ridden by midgets.

    i cant see any point in this sport

  5. mate i reckon hotspots would be a hard thing to monitor or add to the forum, as places that fire one day maybe a dud the next.

    you probably would be better off just roaming the forum and working out for yourself were the fish are in a certain area and then targetting it, rather than just saying a certain location is a hot spot.

  6. good stuff mate.

    i was out there Saturday found things quite tough and managed only a couple of soapies and some bream.

    once the run out stopped i trolled for a couple of hours for tailor didn t managed to get any salmon which i thought was quite odd.

    so well done on getting some

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