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Posts posted by James

  1. Im not a botany fisho, from what i can gather ths molinex point is the main kingy spot, How about Sydney Harbour then.

    Many more Fishing places for kings, have well over 6 markers that hold kings aswell as middle harbour and outside the heads. Seems like a more suitable location, and it also has some great places like clifton Gardens where we all could meet, Go for a swim etc.

    I think a King social is a great idea mainly because the majority of raiders would love to catch a king and learn how to catch them, there are many members that are quite consistent at nailing them and this social could allow them to fill in other members on some techniques. eg: i would be happy to run raiders through on using a downrigger which would be alot easier if i had my boat and downrigger there.

    Although a flattie social would be a great day it isnt a sought after fish for members like Kingys, and i was under the impression that socials were also for education, Experienced fishos teaching the newbies a few things.

    Thats my thoughts anyways

    I say lets allow members to catch their dream fish in some kings, and Sydney Harbour will get the issue soughted of over crowding at one place, i would be happy to name places for people to fish for the kings inside the harbour.


    your spot on netic


  2. post-2057-1160895901_thumb.jpgpost-2057-1160895874_thumb.jpgI hope I don't bore you raiders out there but I rarely fish for anything but kingies. OFten I go out 3 times a week. ANyway I woke up this morning with a howling southerly, over cast and drizzling rain. Didn't matter fish are wet so got my boat hitched.

    UNfortunately :wife: wouldn't let my little ones come...some excuse about the weather. The wind stopped me going outside so decided to go to pittwater. GOt to the ramp at 6am. No one around!

    Started to fish for squid but the blasted wind made things difficult :1badmood: . Got 4 bait sized squid and one large one.

    Went and tried the wrecks for nil result so tried a troll around Stokes. Within minutes the squid gets nailed by a kingie. Landed a 65cm fish. Same thing happened with the rest of the baits with the largest fish going some 83cm. Fish started to follow the hooked ones to the boat.

    Then there are fish working the surface. A mix of tailer and kingies. Started throwing sluggos and hooked a couple of kingies. ONly small fish of around 60cm but good fun on lures. Eventually ran out of sluggos as the tailer tore them to pieces!! Went to poppers and caught kingies to midday. Started to get RSI from all the pumping and winding.

    Couldn't tell you how many I caught but I think about a dozen. Kept 3 fish and the large squid.

    Another good day with the kingies :thumbup: . Cheers Kelvinpost-2057-1160895874_thumb.jpgpost-2057-1160895901_thumb.jpg

    top stuff mate.

    your report was not boring at all.

    boring is fishing for 26 hours and getting zippo. thats my report by the way

  3. Mate,

    thats a great idea, but in all honesty i think it would take away from the 'social' aspect of the event.

    i think what makes our events such a hit is the anticipation and the combined efforts of fishraiders to all be in the same place at the same time, a social event with a single location brings the people together, i honestly feel that the fishing is second on the agenda...

    i dis agree i rckon it would give more people more options rather than restricting them to one fish in one location.

    i disagree fishing comes first on the agenda as thats what you are there for and if you just want to get a bunch of blokes chatting why not go to the shire for a social pub crawl, maybe start at northies.

    its awesome meeting everyone and socialising but at the end of the day we are all there to enjoy the fishing

  4. You can, James. All you need is a container to put them in (I use the rectangular ones that you can buy at a discount store), aerators and relatively fresh water. Make sure that you drill some breathing holes in the lid of the container for proper air circulation and temperature regulation, fill the container with water, chuck your livies in there with the aerators on and your livies should survive overnight! 30L and one aerator would keep 20-30 poddy mullet alive overnight. Of course, increase aeration and water quantity for larger fish (or keep less livies for the same quantity). I good idea is to buy containers with good handles and a watertight lid that you can carry by yourself. If keeping livies for longer periods, change the water about once daily.

    Hope this helps,


    cheers mate

  5. Just a thought:

    Why not try to accomadate all fishraiders boat & landbased and in 3 locations and all species (Sydney Harbour, botany & Hawsbury) have 2 marshalls for each location, and have a point system -


    10 points for (largest) bream, flathead, trevelly, whitting

    20 points for (largest) kingfish, dolphin fish


    make it a yearly event and give it a special name like "fishraiders 3-bays fishing comp."

    top top idea why didn t i think of that

  6. the fishing limits apply to anywhere in the hawkesbury/ pittwater

    fish of any specie including jews kings flatties etc.

    im pretty sure prizes start with biggest fish categories of particular species.

    there is also a luck door prize of a boat.

    there are male female and junior categories

  7. mate west head and little box are top locations but your problems may occur if you have a small vessel.

    in the event of unfavourable weather most reefy shallow areas will hold yellowtail herring and tailor

  8. Hey Mate

    Dont know what others think! But between myself and my brother we bugger off when we see the dolphins even though they are beautiful to watch it, WE think it puts the fish off the bite! An on several occasions only just managed to drag legal kings aboard as a pod of dolphins come through,,,,,, I have never seen them go a hooked up fish, but had them go our lures while on the troll,,,,, SO dont want to put the theory to the test,,,, ie bring a salmon or king up through some dolphins, could be interesting :1prop::1prop::1prop:

    Dan and Greg

    mate my theories were along those lines until this morning.

    we had absolutely no action all night got to our run in spot and a pod turn up, so i think thats it fish are gone.

    wrong i was. within minutes wettingaline comes up tight on a big fish only to snap the 40lb trace (near the top swive)l then within minutes my mate gets a 6kg jew.

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