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Where Do We All Fish


Where do you mainly fish  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. Where do you fish

    • Sydney Habrour
    • Botany Bay
    • Port Hacking
    • Pittwater/Hawkesbury
    • Offshore

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It seems that we have more Bay fishers than any of our other estuaries...be good to see the results

was trying to get a poll started but it didnt work??????

Edited by netic
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It seems that we have more Bay fishers than any of our other estuaries...be good to see the results

was trying to get a poll started but it didnt work??????

Mate I go where the fish are :biggrin2: so why wouldn't I fish the bay. Now that the pros have been pissed off out of the harbour it should improve heaps :biggrin2:

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I fish at botany bay too, but i suspect the fishes will be all depleated soon maybe next 10years no more fishes around, especially near the 3rd runway and mollineux point LOL since everyone fishes there >_<

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Botany Bay is my main spot but my other spot is the Spit Bridge, since i only fish land based (no boat :05: )

I do live near Chipping norton so sometimes when i take some friends at school fishing, this is my main resort.

The boat will come soon enough ! :thumbup:

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Hi I voted for Pittwater / Hawksbury as I often fish there, but mainly fish Brisbane waters Broken Bay. Will be checking out lake macquarie in the near future, since I now have a boat would also like to try around stockton harbour.

Cheers Charlie :1fishing1:

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I fish most spots except Pittwater as I have no idea where it is :074: and never even thought about goin there

Cheers Stewy

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I fish most places, a man with no boat only knows to say yes, and not ask too many questions. You can always complain when you're out there.

Normally we fish from boat in Middle Harbour and Botany Bay, Land based @ any of the northen beaches.



Edited by Beach Fisho
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I hire a boat either on the Harbour or Pittwater. Due to the rape and pillage of Pittwater I prefer to fish the harbour if I hire a boat these days.

Having said this I fish the beaches mainly and sometimes the rocks, and very occasionally Narrabeen lagoon. :biggrin2:

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Interesting result to see that Pittwater/Hawkesbury has come in as most popular, And sydney harbour not so popular.

Would be good to see the results of a simalar poll next year to see any differences

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:1prop: Yes the bay has definately been a happy hunting ground for my brother and I, we always seem to do the best in botany around moll point.

I cant really explain it but everytime we go out we get pretty good numbers of fish (not always big but good numbers) and as long as that keeps happening i think i will keep returning to the bay.


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I fish Botany Bay because it has so much to offer you can fish for bream snapper king fish

flathead trevally and many other species ,as well as being able to fish out side .

but the big plus for me is that is only 10 minutes away

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