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Hi guys,

I was wondering when we can realistically start seeing kingies in our bays again, im dying for this water to warm again to get hold of some more, when would it most likely be?

any info would be great


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I guess it depends where you are on the coast...i assume they travel down with the warm currents in there bigger schools , from what i have seen (which isnt much) in the harb, around november people start to target them ..but im only landbased.

Another note is, dont completley count them out because its winter, last winter there was a few small kings around august, but they were only by themselves each time..

hope this helps some how

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cheers mate i am boat based but only have had it since december really. i fish the sydney coast including wollongong.

Hopefully the warmer water comes sooner i dont think i can wait that long may need to head north for a holiday lol.

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mate know need to wait. there are still plenty around on the inshore reefs, and if you are keen head out a bit further for some deep water jigging. this is when the big fellas come out to play.

a few weeks ago my self and my fishing partner pulled a few in on pillie cubes at east reef whilst targeting snapper.

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i cant really take my boat out to far, if the wind picks up i may not make it back. would love to go tho, maybe on a flat day.

how far offshore is it say out of sydney heads or botany


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Mate they slowly begin to enter our estuaries around november, wont be on fully till late december though,

early in the season they are harder to catch but the sizes are normally alot larger, you will start to hear reports of them entering and when that happens just enjoy.

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Also keep an eye out for "2 Dan's Fishing - The Kingfish Sessions" 3hrs + of content on how to chase kings in and around Sydney...

Is this something that will be coming out soon???

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Hey Kings till i die,

Try having a look in the estuary/river system up river from broken bay - with out giving to much away the same system that holds the hairtale at this time of year is still holding some big resident kings. There are fish 14-20lbs in there every afternoon... you will need a stealth approach (an electric will put you in with a chance - or drift with some fresh or live squid baits in the same area you see them working the surface) be patient - 2 fish of 14 and 16lbs were quitely caught in that system 3 days before the hairtail soscial, also look in Pittwater (no reports this year as yet - but most years there are a few hoodlums that hang about up the back.) Also wortha a troll along north and South head...

to answer your question there is a particular big kingie reef approx 1nm (2k's or so) from North Head I have caught some of my bigger kings there during the colder months...

Also keep an eye out for "2 Dan's Fishing - The Kingfish Sessions" 3hrs + of content on how to chase kings in and around Sydney...

tight lines


Hey Mate,

you're not wrong about the kingies in cowan creek, the sunday afternoon after the social crazedfisherdude and i saw a couple of hoodlum kingys which looked around the 100cm mark smashing a ball of surfacing baitfish, stupid me picked up my 4lb and threw a 9gm maniac at the boiling water, 10 minutes later and i had not gained a single metre of line, with a locked up drag any more bend would have snapped my 2-4kg rod off at the grip. i have no doubt that the king was pushing to 20lb, i simply couldn't lift it off the bottom...

i would recomend having a slow swimming metal rigged up with a minumum of 20lb trace, and be prepared to put in some time on a monster king.



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i would recomend having a slow swimming metal rigged up with a minumum of 20lb trace, and be prepared to put in some time on a monster king.

would love that maybe if im lucky this weekend when it seems like im going to hit the hawkesbury


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