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What's On This Weekend

Guest madsmc

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Guest madsmc

It's that time of the week again Raiders, so let us know what you've got planned for the weekend.

I'll be out and about on Saturday, looking for a repeat performance from the Newcastle bream. :thumbup:

Sunday will be a family day for Father's day, and I'll be working on the :wife: to try a get a leave pass for an arvo session. ;)

Just a quick reminder about the Modern Fishing Catch of the Month competition. Entries for the August comp close at the end of today (Thursday the 31st), so if you have any outstanding entries please post them today.

The new comp begins on Friday, so this weekend will be a good opportunity to get the ball rolling for the September comp. :biggrin2:

Good luck to everyone wetting a line over the weekend, and a big Happy Fathers Day to all the Raider dads. Hope there's a few :beersmile: for you, and me, on Sunday. :thumbup:


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Saturday will be totally devoted to giving the boat a polish......

That means Sunday the fam & i & in-laws are taking boats out to Gunya Beach for some beach cricket/footy & plenty of fishin. Then hopefully home for a couple of quiet :beersmile:

happy fathers day to all

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Saturday I am heading to Canberra to referee amateur boxing then back home on Sunday morning for a Fathers Day family function. The only water that I will see all weekend will be the shower. Next weekend 'SALT WATER HERE I COME'

Happy fathers to you all


Edited by gafmo
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Well Saturday am hoping to get out to chase some YFT, hopefully will have a good report come Saturday night.

Saturday night have a bux night so plenty of :beersmile: for me and no :wife: around so me be very :yahoo::thumbup::biggrin2:

Sunday will be lazing around the house.

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As for myself

Saturday Off to #1 sons Major semi final in Rugby League (u12) should be a good match as the team he is playing they are always close games. The Inlaws will be there from friday arvo till sunday should be fun. :1badmood: Then we are all going out for lunch. So in a nut shell no water for me this weekend :mad3: But like some others here i will devote some of my time to washing and polishing the boat cleaning and organizing fishing gear and also perhaps 1 or 50 :beersmile:


To those great dads out there (me being 1 of them) i hope you have a great Farthers Day :beersmile::beersmile::beersmile:

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Finish up finising touches to woodwork after winter.

Last of the 500hr service. Set carbies, lube prop shaft and replace anodes.

Trailer and all its u-bloody bolts can wait a bit.

Move anchor light to the bow area.

Hope like hell to be on the water again after a 3 week break.

starting to get a twitch...



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I'll probably be going for an early beach session on Saturday. Sunday is a family get-together for father's day, but maybe I'll squeeze in a short SPs session on dusk. Hope every Raider has a great weekend and a Happy Father's Day for all FR dads. :thumbup:


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Might head down to the royal national park on Saturday

for a fish as I haven't been there for awhile.

Taking dad out for father's day on Sunday.

Also get the boat ready on Sunday arvo as

I might get a day off work during the week to

head out to browns.

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