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Wastin Time

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I was spewing i miss it, Stewy informed me it was on high tide when i arrived at CG, i always listen to it but missed it yesterday we just got chatting away in the car.

anyone record it or maybe stewy can get a recording of it, i know when i have radio spots they always send us an MP3 of it.

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#1 son and I heard it while we were unpacking the car for the Social. We listen to it everyweekend !!


Hi Ross

What is the number on the dial for High Tide? What time is it on? I will let my brother at Collaroy know about it! He enjoys a fish, too!



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A friend heard part of it & thought it was Ross Hunter who made the comments , gave Fishraider a plug.

Can any one confirm , just curious


Ross is a very good sponsor and this could well be the case as he is an active speeker on High Tide.

High Tide is the premier radio station to listen too in the mornings on weekends and some public holidays for fishos and if we are getting memtioned on thier program thats great .

I was infact nearly at Clifton Gardens when we heard it and it did feel good to hear Fishraider mentioned on the show :thumbup: hopefully we will get more airplay from Bruce and Kieren as our reports are concise and up to date.

Cheers Stewy .

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And for those outside of Sydney, here's a link to where you can find a relay station in your area. :biggrin2:


Many thanks for that, Hooky - will have to set the alarm awfully early to listen to it tho .... mind over mattress - the mattress usually wins! Last time I was voluntarily up at 4am was to go trout fishing at a 'secret spot' in NZ! Got a nice one, too - first on fly!



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