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Hey, Shouldn't You All Be At Work?


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Hi guys

I am always amazed at the number of folk in regular attendance on Fishraider - either viewing or contributing to the forums! Which is really good to see - it would be lonely otherwise .....

Just wondering if anyone accesses the site whilst actually at work?? I know some will be retired, like me or doing shift work, like the Swordies.

Anyone out there looking in as a guest - seriously think about joining up - then you get into the loop of honest, serious fishing info!

Well, I am off to catch some blackies - it has finally stopped raining in Forster (non stop since Sat pm & even still raining till 9am this morning.)



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Roberta, yes it is great having some weekdays off to fish.

I know there are several very active members that do view fishraider from work and they do not even have a home computer :1yikes:

Fishraider becomes very addictive, the more you visit, the more you want.........

Cheers mrsswordfisherman

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Hi Donna

....... Fishraider becomes very addictive, the more you visit, the more you want.........

Gotta agree with that!! Will let you know how the blackies went! Got a couple on Sat (before the weather turned nasty) at my 'secret spot' to be revealed at the Forster Social!



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I got my half yearly exams on over the next 2 weeks, only have to go for my exams which i only have for max 2 hours each day, that gives me more time for fishraider, to play around with my fishing gear and...............oh yeh to study hehe.

cheers james

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Top Boss, Robbie - one with his heart in the right place!

Great to have access to the web during work hrs - your lunch or tea break. Bet there is a queue!

Hey - all those students with exams or whatever - good luck! Keep up the fishing as a way or relaxation, tho!

When I was working, I never dared go 'cruising' on the net - I always thought it was like, instant dismissal! A friend's son did get the sack for sending a rather 'pointed' email to a fellow worker, which I felt was a bit unfair. They had been having an on-going confrontation which spilled over into email rather than face to face confrontation! He got the bullet.

Ah well, that's life ...



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Guest IFishSick.

I got my half yearly exams on over the next 2 weeks, only have to go for my exams which i only have for max 2 hours each day, that gives me more time for fishraider, to play around with my fishing gear and...............oh yeh to study hehe.

cheers james

Lucky bum! :mad3:

I finish school at 12:54pm, so I have plenty of time to get homework done and get on fishraider before anyone else gets out of school and work :thumbup:

I've got another 2 exams in the next two days and I don't get time off school :ranting2:

Maybe next term in week 3 :biggrin2:

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Hmmmm sux to be me it seems but I only work 5 day

weeks now way better than the 7 days I use to do

Net Nazi at work so I only get my Raider fix at home

usually after my daughters let me use my computer

after I get home during the week and when I can on

the weekends


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Like CFD i am also at work right now.......Got my own office and I am the senior manager so i can do pretty much what i want....i visits various forums throughout the day to keep up with the chatter and reports....

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Like CFD i am also at work right now.......Got my own office and I am the senior manager so i can do pretty much what i want....i visits various forums throughout the day to keep up with the chatter and reports....

hahaha... see PM mate

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I too check it first thing when i get into work, then when i am up to date, then lucnchtime, then whenever someone i am msn-ing to says check out FR

But dont look on the weekend due to prehistoric pc at home :074:

Im ararely posting on the weekend also....rarely post outside of work to be honest...only time i will post on the weekend is if im putting up a report......

Weekends i just jump on for 2 minutes...see what has been caught and race off....

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Great! Glad to hear so many are able to check out the forums during the day!

Now, I am not saying that I am addicted or anything ..... buuuuut........ I probably log in & check the site up to 6 times a day (especially now that I have broadband!) Before, it was just one long session, usually in the morning!

Well done, Swordies for providing such a user friendly site!



Edited by Roberta
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Build it & they will come

Where there is a computer there is Fishraider!

Im usually online checking out the action at least once a day - work, home, holidays... 3 days without fishraider is my longest stint witout logging in 'til i get withdrawls

Hi, my name is Hayley and i am a fishraider addict :074:

Love your work raiders

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Work 4 on 4 off ( GREG)

Makes for alot of spare time.

I work m-f (DAN) but have alot of spare time on my hands @ work quite abit. Construction can be bloody slow when its pouring rain an I cant work!. This is the reason why Ive got a PDA which I link with bluetooth to the net so I can surf Raider when theres nutting to do @ work. This is the reason why Im on so much, probabily 2hrs a day min, max say 6-8hrs.

Dan & G

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