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35cm Blackie From The Racks


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Hi guys

Even tho the water is still as dirty as, I couldn't help myself early this morning! It was a bit spooky - there was a heavy fog all over the lake, so vision was not too good till it lifted. On the water before 7am & thought there must have been a bream comp on, there were soooo many 'professional' looking bream boats out there!!

Normally, I 'find the fish', then tie off & get started, but the water was still so brown (even tho it was the top of the tide) so of no assistance whatsoever!! Thought I'd try an area near where I got my 40cm blackie last week - a narrow fenced in gutter that flows the wrong way!!! The plastic netting on top of the fence to the right prevents you from fishing it from what was just a timber fence. It used to be one of my favourite flattie fishing spots until they put up the netting & then built that internal (infernal!) fence as well!

where I got the 3 hits


Of the 3 hits I got there - I dropped one & got busted off by a horse! My rod was bent over double!! I wasn't able to keep him from the poles on the left. I only put my nose into the space on the right after I got busted off, so I could see more! I couldn't go in any further, as the side wall was immediately on my left (where I was tied off to for the first fish & the busted off one!) I was lucky to get the first one in, as the Forster Surf Lifesaving guys had just gone past & I was watching them rowing the big surf boat & glanced back, realising my float had gone under! Luckily, I managed to land him OK!

I returned outside to fish the out tide & got a hit first cast, but pulled the hook from his mouth!! No more hits after that. Had a big paddle around & chatted to one of the bream fishers - well placed in Hawkesbury & Pt Macq recently. Nice young bloke in one of those big powered boats, with about 10 rods! Some were prizes from the comps.

I will be going back again tomorrow & try to get that Big Momma whilst Keith is at art!!

Cheerio for now


Edited by Roberta
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here he ispost-2231-1188099212_thumb.jpg

Hmmmm, I was trying to add it to the first post, but it didn't want to go!!



Nice work there Roberta,

All these Black Fish fisherpeople are starting to get my attention on Blackfish myself. I went out today and managed to have in the freezer 17 squid to eat and now have 8 more little suckers for the summer kings. Slowly getting all the bait so I dont waste all night before going for kings on a day.

Hope to catch you around some day on the water and enjoy that healthy looking fish


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Hi Squidboy

Come on up to Forster & we can trade secrets - well done on the squid!! I take it you do eat some as well as use them for kingies? Great fun to catch as well .... so long as you don't get inked!



I'll be trying hard tomorrow to find the big ones! Water should get clearer every day, too!

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hi roberta,

thats a real nice luderick from the racks. :thumbup: ... i recon if you scored points for fish they should be at least 2x if amongst the racks... a bit like getting kingies in the middle of all the moorings.. alot of hard work and more busted than landed... but what a joy to be had when you do come up trumps :biggrin2: ....

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Hi Steve

Gotta agree with you there - you really have to be 'on your game', but it also makes it really interesting! I still only use the 6lb fluoro, so they have a very real chance of survival anyway! :1prop:



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