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Fishfinder Yellowfin Trip To Browns Sun 2nd Sept


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Hi Guys,

well the delayed trip to browns finally happened on fathers day..i celebrated daddies day sat so i could make it out to chase some yft with some mates and we were all revved up for a great day out.. after a quick chat with ross and #1 son putting their rig in at rose bay(great to catch up guys hope you did ok,current was ripping though)the good ship Fishfinder skippered by Ian docked at 6.30am and we jumped aboard.as we headed out the weather didnt look real good,water temp 16 with a 2kt current and a bit of swell and chop to contend with... we smashed our way out at around 9kts and after considering a bottom bash it was decided to push on to browns.. we set a spread of lures and chug,chugged away to browns.. saw some dolphins and a couple whales on way out which broke the 2 and half hr+ trip up with not a touch on the lures.. the temp was abit over 20 on arrival at browns and there was a pro boat cubing so we setup a little south of them in hoping our trails would join and get lucky.. it was a little uncomfortable with a 2.5 knt current ripping and wind swell but we persisted with a steady trail of cubes.after about the 4th or 5th albatross was released unharmed(bloody pests kept flying into line or attacking baits)for a graceful and pretty bird (my opinion)they are bloody dumb at times... around 12.20 my reel screams :yahoo: i yell im on... Ian quickly helps to set the hook and stop an impending birdsnest,bugger these things smash baits hard,quickly learn lesson #1 have drag set fairly hard when feeding bait down trail... the guys get the gimbal on me and i start the great yft tug-o-war :biggrin2: .. he takes a few good runs and i turn him towards the boat and its a race to keep a tight line... i won that little battle,tricky little bugger.. my dodgy back starts to give me trouble and was real glad to get the harness on as i was using the rock of the boat to win him over by then.. we had the old sulky circle stalemate that they do down deep but i eventually get him up to be expertly gaffed by team fishfinder at 12.35 :yahoo: .. Ian and deckie (sorry i forgot your name mate) quickly dispatch him and within a few short minutes he's in an ice slurry :biggrin2: ..

my mate arron about an hour later gets about 300 meters of line screaming from his real but ill tell that story for him in a couple days when i get the video done, :1yikes: its something real special.

anyway guys heres the vid of my little one..

huge to me at 108cm but little compared to .......

on the loooong trip back we scored a lone stripey about couple kilos and one stupid bird :1prop: ...

by the way is there any way to est the weight of a 108cm yft as i got conflicting estimates from those aboard????? thanks again to Ian and deckie(sorry again mate) for a memorable time out,




Edited by roosterman
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thankfully the deckie slabbed it up, i divvied it up with the boys so all got a good feed... mmmmmm sashimi....

had tuna steaks last 2 nights and a few more nights ahead :biggrin2: .. and a few brownie points with neighbour and friends.........

if you thought that was good the one arron lost was huge... ill try to get it done asap but im working late tomorrow so thurs night might be the go.... glad to hear you got a feed... was the current ripping where you went......

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Current wasnt too bad early in the morning , we headed over to Watsons Bay in the afternoon , and burleyed up a storm , very little if any current. The fish really came on the chew about 1500 ( 3 PM ) , when cleaned , they were all full of bright yellow burley!!

Jewgaffer , on our return home I looked at the QNH chart for the afternoon , a 3 point rise in barometric pressure starting at about 3PM until we stopped fishing at 5:30 PM. This corresponded exactly with when the fish were biting most aggressively.


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Thanks guys, sure was a nice fish.. we est it to around 25-30kg but i was pretty buggered from long hard day out..seemed heavier than a sack of spuds though....i guess from that chart that we were about right,thanks troutcod... hey boban 108kg would sure of been nice but my dodgy back surely would of gave in and would have to of been tag teamed but i would of loved it.ahhh maybe next time out eh.... the one arron lost was great

and est at around 60kg.. that one sure would of buckled me as he had it for about 45mins..... thanks once again to Ian the skipper of fishfinder on the day and #1 deckie troy.it was a great day in trying conditions and one ill treasure for a long time....

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thanks for the replies guys... i just checked the timelines on camera and my one was hooked at aprox12.20 and boated at 12.35.. arrons one was hooked at 1.30 and lost 45 min later at 2.15... i was spot on about the 45min tussle but the adrenaline from my little guy,well huge to me :biggrin2: .. made me think it was only a short period but was really an hour between fish... go figure.. how time flies when your on a high.... anyway the first ones just about uploaded to youtube so i will get arrons post up. :yahoo: .....

hey tones i will be going past your way monday arvo so if your gonna be in put the jug on and im there mate...

i got home very late and was very much a battered and sore boy and that hot shower felt nearly as good as landing that yft. felt like i could of slept til xmass... mate sh#t happens but we'll talk anyway.im glad you sorted it out..... steve....

Edited by roosterman
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