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Quality Time On The Bay


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Hi raiders, took my 6yo daughter Zoe out for a quick session and had a wonderful time. She is the best deckhand i've ever seen. She kept me fed, covered me with sunscreen and made sure i wouldn't go thirsty :thumbup: Doesn't get better.

Got a late start and struggled to get squid. Managed 5 before taking off to find the kings. Today was quite slow but we managed 3 kings. A throwback of 61cm and two keepers of 72 and 67cm. As soon as a rod would buckle, Zoe would rush for the net and had it in the water way before the fish was even close to boatside.....lol Got some work to do on her patience.

Was running the heavy gear today (15lb braid) and she was a bit worried about losing a rod overboard however she was very excited to see some kings and to spend some quality time in glorious weather. Can't wait to do it all again :thumbup:



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Fishing with kids is so much fun. I've taken Zoe a few times but never just the two of us. I think the trick with young kids is to take them one at a time. Hopefully with any luck my children and yours will be hooked by our wonderful sport :thumbup:

Fishlexic, you will laugh but we use 6lb, 10lb and 15lb braid with 20lb leader......pushed to the max. Its so much more fun and rewarding. I'm sure many people don't realise just how hard you can push 15lb braid. The 72cm king gave me heaps of curry today, so much so that the rod started making awful noises :1yikes: . The combo that did the trick today was a little Daiwa Alphas baitcaster and Battler rod. This rod will be lucky to see christmas as a one piece. There's not much that can't be stopped in the bay with that combo.



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Good on you Red, I bet the missus can't say anything about not spending time with the kids :wife:

Sounds like the kings are making a comeback, good to see. Love to catch one myself and pop my kingfish cherry

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Iceman, do try taking your Zoe out just the two of you. I've taken up to three kids at a time and it usually ends up in tears. I found they were too involved in their own little conversations and then they'd be fighting over who's using what line....etc. If one didn't catch a fish they'd often get jealous and frustrated.

Thankfully I had none of the above today. Zoe was wonderful. Taught her about the need for size and bag limits after releasing the undersized king (much to her disapproval :074: ), gave her a quick history lesson about Capt Cook and took her to Kurnell to visit the site where he landed.......etc. The fish were just a bonus.

Rodholder, no doubt Liam will make an excellent deckie. Bet he can't wait till he lays eyes on the new boat :thumbup:

Roosterman, you are welcome anytime. Heres hoping you nail those huge calamari that got away.

Goob, welcome to the site and i hope your cherry pops soon.

Penguin, how are you going mate? We need to tee up a trip one of these days.



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Iceman, do try taking your Zoe out just the two of you. I've taken up to three kids at a time and it usually ends up in tears. I found they were too involved in their own little conversations and then they'd be fighting over who's using what line....etc. If one didn't catch a fish they'd often get jealous and frustrated.

Thankfully I had none of the above today. Zoe was wonderful. Taught her about the need for size and bag limits after releasing the undersized king (much to her disapproval :074: ), gave her a quick history lesson about Capt Cook and took her to Kurnell to visit the site where he landed.......etc. The fish were just a bonus.

Rodholder, no doubt Liam will make an excellent deckie. Bet he can't wait till he lays eyes on the new boat :thumbup:

Roosterman, you are welcome anytime. Heres hoping you nail those huge calamari that got away.

Goob, welcome to the site and i hope your cherry pops soon.

Penguin, how are you going mate? We need to tee up a trip one of these days.




Congrats on taking your daughter out, I just got back from a two day trip with my 12yo daughter Brittany and we camped overnight in a bloody three man tent, or should I say three midget tent. We had a ball and of course she outfished me. She has her own plastics flick stick and loves it, she will have memories of these outings for years to come.

Regards, Hutcho

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  • 3 weeks later...

G'day guys,

Took my brother Archie, Frank Sinatra's love child, out on the Bay early yesterday to see if we could get him a King. Got some squid around the moored boats at St George motorboat club and moved over to Molly point to give it a go. About 10 minutes after setting up, the boy was on and I thought he was gona have a heart attack. Almost lost his Fedora over the side in all the excitement. :074: He was pretty upset the King was undersize and had to be put back. :05:

He ended the day with two legal kins around the 72cm mark.

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