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Whales At Tathra


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Visited a friend at Tathra yesterday and despite the windy conditions (note the white horses), spotted a group of 8-10 whales breaching about 200-300m offshore. Magnificant! The photos just don't do them justice.






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Hi Rod. It's a 6x zoom and I also zoomed in using Photoshop.

I thought the whales were about 300m away but my mate (a local) reckons they were more like 500m offshore.


This is one of the original shots taken at full 6x zoom.



Edited by peterS
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Gotta love whale shots, they have come out pretty good considering how far you were away, great work.. I too like snapping, very rarely am I without my sony 12x optical around my neck, never know what you might see... Cheers...

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those humpbacks are an amazing creature, we saw a few off sydney last weekend not a few hundred metres from the heads.

when i was in hervey bay at the beginning of sept for apec and beyond, i went whale watching and saw over 30 whales for the day with most of them having a wave and a play only metres from the boat.

simply incredible if you ask me.

great shots by the way, you seem to have a knack for it and look forward to seeing some more soon.

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Aren't they the most fantastic creatures to watch? We had 2 pods frolicking off Seven Mile Beach last Monday, rolling & breaching, when I was showing Rob & Dave how to catch beach worms! I saw more whales on that one day than I did for the whole of last year!

Well done on getting the shots from shore!


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