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A Girl's First Yellowfin Tuna,my Best Day Ever


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Hi fishraider's

This is my first report im writing as so far ive just been happy to read all the great reports everyone puts in

on here,so here it goes im just going to make it short & sweet.FROM TUESDAY 13/11

After getting a phone call from steve,"nexus"on monday night with an offer to go out early tuesday morning

to try & catch me my first tuna,i just jumped at the chance even though i had to be up & ready to go by 5am.

By 6.00am tuesday morning we were aleady heading out between botany bay heads as the sun began to

light up on the horizon,with an hour long run straight out to a spot that ive heard alot of but never been to

called browns mountain.

With steve keeping a close eye his chart/sounder,the water temperature which he kept saying was important

& the many birds that flew around this area,he proceeded to troll around with about 6 different types of

lures towed behind the boat.When steve pointed out to me this giant albatross in the sky & said that is

what he was looking for,he pointed his boat in that direction,about 10minutes later all i heard was his big

gold reel screaming line,rod bent right down & steve hurrying to wind in all the other rods,this was such

an amazing feeling the adrenlin rush was unbelievable,especially when another tuna grabbed one of the lures

steve was winding in & suddenly we both had a fish each on the end of our lines.

Trying to hold onto this big & very heavy rod was just a struggle as much as the tuna pulling on the other end of the line,but steve had his fish to the boat first grabbed a gaff reached over the side of the boat,and pulled in his nice yellowfin straight into the fish box.By this stage steve could see my tuna circling close to

the boat,he grabbed the end of the line pulled the fish towards him, reached over gaffing the tuna & pulling

the biggest fish ive ever caught aboard the boat.IT looked unbelievable,the fish had the most amazing &

beautiful colour's ive seen on a fish,i felt unreal but at the same time my arms & back were killing me,it was

no time to rest as steve wanted the lures back out & back around to the same spot we got those fish.We

took a few photo's ,i got to admire the first yellowfin tuna ive ever caught for a short while before the boat was in total chaos again as 2 of the rods went off again at the same time with that awesome screaming noise that these big gold reels make when the fish grab the lures,i just love that feeling its just the best picking up that rod & the big tuna just pulling line straight out & so fast.Steve lost his one but then he put away a few other rods & said to me just take your time,relax & enjoy the fight.15 min later the fish was

close by,im glad too, as i was just gone my arms felt like dropping off but steve pulled the fish in gaffed &

pulled it aboard.I was stoked another yellowfin tuna & this time i got to soak it in a bit longer,have a rest,a

drink & a few photo's,before starting over again.At this stage i was so happy catching those 2 tuna that it

was enough for me & that i would just drive the boat & let steve catch any other fish we hooked.

The next 2 hours with the sea being so calm & the sun starting to get pretty hot,it went a bit quiet,until about

11.30am with the water temperature the highest it went all day around 22%,& some 5km northeast of

browns mountain we hit the tuna again,it was mayhem, this time the fish were in a frenzy,constant

strikes,double hookups,even i had to wind in another fish,as steve just couldnt cope on his own,we landed

2 yellowfin which we kept with steve tagging & releasing 4 more tuna all in about 45minute period.

By 12.30pm we had caught 9 tuna to about 15kg,and decided that we had enough especially with a good

hour long run back to botany bay,we left the fish biting as at this stage they were chasing small bait fish on

the surface,it was unbelievable.

This was my best day's fishing ever,3 yellowfin tuna,perfect weather,nice boat & great person to fish with.

Thanks nexus for a great day out fishing.





Edited by greenfish
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Congrats on your first (and & 2nd & 3rd) fin. :thumbup:

A mighty effort.

One of these days......I hope to get onto one...not likely in Narra Lake though I'm afraid.

Good on ya Steve too for putting a fellow raider onto their first YFT :thumbup::beersmile:



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thanks everyone for the kind words,it was a such a great day im still on a high.

But as steve tells me day's like these dont come around too often,so im glad

i got the chance to get out there on that day to catch some fish like that.

Its a days fishing i wont forget!



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Its always a pleasure to see the smile on someone's face after catching there biggest fish,that was a great

day out,it always is when your getting amonst the fish like that.They also taste pretty good as well,especially

if you can cookem up fresh the same day that you catch them.

By the way how's the back & arms feeling today?

Your welcome anytime to give it another go!



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congrats on the fin. good stuff. you will be in the clouds for the next couple of weeks

then you will wanna sell your own family just to get another trip out for another shot at em!

steve mate your riggers look a little bit too low angle in those pics? a higher point allows you to get the leader out of the water which will give them a bit better action.

just an observation. still obviously worked tho eh ;)


Edited by djmac
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Its always a pleasure to see the smile on someone's face after catching there biggest fish,that was a great

day out,it always is when your getting amonst the fish like that.They also taste pretty good as well,especially

if you can cookem up fresh the same day that you catch them.

By the way how's the back & arms feeling today?

Your welcome anytime to give it another go!



Hey Steve,

would you extend your invite to myself?

Sounds like so much fun.

I have a 4.6m cuddy cabin so can take that out, but am pretty green when it comes to fishing, especially out at Browns.


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