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Botany Bay 20 Nov


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This is my first report i hope u all enjoy it,

fish'd botany bay yesterday, hooked this nice 4.2 kg flatty at towra.

Took her home and had some beautiful flatty fillets and also the fish roe was huge!(floured and crumbed, it was beautiful)

Anyway hope you enjoyed my first post, here is a pic.

The handyman.


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Hi Handyman, :1welcomeani:

welcome to Fishraider and well done on the first of many posts.

That is a good flathead, and well done on consuming the roe. Its an acquired taste I think.I got used to them in London in the 70,s where they were sold in the shops in the form of round patties, and they were the cheapest thing to buy, and I liked the taste and texture.

tight lines


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no offence taken, i have taken alot of these big breeders for the roe, is it illegal in anyway?

As far as I know it isn't but you are in effect contributing towards poorer fishing in the future. Killing 1 big female could effectively kill hundreds of future fish. But, each to their own :)

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As far as I know it isn't but you are in effect contributing towards poorer fishing in the future. Killing 1 big female could effectively kill hundreds of future fish. But, each to their own :)

Well if it isnt illegal i do not see anything wrong it as i love fish roe, are their any other fishraiders with opinions on this matter?

as they say there's plenty of fish in the sea. :D

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Hi Handyman

:1welcomeani: to Fishraider! Well done on a great catch! The big ones always put up a bit of a fight, eh?

Good to hear you enjoyed aaallll the flattie!! I tried the roe once, but wasn't too fussed! My neighbour eats it. You can also smoke it (as in a fish smoker ....) In Europe, smoked roe is considered a delicacy.

As far as I know, the only restriction on catching the big flatties (correct me if I am wrong,) is that you are only allowed to keep one over 70cm. THe rest must go back, other than that, a normal bag limit of 20.

Look forward to hearing more successful trips on the water



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:1welcomeani: To the site handyman,

Thats a top Flatty and I bet it did taste great, and u were well within your

rights to keep it for the table.

As for the bit of critisism u recieved for your fine catch :thumbdown: , I think u would

not have recieved any, if these members had read the site rules,

espescialy rule number 15. Read it folks its there for a reason.


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Thank you all for your support, but i feel as a new member on this site i do not want to create too much controversy by upsetting other fishraiders. I am going to remove this post as some feel my actions were inappropriate.

Sorry to anyone offended.


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Mate you have done nothing wrong and there is no need for you to change your post.

There is always a group pf people who feel they have the right to force there C & R views onto other anglers, they have no such right and so long as any catch is legal your more then welcome to take a hard caught fish home and enjoy a nice feed with your family.

This website is all about the comunnity spirit and forcing ones views onto others is not what a community is about and thats something the 2 members who mentioned the releasing should realise.

Once again thats a great catch and hope to see many more reports from you

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Mate you have done nothing wrong and there is no need for you to change your post.

There is always a group pf people who feel they have the right to force there C & R views onto other anglers, they have no such right and so long as any catch is legal your more then welcome to take a hard caught fish home and enjoy a nice feed with your family.

This website is all about the comunnity spirit and forcing ones views onto others is not what a community is about and thats something the 2 members who mentioned the releasing should realise.

Once again thats a great catch and hope to see many more reports from you

Thanks a lot for your support netic, but i suppose everyone has a right to their own opinion and if you look at the topic under fishing report "brisbane water cranking again" I feel one of those comments by a member is directed at me, next time i will be more careful when making a fishing report as to not offend other fishraiders,

netic can you please explain how to remove my post? (im pretty computer illiterate)



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Mate, thats a nice catch, and I say good on ya for keeping and enjoying the fish. Just tryin to compare ya to all those commercial catches where fish end up going to waste...or all the illegal sized fish being caught there.

As Roberta said, nice to see you enjoyed the entire fish, and Netic was spot on with what he said.

Keep up the nice catches mate. Rather than criticise I think the other raiders should just simply have said "dont forget to keep an eye on the bag/size limits". You seem to be doin great and thats one nice catch, wish I had the pleasure of getting something like that some day :1prop:

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Handyman, i'm the topic starter of brisbane water cranking again, Shan777

Although my views on keeping big flattie are most definatly throw them back over 60cm as they are breeders and that they usually don't taste that great anyway, that doesn't mean you can't............ I have my own views but it doesn't mean you have to adopt my views or anyone else's.

Now if someone posted a topic where they said got 2 legal flattie, and kept a 34cm one to make up a feed, now thats when i'd be cut, or when i see people taking bucket loads of undersize fish.

You're fine mate, feel very welcome here on fishraider

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Nice work Handyman - glad to see that after having "taken alot of these big breeders for the roe" you decided to check to see if it is illegal or not. You are of course allowed one over 70cm.

Just to play devil's advocate, I have been told that 60-70cm female flatties have a much higher fertility rate than the 70cm plus models, even though they do not produce as many eggs as the big ones. Whether this is true or not, in no way do I see this as a reason to change the 1 over 70cm rule, but interesting none the less.

Handyman - as for your other question "are their any other fishraiders with opinions on this matter?" - I'm sure there are...

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