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hi raiders

caught 2 blackies yesterday one was 35 cm long and skinny the other about 30 cm but fat and solid

also one was very light coloured[the fat one] the other very dark

i guess the light coloured one came in from the ocean with the big tides

the other must have been a lake resident

both put up a good fight on 4lb trace :thumbup:

saw 2 young guys in a boat with a nice flatty

peter :1fishing1:



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Luderick59 i guess the light coloured one came in from the ocean with the big tides

the other must have been a lake resident


The colour difference in those blackfish is very noticable Peter. Does this happen very often with blackfish or only when other species come in as currents improve ?

Mike Inhlanzi was telling me that the large jewfish he caught the other day was noticably lighter than his usual catches. Catching a jewfish so much lighter in colour is a good sign of migration in general.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

PS Peter Mike didn't get a chance to weigh the jew windy banks scales were jammed. I compared it to a photo of my mate Julius' land based 85lb jew at Taren Point and I estimated it to be well over 70lbs. They are the same height, Mike's jew is about ten or twelve inches shorter but much fatter than Julius' jew.

By the way Pete, Mike had the head removed and gave the jew to a home for elderly people as a gift for their Christmas dinner.

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hi jewgaffer

i have caught jew off the beach that are light and jew out on the reefs which were darker same goes for bream blackies caught close to sand can be very light also so i think you are right about migration

nice to see inhlanzi give the jewy away very kind and i bet they will a great xmas meal :thumbup:

did he keep the jewels

peter :1fishing1:

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i was always told they are somewhat of a chameleon not taking long too change colour to suit there surroundings im not saying it happens in minutes but maybe days, i think if a blackie comes from the sandy beach and then proceeds through the lake and then stays there for a few days i think they start to change colour and vice versa. there are so many sheens of colour on different blackfish from purple to bronze and even greenish tinges but i dont know why some of there fins have a reddish hint to them???


see the red in the fins these were caught in sydney harbor


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Yes Mark good post, colour adaption is common for resident fish who return to an area, you see that in the different shades in dusky flathead. That's a well known example.

Jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Mark

They can change colour within 1/2hr - yesterday I had one in a white bucket (didn't despatch him immediately in case I put him back ...) and a little time later, he was almost white!

It is actually an old Jew Fisho's secret, if using a blackie for a livie ...... when put back into the water on a hook, they stand out like 'the Proverbial'!! Blackies are a favourite feed for jewfish!



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Hi Roberta. You've got me thinking blackfish again.

Good size blackfish butterflies would be an ideal bait variation and something very special I think, especially if fished out of area and I'm thinking F&S reef.

Are you coming down to visit Sails before Christmas? I was thinking the Frid after next early pm into the Sat or a full day session on the Sat., otherwise it will have to be early Feb .

Thinking we might have to get you Pete and Sails to grab some blackfish up there or you might have some frozen?

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Mark - they are the masters of disguise! It is in their best interests to blend into the background, especially when the jews are on the prowl!! I actually had a jewie try to snatch one of my hooked blackies! Scared the living daylights out of me!! There were teeth marks running down both sides of the blackie - I won the tussle!

Hi jewgaffer ..... aaaaagh!! I will be in Canberra & Jindabyne that week! Leaving on the 10th & back about the 17th!! Looks like it will be Feb for me - but don't put off that trip on my behalf .... I am sure that Sails & Luderick59 will both be able to do what is necessary to provide blackies for bait!!!

A kayaking buddy actually vacuum packs his whole blackies for jew bait - then you just have to refrigerate them, not freeze them & don't have to gut them! :1prop: Peter's buddy has a vacuum packer that he may be able to use! A just legal 27-30cm blackie is perfect bait for jews.

Hmmmm, that sounds a great idea to butterfly the blackie .... extra juices leaking out to make it easier to find!



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Hi Mark

Lucky you - cleaned & filleted, that would be the best way to store any future fish fillets, instead of freezing them!

If properly vacuum packed any meat (haven't tried it for ifsh yet .....) should last at least 3 months in the fridge - I have had a whole rump in the fridge for more than 6 months! It just gets more tender! :1prop: Any vacuum packed meat does have an unusual 'smell' about it when unpacked - not off, just unusual, so don't be surprised - i guess any internal flavours get intensified!


When going camping, I vacuum pack my steak, bacon etc in individual meal size and freeze it, then wrap it & put it at the bottom of our Engel to slowly defrost & then keep cold in the fridge. It works like a treat! Likewise with cheese, if you get a big block, vacuum half of it & it doesn't go off before you get to it!

Edited by Roberta
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hi raiders

caught 2 blackies yesterday one was 35 cm long and skinny the other about 30 cm but fat and solid

also one was very light coloured[the fat one] the other very dark

i guess the light coloured one came in from the ocean with the big tides

the other must have been a lake resident

both put up a good fight on 4lb trace :thumbup:

saw 2 young guys in a boat with a nice flatty

peter :1fishing1:



It's Laurel and Stanley!,

The fat one is saying "That's another fine mess you've got me into!"

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