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Avoca Rocks


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Went up to Copacabana over Easter and drove up to Avoca Rocks after reading about it.

All I can say is WOW !

Wow at the amazing (natural??) structure and wow at the number of people fishing there.

Would have liked to wet a line there, but I only had bream gear with me and also had a few friends who do not know how to fish, so sight seeing was the only sensible option.

If you have not been there, I suggest you go see it for yourself - truly is an amazing sight. I went around 3pm and a lot nice sized bonito were getting picked up on metals.

Also, safety does not seem to be high on the priority list of a lot of the fishos there .. :thumbdown:




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I used to love it too in the early 90s until I got sick of the filthy, stinking trash left all over an otherwise beautiful spot... it's unfortunately become one of the examples anti recreational fishing types use to 'show' how environmentally irresponsible we 'all' are.

Before I gave up on it, I used to take an empty green garbage bag with me and fill it at the end of each session with empty bait packets, cans, discarded line and assorted other crap. After doing this about a dozen times I went to find greener pastures like some of the less accessible ledges further north on the central coast or my personal favourite, the rocks at the South end of Steamer's Beach.

I've also seen some heartbreaking 'fish kills' there. One memorable pre dawn meeting in the car park with 4 fishos who proudly showed me their 72L esky full of tailor.

If you want to wet a line there go early or late so you can avoid the less pleasurable aspects of Avoca.... Dawn there is always absolutely magic.

(As you can tell I'm a bit torn between sharing your awe of the 'made for fisherman' possie, and sadness at seeing such a beautiful spot continually trashed)

Cheers, Slinky

PS If you can't tell I'm not a great fan of the &*%$heads who are out there giving us all a bad name. It's no wonder there is political mileage to be made in locking up similar spots in Sanctuary Zones.

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Mate all i can say about that spot is BE CAREFULL!

That spot has KILLED so many people its not funny. thats why there are plaques where you begin to go in and i tell you there used to be more and if you had a plaque for every person that dies there it would cover the whole corner as you walk in.

If you don't have the right footwear you can slip and crack your head open in no time at all!

And you went on a VERY flat day, with any sort of swell waves can and DO reach the very back of the cliffs. In fact 50% of the time where most people were sitting and having a merry old fish they would be underwater. this

This is not a spot for the person that wants to rock up and give it a shot. this is a serious rock fishing spot that can do you a lot of damage. Sorry to sound pesemistic i love the spot to death but i have seen too many people break arms and legs from slipping, heard of too many people DYING and have seen too many people sittin on the rocks with split open heads from walking on the slime.

In fact on the sunday you went i was there and i saw a girl no older than 10 slip on the slime and land smack on her head, i heard it from 5 meters away and felt sick in the guts.

p.s if your new to rock fishing don't even think about going there in the dark, thats the surest way to KILL yourself as you slip and even a small wave drags you into the ocean. I have heard of at least 4 people dying there in the last 3 years like that!


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Thanks for the wise words .. I only wish more people would adhere to them !!

It was a calm day indeed and I still threw caution to the wind and was standing/walking halfway between the cliff and ledge and observing.

I read up extensively before I went there and was aware of the dangers of the place and also of the lives that have been lost in years gone by.

I only saw ONE, that's right .. ONE floatation device on the clif wall - don't kno whwat good that will do if someone fell in on the far end of the stones ...

On another note, just around the corner from the beach (the start) there were some young daredevils jumping into the water as the swell rose and then swam out and climbing back in when the swell was high .. crazy !!!

Slinky, it was not that messed up that day I was there .. I have seen wharves in Sydney dirtier !!

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Thanks for the wise words .. I only wish more people would adhere to them !!

It was a calm day indeed and I still threw caution to the wind and was standing/walking halfway between the cliff and ledge and observing.

I read up extensively before I went there and was aware of the dangers of the place and also of the lives that have been lost in years gone by.

I only saw ONE, that's right .. ONE floatation device on the clif wall - don't kno whwat good that will do if someone fell in on the far end of the stones ...

On another note, just around the corner from the beach (the start) there were some young daredevils jumping into the water as the swell rose and then swam out and climbing back in when the swell was high .. crazy !!!

Slinky, it was not that messed up that day I was there .. I have seen wharves in Sydney dirtier !!

Thanks Stylo... maybe the council or coastwatch or someone has been working on it in the last few years.... I might even go back there if it's clean.

PS. If you want another really pretty but also dangerous (like pretty much all rock fishing spots), have a look at the Terrigal Skillion. It's a top spinning spot in summer or used to be anyway and really beautiful again.

Cheers, Slinky

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Stylo the only reason it wasn't that messed up is that a 2.6m southerly swell blew the place apart 2 days earlier and would have literally washed everything off the rocks into the ocean.

I was there on Thursday before it came threw and took about half a rubish bag of other peoples S**T out with me. i'm glad you were carefulkl and read up on the dangers of the spot. some people have that she'll be right and it won;t happen to me attitude.

Well here's a news flash for them. MOTHER NATURE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THERE BRAVADO and when she wants SHE"LL TAKE EM.

Seriously i have seen so many injuries on the rocks by people doing dumb things, running from smallish water over slime with sneakers only to fall and almost get washed in as they splash around in a foot of water like a mullet on the bank. doing the SPLITS when they slip on the slime, very funny to watch that was, seen it twice now at Avoca :), and the countless sprained ankles by fisherman and sight seekers alike!

One of the worst was that poor little girl, man that was a massive hit to the back of her head, i tried to tell her parents to stay of the slime but off they go walking strait over it again to get out!

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You fellows know your stuff .I lived at Avoca for a few years and can vouch for everything that's been said.Its especially dangerous on the rocks with brown/black slime.All of the platform is deadly on a rising swell and tide,if the swells(se) get to 3m+ WATCH OUT.

The main problem seems to be people who have fished hear in previously good weather and the fact that the rock platform cannot be observed(except from the cliff top) on the walk round there.Once you get caught there is NO ESCAPE ROUTE.

Edited by Braidbuster
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Ahh, that is probably why it looked relatively clean ... that's no good having all peoples 5hit going in the drink .. :thumbdown:

I'd love to observe from the cliff when the swell does get up to 3+metres .. some good photographic moments no doubt !!!

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I go back to the early 70's with those rocks, have fished from Mugs all the way to Rat Trap. Have some great memories. It now seems so long ago!!!!!!

Got spooled and 2 burnt thumbs by a yellowfin off the rocks at Copa too.


Edited by bluefin
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Head down there on a cyclone swell and if you even see the rocks i would be very surprised!

I remember once i went there in a 2m+ NE swell, the swell was sporadically hitting the back of the cliffs. I will never forget this moron that was sat in a chair getting hit with water while pissed thinking he was having a good time and he was a hero.

I was talking to a couple of the regs down there and we were in shock! We all agreed that day that if he went in he deserved it 100%. I left 30mins later as it was completely unfishable. Man that guy was a tool. It happenned about a year ago to the day and if you read this post mate, well your lucky.

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....... may as well visit the kincumber tip..... its an embarressment for all fishermen and makes us all look bad considering this was one of the best lbg spots on the coast....unfortunately thats what happens when spots are easily accessible.... ... :1badmood:

Edited by flybandit
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I was here too on Easter Sunday during the morning around 10-11 am..

It's a very nice and great place to fish with many people bagging Masssivee slimey mackerals and some decent bonitos too , along with a lone aussie salmon which i saw..

the place did look very clean and most people on the rocks thought that their boots would keep them from falling in haha how wrong they are.. i only saw a handful of people with some sort of decent shoes on..

shame and RIP all those who have lost their lives in such a great but unforgiving spot.


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They call it mugs rock for a reason! Bluefin like myself is clued up on the nture of the cental coast rocks and let me tell you the metal cleats are useless the best option is those neoprenes with the spikes (maybe even the feltsoles with spikes like the trout guys over here use) metal cleats are like going ice skating and the type of rock up there is that hard volcanic stuffnot the softer stones like Sydney, worst place i fished was Jacksons always looks like the water is going to come over the top!

There are better spots on the central coast.

The ease of access and the urban sprawl eventually it was going to end up looking like Yellow Rock on a calm day if those around know what i mean! :1prop:

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I have seen every nationality just about do stupid things at Avoca and other places. The guy in the chair was XXXXX, the little girl and her parents were XXXXX, both guys that did the splits were XXXXX.

I was there 3 weeks ago, in a rising 1.5m NE swell a crew of XXXXX XXXXX rocked up and fished it for tailor at night with no safety gear at all as me and a mate were leaving.

In fact i have seen more people of XXXXX descent wearing the right gear than most other nationalities. booties / cleats, life jackets / self inflating PFD's.

guys one more thing, i hate to get politicall but the anti fishing guys do use spots like Avoca and all spots to try and ban people from fishing. Everybody needs to take there mess home with them from everywhere they fish!

I was part of a crew that cleaned up a well known and under threat LBG platform as part of clean up australia day to raise awareness that not all fisherman are grubs.

There was a pair of guys fishing there of Korean descent and when they saw what we were doing the guy donned some gloves, grabbed a bag and helped clean just as hard as we were.

Multi language signs asking people to pick up there rubish in my opinion WILL work. Not on all people, but on a lot of people. This is something we should do up and down the coast on all popular rock and general fishing spots.

Guys we need to change the image of our sport! As fisherman we need to be known as people that care about and have a vested interest in the environment! Right now, unfortunately, we are known as a group of environmental vandals and a headache for most councils and national parks.

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And its still filthy as up there..was there today and its a mess. Plastic crap everywhere, people dumping bait and fish bits on the stones.....One day fishing will be banned there because of the filth and bad image it gives the area. Council rangers and fisheries are needed there on a regular basis to fine people and sort it out before greenies get there way.

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Great to hear that many other people are willing to pick up other people's garbage. I still find myself picking up fishing crap but these days at boat ramps and thankfully it's much less common but that only means I'm no longer seeing the problem on the rocks, not that it's gone away.

Don't forget though that this post started because Stylo got his first look at what is still undeniably a spectacular rock platform.... sorry my original reply kind of hijacked your post mate but definitely take heed of the safety warnings if you go back there to wet a line.

Cheers, Slinky

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At the right times, you can get some great catches there...bluefin, cobes,kings etc....but it wont be on a weekend when its chocka block. Its an easy spot to get to which is why its popular, but also its downfall......it pays to walk further along and explore.

Edited by caranx
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Great to hear that many other people are willing to pick up other people's garbage. I still find myself picking up fishing crap but these days at boat ramps and thankfully it's much less common but that only means I'm no longer seeing the problem on the rocks, not that it's gone away.

Don't forget though that this post started because Stylo got his first look at what is still undeniably a spectacular rock platform.... sorry my original reply kind of hijacked your post mate but definitely take heed of the safety warnings if you go back there to wet a line.

Cheers, Slinky

Well said, thanks for the apology Slinky & I couldn't agree more if I tried.

We have left this thread open because the majority of responses have been on a positive note.

Lets keep it that way. :biggrin2:



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Good spot but mad things happen there.

One day during a hot bonnie bite, there were some XXXXX near me flicking 1/2x14/s round in a frenzy. I heard a blood curdling scream. One had jagged his mate in the throat while his rod was at full stretch during a cast.

Another day, I saw an XXXXX guy with a big old penn senator, standing livebaiting with his rod attached to himself via harness. He must have had the drag cranked up cause when the inevitable happened, and a big king took his bait, it stared dragging him toward the edge. In his panic, he didn't think to back off the drag. He got scarily close to the edge before one of his mates grabbed him.

The worst for me was one Sunday arvo, I was fishing alone and minding my own business when a bunch of bogan XXXXX teens came up and wanted a fight, for no reason. :mad3: . Took some time to dissuade them, think I just moved to a lower plattform where they were gonna have to get wet if they wanted to pursue it


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OK...I have edited a couple of posts in this thread mentioning different ethnic origins.

Let's be clear here..We WILL NOT TOLERATE any racist views on these forums...period!!

While no one has pointed the finger on any particular race or ethnic background...we don't want

to highlight any particular enthnicity being better or worse at rock fishing.



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