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I Had 1hr 20mins Whilst Keith Had A Swim


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Hi guys

Just a quick report ..... Wendy & I were supposed to meet up this morning to hit the shores, but it has been raining & blowing a gale all day ....... so we put it off till the weather fines up, hopefully tomorrow.

Then I went out between squalls this afternoon so Keith could have a swim & not really expecting much ...... I tossed the rod onto the ute & dropped him off!

I got onto a hot bite!!! :1yikes: Couldn't believe it!! :biggrin2: I landed 10 fish, dropped a couple & kept 5 to 32cm. All in just over 1hr 20min!! Just hope they are still there when I take Wendy there! Much easier than getting the yak out! :)

I will smoke them tomorrow! They were all males .... perhaps they are on the move in our system now :)




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Love it when you drop a line in while killing time and stumble on a hot spot , what time was it,when and where?...Have you stopped smiling yet?

You have brightened my day up, thanks, and you know why :(

I picked up some H B lures including a Chubby and a new b/f float today over at the tackle shop in Tuncurry



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Top result on the blackfish in an hour and twenty minutes Roberta. :thumbup: After the rain up there in Forster lately, maybe ask Keith nicely if he would mind treading water for eight hours and twenty minutes :D say from around 4pm till midnight while you have a go at the jewfish at the wall


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi guys

Re the cut across the neck instead of the gills/throat ...... blackies are so active, you can never consider them 'yours' till they are on your plate!! They twist & gyrate when you are trying to remove the hook from them & most blackie fishos have lost many that they 'thought were in the bag' because they weren't holding them hard enough!

My hands have also been so cut from their sharp spines (and they take ages to heal) that I started to use a cloth to wrap around the head of the fish, so it couldn't slip ...... and cut the neck rather than the throat, as it was much easier & safer to do! :)

I used to put them in a keeper bag & hang them from the breakwall rocks, till a moray eel attacked the bag, biting a hole in it & taking chunks out of the fish bellies! :mad3: The others got out! :1badmood:

These days, I usually slice their necks & put them in to fresh water in my bucket (if I am going to keep them) or just put them back into the water.

Hi Wendy - it was mid/late afternoon & they were 'there'!!! See you in the morning!!!

Jewgaffer - I still reckon blackies would be the best live bait for a jewie .....

Tan - get your gear ready - they are on!!!!! I am using a 'bendier' rod now too! :)

Peter/Luderick59 - hope you get into some!! :) I reckon they'll be "ON"!!! :) :)

Cheerio for now


Edited by Roberta
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:1worthy::1worthy::1worthy: All hail, the Queen of the Blackfish!

My thoughts go out to the poor Blackies ... they've just printed 'BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR' posters of your yak, and now your attacking 'em from the bank! :074::074:

Congrats on a great bag, Roberta, and good luck to you and Wendy with your next trip.


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well done Roberta :thumbup: ..

like a true blue fisho eh,never go anywhere near water without your gear :biggrin2: ..

sometimes those quick sessions are the best and was great to hear they came on the chew for ya..

much better than my last outing as we watched them swimming around not interested in baits or burly..

good luck with wendy in the morning...


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hehehe not sure what happened there - the broadband was dropping in & out as I tried to post it last night & it never showed the 'final' before I got sick of it & signed off!! That was to be sure, to be sure, to be sure!!! :)

It is trying to fine up a bit here - actually not raining, so that is a bonus! :) Sun is trying to come out in bits - sounds like Sydney is copping all the rain!! :)

Wendy & I are heading over this morning ..... wish us luck! She hasn't caught from land yet!



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Well, Wendy has now caught her first land based blackies today - outfished me comprehensively, landing 2 nice fish - one very nice - up around 35cm plus!!! We didn't get pics of them, as we outfished our time & had to hightail it out of there, for Wendy to meet up with her Mum for shopping :1prop:

We both got some throwbacks & I hooked a couple of better ones but they all got off! :( Had a funny one on at one stage - it looked more like a frigate mackerel!! Sleek & sort of silver & went like a bullet, till it got off! :(

I had hoped the high morning tide would have been productive, but they didn't start to bite till well into the runout again!

Another first for Wendy - she also caught a flattie on weed!! He went back to grow bigger!


Cheerio for now


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sounds like the start of the fish coming in to the northern rivers good going now on sleek silver long fish they are the true ocean fish probably well under conditioned too depending on how far he runup the coast we used to get a lot off the rocks around cronulla september october making there way back down from the north.

Heading to the Wairapa and the Ruamahanga for browns next week saw flounder up near Masterton its fresh their WTF!

Spring trip planned for Hawkes Bay and opening day for rainbows and blackfish near Gisborne can't wait!


Royce :beersmile:

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Speights good! :beersmile:

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G'day Royce

Good luck with the browns!! The Squidgy Trout sp is taking some good browns over here just now!! Killer sp ..... not sure if you'd be allowed to use them in NZ tho??

Send us some pics of the BIG Gisborne blackies!!!! :) :)



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G'day Royce

Good luck with the browns!! The Squidgy Trout sp is taking some good browns over here just now!! Killer sp ..... not sure if you'd be allowed to use them in NZ tho??

Send us some pics of the BIG Gisborne blackies!!!! :) :)



Actually yeah you can use Sp's depends on the river and F&G regs will have to get some mailed over as they don't sell them here yet

Hey some people have never been cut by a blackies gill or spiked! i think any one thta fishes for them has the hands to prove it! Only takes a couple of episodes and then ya know why some people resort to their way me i never learnt haha! :beersmile::1prop::1prop:

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Hey Roberta,

I love forster Tuncurry!!

And best of all, my Dad has just brought a holiday home over at Coomba Park, so summer holidays with the kids will all be in paridise from now on!! :beersmile:

Although, winter Luderick seem to be playing the game also, have you found the big Bream have started to move as well? I have in the past caught some bigger mullet in the cold up there also.

Good going


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yeh not bad roberta, average to medium, how long were you out there for?

Gee I love the opinions of a young expert who obviously can't be bothered reading the post title or the post itself. :thumbdown:

I believe Roberta was out there for 1 hr & 20 mins.

Oh, & btw. Top session Roberta!

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