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Love The Parra!


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Made a very late decision to fish yesterday morning, hoping that some of the monsters that GregL boasted about a couple of weeks ago were still around, and glad I did. On the water by about 8am and pretty much had the whole place to myself - literally, because I was flying solo today, something I should do more of. It was great, the rain cleared about 9 and it was pretty much perfect, mild overcast conditions until 1pm and I barely saw another boat all day

It was a pretty slow start at the bottom of a very low tide. I tried a few spots and it was pretty much the same story - loads of undersize fish everywhere. Then it happened, I had a 30-40 minute session that was just perfect. A quick lure change (went "old school" and bigger than I normally would) and pulled a 35cm bream off a pole to join the 26 and 28 in the well. On the next pole, I'd just given up on the retrieve and was winding back in when I saw a shadow come up from the deep and slam the lure. It gave me some stick on 3lb line, before I finally got the net under it - 40cm to the fork and big and fat! I pulled 3 more fish off that pole smallest being 33cm and got well and truly stitched up by another.

Moved on to another couple of spots and found fish at most of them. You know your having a great session when you're throwing back 28/29cm fish that you'd gladly take on any comp day.

The bite slowed down at the top of the tide and the rain set in, so home I went very content.

post-1674-1213063289_thumb.jpg post-1674-1213063305_thumb.jpg

Cheers, Greg

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Another excellent report, Greg. That is a stonker breambo! :1yikes::thumbup:

Were you chasing them with plastics, or did you give hard bodies and blades a swim? After reading GregL's report, and chatting with Andrew, I have ordered a few blades as the bream are definitely not firing on plastics down my way at the moment.

Congrats on a great bag of fish mate.


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A bit of payback for all the YFT caught the last week or so.

Great effort and a smashing looking rig you've got there.

Love to see a pic of the boat in it's entirety.


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Hodgey, all of the fish were caught on plastics. I must be the only person in Australia at the moment that doesn't fish blades and vibes. I did give them a run for a while, but without much success, though it's most likely a confidence thing because I fish plastics about 80% of the time these days

Mariner 31, there's pics of my boat here http://fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.ph...519&hl=gerg. It's an Aussie built Attack 470. It's a great little boat, very comfortable though not as quick as some of the bass boats getting around at the moment.

Justin, I've lost your number. Sshoot me a PM and we'll organise to head out for a flick

Gary, I fished North Sydney to Silverwater yesterday. I covered a lot of water to get an idea of where the fish are at the moment. I caught fish pretty much everywhere, but didn't really find any size until I got back to the lower part of the system. Hope that helps.

Cheers, Greg

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Nice session Greg!

Amazing how good the river is fishing at the moment. Near every bit of stucture has bream on it.

Pitty the Raider tuna day is on the same day as the Parra river bream comp, would have loved to fish it but tuna pull bream backwards! :biggrin2:



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