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Grrrrrr Jackets Every Were


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hit the harbor at 8.45am it was like glass

out for a troll to the stink pipe for zip

droped the pick and lost way to many hooks[leather jackets]

we tried 5 or 6 differant places only to get the same result

over to spot q for lunch and more leatherys

at this point i had given up on getting a feed as the jackets were to thick

neil riggs a soft plastic and has a chuck i said you wasting your time they will chew it up

2nd retreve no plastic,so he puts a peace of salted bonito on the jig head[2 o hook ] on starts sight fishing for leather jackets

he starts pulling jackets i watched for about 15 mins and said we may as well do every one a good deed and start keeping them

within an hour we had way to many in the esky

if you wont jackets the lead jig head with 80lb leader is the go if they miss the bait they may die from lead poisioning

there were super yakkas and slimmys mixed in with the bully jackets

headed over to the wave rider bouy and downrigged a slimmy to grotto point there were good fish on the sounder and we lost half the slimmy but did'nt relise till we were at middle head

worked that area for a while for no hits then headed to the zoo for 1 33 bream and zip on the livey

great day on the water and for the first time i will give jackets a go on the plate

anyone heading out tomorow it is jacket plage there are good fish about just getting past the jackets

as you said gaffer the fish were where you said just not that keen on high tide may have been worth hanging around till dark o well you live and learn thanks for the tip


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mate we had the exact same story 2 weeks ago off broken bay every bait we put down got hammered by jackets before it could even touch the bottom, we changed bait to squid which held on the hook alot better and gave us around a 1min bracket before the jackets shredded all the bait off the hook, ended up getting only one mowy which was the only half decent fish all day :thumbdown:


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I think it's all a plot by the manufacturers of soft plastics... they breed them in big cages then let them loose whenever they want to boost the sales of tails.

In all seriousness I'd love to hear from any marine biologists we have in raider... Is it my imagination or does it seem that 5 years ago jackets seemed to be only a minor problem at most but each year now it gets worse. Has the population exploded?? Why? And why do they seem so concentrated around Sydney and so much less of a problem anywhere else??

Cheers, Slinky

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I reckon a couple of years ago someone crossed a jacket with a pirania and a rabbit as they are breeding like nothin else and agressive. More spots and I noticed and big schools in close. Wonder if the divers around wrecks have noticed any change.

I can't work out if we get hammered more as we fish all through the water column whereas before we used to just drop big lead to the bottom and scare a few leatheries on the way down. First sounder company that can get the reflection of a leathery accurate can make a lot of money and save a lot of tackle.

Is it that the pro's don't target them anymore as they are not a target fish?

Maybe they are just evolving quicker than we are!!! or quicker than my fishing skills- not hard.


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I think it's all a plot by the manufacturers of soft plastics... they breed them in big cages then let them loose whenever they want to boost the sales of tails.

In all seriousness I'd love to hear from any marine biologists we have in raider... Is it my imagination or does it seem that 5 years ago jackets seemed to be only a minor problem at most but each year now it gets worse. Has the population exploded?? Why? And why do they seem so concentrated around Sydney and so much less of a problem anywhere else??

Cheers, Slinky


i recon your right there


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I spoke to a charter operator who reckons that 5 years ago it was worse! and that there has been a drop in numbers since then, but he did mention that in his opinion they're reaching plague status again as they did 5 years ago... and numbers are back on the rise..

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We should have a jacket annual social... but more of a hunt them down and pull them out of the harbour approach... aim is to have as many people that are onboard to bag out on them... almost like an annual roo culling... shoot 'em up trigger happy style!

:gun_bandana::gun_bandana: :gun_bandana:

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ADMINS, is an annual Jacket Cull unsportsman like, and would it be frownd upon by fisheries?

We could even turn it into an 'Anuual Leathery charity event' and cook them up for the homeless or others in need?

I love eating them, might sneak a few in myself :biggrin2: (just for the record, i am not homeless, or in need)

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ADMINS, is an annual Jacket Cull unsportsman like, and would it be frownd upon by fisheries?

We could even turn it into an 'Anuual Leathery charity event' and cook them up for the homeless or others in need?

I love eating them, might sneak a few in myself :biggrin2: (just for the record, i am not homeless, or in need)

mate that is the best idea that I have eva heard haha I think we should definatly do it


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i went out yesterday in hope to get a few snappers.

there were leatheries everywhere.we tried sp and the got munched,snapper rigs which lost a few,sinker,etc.

we tried different spots all to day to no luck,they were everywhere from outside botany heads to woollongong. :ranting2::ranting2::ranting2:

managed a gummy shark,5 legal snappers,3 big squid,kept 2 leatherjackets to give to my neighbour.

Edited by Crazy John
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i keen for the attack on the jackets, a whalf down the road from me that i fish at a lot is infested with them have got a anything else there is ages even on harbodies cos the jackets surround them and attack them nother else can get close.

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yes no idea they are bullys pushing there way in on every thing

we caught a pinky and left it in the water and they were like pirana taking little chunks out off the poor bugger

they must be stopped :biggrin2: lol


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I know how you feel mate! Same thing up here on the central coast. Mate and I out of Swansea encountered the same thing. Hours upon Hours of losing rigs etc from Jackets......I'm all for a cull!

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its all we caught off the back of bombo last weekend. couldn't even get the bait to the bottom b4 it was picked off. catch em all the time locally (hacking) aswell. annual leathery sounds like fun, though they do taste gud so we will get a feed outta it aswell..

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I smell cottage industry...

designer bags, wallets, belts & boots made from the prized hide of the rare Australian "Oriental Triggerfish"

If Queenslanders can sell Cane Toad boots in Texas for $$$, and Japs sell eel skin wallets & bags to the world for $$$ why the hell not??

Revenge is best served cold, tanned and profitable.

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