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First Post, First Fish On An Sp

small fry

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to start got to say thank you to all the fishraiders (especially jewgaffer, thanks for tips about the forecast and tides yesterday) out there who post heaps of useful info on this site. Never was one with studying but all the little bits of info that ive read on this site finally paid off this morning.

got up at around 7 and decided to head down to blues point. not really expecting that much but had the morning off work, the weather was clear and nothing else better to do today. took 2 rods with me, 1 with a paternose rig with cuttlefish strips and another with an SP.

first hour or so, nothing as usual and then the SP hits and i cant believe that i finally caught something with some weight behind it. once ive reeled it in and lifted it out, i see that its a trevally. i was pretty happy with this and really considering taking it home but i dont have a car and only get around on a bus. so it went back in the drink to fight another day.

pretty happy with that :thumbup: , didnt think anything could top it except maybe a flattie, so kept hunting. another hour passes by, still baiting up and flicking away when all of a sudden, my drag goes nuts. this has never happened to me before (only read about the whizzing sound). so i tighten up the drag and start to reel in. it dives down a couple of times and i think im about to lose my rod in the drink when all of a sudden, its head pops up and i cant believe my eyes. its a kingy. :yahoo: . never had to lift anything this heavy before on my rod so im surprised by the weight. i also wasnt prepared to catch anything this big, so no net. i have to admit, i was pretty lucky to lift it out, because as soon as i did, it spat out the SP. my mind was racing. "how am i going to get this home"?. the bus driver will never allow this. quick measure, just undersized at 60cms. :05: . bit relieved that i didnt have to lug it on the bus. took some photos and it went back in.

gotta say best day fishing by far for me.

thanks again everyone for your posts. would never have tried SP without some of your tips and encouragement.

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Go Small Fry,

Awesome report mate. There is NOTHING that compares to the feeling of achieving new milestones in your fishing and cracking soft plastics for the first time is a blast. Now you can start chasing all the other species out there with a whole lot more confidence. Great looking fish. :thumbup:

Cheers, Slinky

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Nice first report small fry :thumbup: . Gotta love the unexpected things that happen when you go for a fish.

BTW, What's the sp you're using? It looks like its glowing? Or was it in the harbour for too long?


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i also catch the bus to go fishing. would you be able to tell me what bus to catch to get to blues point.thanks mate

just get to north syd station. there is a bus from there. the 265 and 269 i think. but its only a 10 min walk from the station anyway.

Nice first report small fry :thumbup: . Gotta love the unexpected things that happen when you go for a fish.

BTW, What's the sp you're using? It looks like its glowing? Or was it in the harbour for too long?


hehe, one of the kokoda ones, 4 in

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Good on ya Small Fry, enjoy the site and keep the fishing adventures coming, always take your camera and your brag mat so we can all see your results. Another Fishraider addict..

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:1welcomeani: Small Fry

Congratulations on a top session and a fantastic report!! That's two great fish you've managed there, and I get the impression there are a lot more to come :thumbup: Keep the reports coming mate!


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Well done Smallfry & :1welcomeani: to Fishraider!! You may have to change your name to Big Fry if you keep catching top fish like that!!! :1yikes:

Congrats on your 2 PBs on sps already - especially the Kingie!! I haven't caught one yet ...... it is on my list :)



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Congrats on your first mate and welcome to the site.

You will always remember your first king no matter how many more you catch from now.

I hope you have a good bus ticket mate because you will be addicted now thats for sure.

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Well done Smallfry & :1welcomeani: to Fishraider!! You may have to change your name to Big Fry if you keep catching top fish like that!!! :1yikes:



Well done Small Fry :thumbup: The longer you study Fishraider member's posts, you'll find a general consensus and you'll improve so much that you'll either change your member name to Big Fry as Roberta suggested or perhaps Oversize Fry Pan :D if it hasn't already been taken that is.

I hope you enjoy Fishraider and remember the more friends and the more rods out the better and I am sure it won't be long before your own friends will be learning all there is to know about fishing as well


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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A big :1welcomeani: to fishraider thats a Solid effort small fry :thumbup:

Its great to see someone get their first fish on plastic, i remember mine. I caught a flattie on a mister twister fluro double tail plastic on the fluro lead head that was when i was a little tacker!

Mate i know how good the feeling is when you catch a fish on a plastic or a lure, especially if your targeting a species and thats what you land. Its great!

Well done champ and keep us posted always of your catches.

Good Luck



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to start got to say thank you to all the fishraiders (especially jewgaffer, thanks for tips about the forecast and tides yesterday) out there who post heaps of useful info on this site. Never was one with studying but all the little bits of info that ive read on this site finally paid off this morning.

got up at around 7 and decided to head down to blues point. not really expecting that much but had the morning off work, the weather was clear and nothing else better to do today. took 2 rods with me, 1 with a paternose rig with cuttlefish strips and another with an SP.

first hour or so, nothing as usual and then the SP hits and i cant believe that i finally caught something with some weight behind it. once ive reeled it in and lifted it out, i see that its a trevally. i was pretty happy with this and really considering taking it home but i dont have a car and only get around on a bus. so it went back in the drink to fight another day.

pretty happy with that :thumbup: , didnt think anything could top it except maybe a flattie, so kept hunting. another hour passes by, still baiting up and flicking away when all of a sudden, my drag goes nuts. this has never happened to me before (only read about the whizzing sound). so i tighten up the drag and start to reel in. it dives down a couple of times and i think im about to lose my rod in the drink when all of a sudden, its head pops up and i cant believe my eyes. its a kingy. :yahoo: . never had to lift anything this heavy before on my rod so im surprised by the weight. i also wasnt prepared to catch anything this big, so no net. i have to admit, i was pretty lucky to lift it out, because as soon as i did, it spat out the SP. my mind was racing. "how am i going to get this home"?. the bus driver will never allow this. quick measure, just undersized at 60cms. :05: . bit relieved that i didnt have to lug it on the bus. took some photos and it went back in.

gotta say best day fishing by far for me.

thanks again everyone for your posts. would never have tried SP without some of your tips and encouragement.

Congrats Small Fry,

That is a great first post mate, well done........



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