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Okuma V-system


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Oh yeah... it's happened again. Another trip to Go Fish and another new toy. Roberta will understand... I had a rod that didn't have a reel to suit it and that's just not an acceptable situation.

I wanted to try something different. I went with the intention of getting a Sargossa 8000 but I've become such a habitual Shimano buyer I decided I had to break the pattern and I wanted to try out the new Okuma V-System reels.

Picked up a V65... about the same line capacity as the 8000 Shimano. It's built more like a Daiwa than a Shimano from what I can see. I think they've been copying the better features of both brands. It's built like a brick pagoda and has a powerful dual drag system... it's not nearly as sophisticated as the dual drag on a Stella or Fireblood but still heaps grunty.

Obviously it hasn't been used in anger yet but for what you get I have to say it seems like better value than an equivalent priced Shimano (the Sargossa is pretty close in $$).

If nothing else, it will at least make sure I keep objective about my Shimano reels and have something else to talk about when the inevitable 'Shimano or Daiwa' threads pop up in the forums.

Cheers, Slinky

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I've looked at those V system reels & thought if they work as well as they feel they will be damn good reels. I considerd the 45 as a harbour/bay kingy reel but opted for a Sol 3000. They sure look the part & I'd love to know how it performs in anger.


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So ... Slinky 'the bling' malinky has been shopping again. There's a surprise :biggrin2:

I am keen to hear how that new bit of kit performs, Tony. Like CFD, I have seen Mark Berg do some pretty impressive things with that reel. Which of your impressive arsenal of rods will be the recipient of this fine reel? T Curve?

Look forward to hearing about its performance in future reports. Good luck mate!


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Given the amount of shares you own in Go Fish I was wondering when you get to use all the gear you own. Lets presume you can attempt a different style every week which one of the 72 weeks in a year will you be trialling this model :074:


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So ... Slinky 'the bling' malinky has been shopping again. There's a surprise :biggrin2:

I am keen to hear how that new bit of kit performs, Tony. Like CFD, I have seen Mark Berg do some pretty impressive things with that reel. Which of your impressive arsenal of rods will be the recipient of this fine reel? T Curve?

Look forward to hearing about its performance in future reports. Good luck mate!


T-Curve Jig 200... good guess. I'll let you know how it goes if I can ever drag myself out from under the doona to go fishing. There's a wreck I particularly want to take it to and warm up the drag but it takes very good weather for me to get there in my boat. Not far from shore but a reasonable distance from the heads.

Cheers, Slinky

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I think Slinky shuold take a photo of all his gear and post it!! :1prop:

You're a fine one to talk! :biggrin2:

I'd be willing to bet I'd need sunglasses if I ever looked at a photo of all your reels Ceph. So much bling you probably look like you're making a Gansta Rap film clip every time you go fishing :1punk:.

I'm about due to take photos of all my gear for insurance (I don't insure it separately as its covered under my contents policy, but can you imagine the look on the assessors face if I told him how much gear got burned in a fire... think I'll need visual proof!) I'll post a couple of shots of mine if you show me yours!

Cheers, Slinky :074:

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Ok.. let the photos begin!!

This is a Sephia 2500S BB from Japan. It is the Fireblood's little sister with 5 bearings, special ARC spool and all the line management goodies. This one is for the :wife: .

Stay tuned for more rare gems.. :biggrin2:

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Here you go Ceph...

:15: I have a problem!


45 reels :wacko:



Rod pics are from about 18 months ago... I've got a few more now (the rod rack by the way is in my bedroom... at :wife: suggestion)

If you want to know the scale of my addiction... since selling 3 reels recently (to help shrink my collection supposedly), I've since bought another 4 or 5 new ones. Nearly all of them see the water at least once a year and my favourites get a flogging (when the weather's warmer anyway!)

I know I'm not the worst Raider tackle tart by a long shot but looking at my reel collection tonight I do scratch my head a bit. :insane::insane::insane:

Cheers, Slinky

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Ahhahhaha this is a great thread - merciless accusations of blingery, fantastic!

I can honestly say my collection is no-where near as good as that but I am building a fishing tackle replica shop in my garage complete with pegboard and bins to store all the terminal tackle. I figured its the only way to store this stuff and actually know where it all is!!!

Will post a couple pictures once its all up on the wall so to speak...



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