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Wendy's First 2 Blackies From The Breakwall Today!


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Hi guys

I got up this morning to find a message on my phone saying "I am at the breakwall fishing, if you want some company!" I sms'd her to see if she'd got any fish & said "1 already & just dropped one'. So I had some breakfast & joined her after 9am.

I had a few downs but no hookups & Wendy (who was further up the breakwall) was into some good fish, dropping a few - one even took her under the rocks & got off & then she got onto a whopper! She took her time & got it to the net - a very nice 37cm fish!

Wendy & her 2 very nice fish - she was stoked, as this was her first Breakwall Fish! :) :) :thumbup::yahoo:

We fished on for another few hours, had some lunch & tried again, but no more fish were landed, altho we could see the mongrels laughing at us!

The weather looked like it was turning to the worst, so we packed up & headed for home. I was comprehensively outfished today! :biggrin2:

Cheerio for now


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Hi Roberta, you guy's seemed to have had a pleasent day and good on Wendy for getting her first breakwall luddies, and those ones with the cheesy grins on thier faces better look out because I bet you'll be back to get 'em.. Cheers


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hey roberta how r u im heading up to forster in feb next year and was wondering what i can expect to catch at that time of year will be there from the 8th of feb till the 14th maybe catch up for a fish somewhere so i can pick ur brain.

cheers ben moses

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Beginners luck guys.

I have'nt posted for a while,the mojo has been off the boil :thumbdown:

I woke up this morning feeling like the fish were calling me ,so I reported the plan to the teacher and wondered down to the break wall with a positive attitude. :1fishing1:

After collecting some fresh weed,I found a confortable and safe spot to fish from and had a lovely time getting a reasonable amount of downs and dropping two hefty fish then finally ending up with dinner for mum and dad, as per photo's.

If the rain holds off tomorrow morning Roberta I was thinking the red houseboat in yak , launching around 8.30.

Thanks for posting pix,



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....the red houseboat....

oooooh, careful there, Wendy ...... don't want to give away too many of our good spots! :1prop: It is looking good so far! :) Gotta straighten the crown ...... it slipped yesterday & restricted my sight :wacko:

Hi Moses - should be plenty of species around in Feb, even blackies! Most of the holiday crowd will have well & truly gone, so boat traffic shouldn't be a problem except on weekends. GIve me a yahoo when you get here & we'll hit the water somewhere :thumbup::yahoo:



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Congratulations Wendy on two beaut fish off the wall.

Great report Roberta.

It doesn't get much better than fishing with a friend. What's great is the obvious enjoyment you get out of Wendy's catch Roberta - It really sums up what fishing and friendship is all about.

I bet you nail it next time Roberta.



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