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Harbour Report Saturday 4/10


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Hi All,

Decided to brave the rain this morning to have a go at that mid morning high tide today.

With this warm water flooding into the harbour I chose to try a few spots close by the ramp that fished pretty well when the water was warmer at the start of the year. Over winter these spots had produced nothing so I was interested to see what difference the temperature would make.

I arrived at the spot started lobbing plastics into all the likely looking spots and began to get instant results on some nice little flatties. I noticed they had a lot more energy than they have had in the past few months.

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The action continued on like this right up till the top of the tide when i felt a very light take and set the hook into a fish that felt a fair bit heavier than those leading up to it. Big head shakes followed and then a great big run which I chased down with the electric. As this fish slowed down and I scored some line back I was thinking this fight was very unlike even a big flattie, it was one I didn’t recognize at all.

With a few more lunges and a bit more winding I finally caught sight of that colour every fisho wants to see at sometime in their lives.......my first ever jewfish!

Backing the drag off and playing it up to the boat my girlfriend slipped the net under it and brought it aboard.

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They really are an impressive fish in the flesh and after admiring it in a few photos I put it back over the side and it took off straight for the hole it came from.

If I could learn how to do that consistently I would be one happy bloke.


Edited by doug43
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Great report Doug, and a HUGE congrats on your first Jewie on plastic. I am still yet to nail one on a lure, so I can imagine how bloody stoked you would be to nail one. Terrific photos, mate, and well done to the little lady for securing your quarry :thumbup:

Our first potential entrant in Catch Of The Month!


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Beautiful Jewie there - looks to be in super condition. :thumbup:

That one would have been on my dinner plate. :biggrin2:

Great effort, and a greater effort to release the beast.

Well done, consistency will definately come for you.



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Nice work doug43. :clapping: Awesome first jewie mate :1worthy: !!! Congrats

Come to think about, Were you and your buddy launch the boat at La Montage today with a Hi-ace Van?

Coz I think I saw u while me and my work mate were bludging at work. Just curious.?

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Ahhh, the first one is always a special fish. :thumbup:

To nail it on a plastic is just fantastic! :yahoo:

Well done Doug. I don't believe any of us could say that we truly have the Jew worked out. :wacko:

Even the top jew fishos still have fishless trips. :(

I hope to see many more netted by the better half.



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Congrats Doug. BEautiful looking fish, have never caught one myself but that looks a great speciman. I remember the rush I got when I caught my first Kingie (he only just went 60 cm) to land a fish like that especially on plastics must have felt great. Your fast becoming the harbour guru on here!!!

Look forward to your next report.

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Fishing bad weather & catching good fish is great :1fishing1: How do you get your better half to go with you in the rain?What sort of plastic is that hanging out of the Jew?Regards Jeff

Really happy about the catch guys, thanks for the comments.

Getting the girlfriend interested in coming out in the rain was probably more challenging than convincing the fish to play!

The lure was a 4'' berkley power minnow. I find these to be a great all rounder alot of fish take an interest in them where i fish they are easy to cast and keep in contact with while retrieving.

Lets hope this summer continues to deliver the goods!

Edited by doug43
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