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Big Gar


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Finally, first time this summer, i made it to my Gar spot. It was worth the wait though, they wern't shy.

First fish hooked was a 36cm mullet. Then a 10cm bream! Followed by five gar. The first was the biggest, same size as the mullet and a new PB.

Then there was a bait school bust up about 50 meters away, but i had nothing to throw at it. About 10mins later my float went down with an explosion of water and a 10m run. then stop, shake, run, stop, shake, run. I'm thinking kg or so bream or red. It was heavy (on a 2-4kg rod with 2kg line). After a bit of a stoush the float hooks wore through the line and that was that. :mad3:

Landed about 5 more mullet all about 2-3cm under size, then 3 more Gar still around 30cm. Coming home with 8 gar and a mullet, the best day i've had fishing in a month. Keeping one gar for bait and the rest for dinner.

And got a date at the same spot next week with the :wife: cos she wants to catch the garies,'They're so pretty'!!





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Nice work Dan.

If you catch them when you go there again stick one out live under a float or balloon. I have only used them a couple of times for bait (as they are hard to catch!) but both times they got hammered within minutes by good sized Kings.

Don't suppose you want to let on where you got em do you? :1prop:

Good luck.

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Great catch! Without a doubt one of the best livebait for kings! I have not had one last more than a few minutes when put with some weight. They unfortunatley die very quickly but the kingies dont seem to mind. Fresh dead is nearly as good and still produces results!


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Nice work on the gars. Sounds like it was heaps fun catching them and I bet more enjoyable eating them :drool: .

If you don't mind me asking, what did you use as bait? And how far below from the float did you have the hook?


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Thats why i kept one. I put salt in his gut cavity with out opening him up all the way and put it

in the freezer in a vacuum sealed bag. I don't get many chances to go out chasing kings but always keep some bait as close to fresh as posible in case the livies won't play.

The one day i packed lite the preditors came in. i would have put one out but on 2kg line, i would have been luaghing all the way to the takle shop to respool!!

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Nice work on the gars. Sounds like it was heaps fun catching them and I bet more enjoyable eating them :drool: .

If you don't mind me asking, what did you use as bait? And how far below from the float did you have the hook?


Bread for bait. 2 hooks, 10 and 15cm down. Burley with bread, bread crumbs and bran (in a cage with a few drops of stimulate works too, but makes a heavey rig). If they are shy i use the cage untill i get them close enough, then take it off and just flick bread and bran at them.

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There are plenty of garfish in between shark island and blackwoods beach at cronulla. I have recently seen a lot of schools ranging from small to big gar either diving or they turn up in the burley trail while im catching yakkas. They like the shallower water just off the beach there, hope that helps someone.

Cheers Mike

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There are plenty of garfish in between shark island and blackwoods beach at cronulla. I have recently seen a lot of schools ranging from small to big gar either diving or they turn up in the burley trail while im catching yakkas. They like the shallower water just off the beach there, hope that helps someone.

Cheers Mike

Any spots closer to the eastern suburbs any oen wonts to give up haha :)

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Nice catch.

We fished the harbour today and I noticed there were heaps of garfish in our berley trail aimed for the kingys. I sent a sabiki rig down with pilly and squid bits but couldnt hook up! What baits the best?


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Hi beaver

Bread works the best, next best is little prawn pieces. but if they're feeding up a burley trail probably anything they can get in their mouths will work.

When u say u sent a sabiki down, did u have lead on it? Try it next time with no lead or even a bobby float where the lead would normally go. Just let it drift out the back and sink at its own pace.

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Hi beaver

Bread works the best, next best is little prawn pieces. but if they're feeding up a burley trail probably anything they can get in their mouths will work.

When u say u sent a sabiki down, did u have lead on it? Try it next time with no lead or even a bobby float where the lead would normally go. Just let it drift out the back and sink at its own pace.

Nah no weight... i could feel them nibbling tho, might try the bread next time. thanks mate!

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