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Big Easter Breambos In Wallis Lake!


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hi all

Took my blackie gear out with me, fully intent of catching some blackies along the lease rails, but, when I checked what was left of my weed from the other day ...... it was slimey & gooey, so, just as well I'd put some gulps & Sammys in, as well as 2 spin rods!

Well, they reckon Easter is the time of big bream here ...... I went to the spot I fished with Jon after the ABT GF & within an hour, landed 3 bream to 34cm on the sammy 65 (Woohooo!)

nice 34cm bream caught in very shallow water


Chunky 31cm bream, also in shallow water


nice fat 34cm bream


I couldn't help thinking back to my disaster 2 weeks ago in the ABT Yak GF when I couldn't catch a cold! Now, they were jumping out of the water, trying to get hooked! Not fair! The 34cm one was hiding in some weeds that were barely covered with water & exploded out of the water to try & crunch the lure ...... missing completely the first time, but I resisted the temptation to give it another 'yank' & it came back & took it properly the next time!

The tide was dropping & I was in some seriously shallow water (poling my way around, using my net). Had follows on a few occasions, but the wind was picking up & I decided to move round to the sheltered side of the island & throwing some lures along the way. As I approached some poles, I tossed a 'two tone greyish' gulp 2" shrimp in front of a post! The line tightened & I lifted the rod ...... the rod was nearly pulled from my hands!!! Luckily the fish headed away from the post, instead, heading towards some semi sunken oyster racks & I was trying to pedal away whilst stopping the fish from gaining too much line & reaching the racks (the drag was already pretty tight, but it was taking line!) My little $35 Crystal Creek Spin/fly rod with Slinky's tiny Synergy Reel on it ....... was working as a great shock absorber!! It was bent in half!! It took a few minutes to subdue the big bream, as it went under the yak, then around the back of the yak in an effort to get rid of the hook & kept making a sprint for the oysters in a frantic attempt for freedom, but I had him covered!! ...... 6lb leader & 4lb braid ...... the whole jig head was in its mouth, & I thought the line would ping any minute!

aggressive 39cm breambo


In excellent condition


Big Mouth Bream


Finally I got the net to it & brought it on board & I was high fiving myself! haha You should have seen it!! The mongrel even bit me & drew blood, as I removed the hooks from its mouth! Why didn't it happen like this in the GF?? The 39cm bream was right on 1kg (according to the built in scale on the lipgrips.) Combined with the fat 34cm one, it would have been a bag to be proud of in the GF!

I put the jig out again & had another big hit & it got off ...... I checked the hook (had only checked the line previously for nicks) & the entire pointy end had snapped off!!

All around me, there was explosions in the water as thousands of bait fish fled from vicious tailor that were leaping out of the water, trying to gobble them up! At one point, a 'rush of fish' was heading straight for me & I thought some would land in the yak! Wasn't quick enough to get a movie of it tho! I tossed the gulp at them, & something had a chew but didn't hook up. It rained a bit but I didn't care! I slowly headed back to the ute, happy with my fishin' session!

My bream mojo had returned!!

Have a great Easter & I hope you get into some good fish!!!



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Great to see the mojo back Roberta! :thumbup:

Some crackin Bream there, well done.

Love the piccies as well. It takes a bit of time & effort to get decent pics from a yak.

Shame those fish came out a bit late for the GF but that's fishing eh.

I'm sure by the time next years' comp comes around you'll have them wired. :biggrin2:



P.S Are you coming up this way again in May? I've spied some really nice bass water close to Byron that we MUST fish!! Try to sneak your minnow yak into your packing!

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Hi Grant

Thanks - just hope the mojo stays this time! :)

I find it easier to lay the bream on my lap to take the pics, as they flop around too much if you try to hold them upright ........ this way, if they flop off the ruler, they are still in the yak, not 'flipping overboard'!

....P.S Are you coming up this way again in May? I've spied some really nice bass water close to Byron that we MUST fish!! Try to sneak your minnow yak into your packing!......

YAAAY!! Yes, we'll be heading north after the Byron Tri (it is on May 10th & we are booked in for a few days either side of it.) I was planning on taking my Hobie SPORT (easier to pedal :1prop: ) Would that be OK? Would love to try for Bass near Byron! I am sussing out a few more spots around the mid north coast, too!

.... I'm sure by the time next years' comp comes around you'll have them wired. .....

I'm trying new spots every time I go out now & have been using really light jig heads, too (something I didn't have the patience with previously!) Should have a few reliable spots come next year! :)



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Great to see the mojo back Roberta! :thumbup:

Some crackin Bream there, well done.



P.S Are you coming up this way again in May? I've spied some really nice bass water close to Byron that we MUST fish!! Try to sneak your minnow yak into your packing!

Well done Roberta :thumbup: looks like the blackfish will be running away from your mojo...... :1yikes::biggrin2:

By the way hopefully Byron won't be too far from Byron by then, but I dont know about the bass, yuk yak, hic :D

Cheers :beersmile:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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:beersmile::beersmile: Have another one, Jewgaffer! Might see you up there!! :) Never caught much off the beach there yet! :wacko:

The locals know (down the closest grain of sand) where the Marine Park Starts on the Southern end of the beach there & sit there waiting for you to toss a lure across it, so they can tell you off! :tease:


Thanks for the kind words, MrsFM :)

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Any yak will do Roberta!! I'll just have a little perception minnow though. :(

I found this beaut spot just down the road at Tintenbar. It runs to salt & finishes down at South Ballina.

With all the rain we've had I just know that some good fish have been pushed down into there.

The bass should also be making there run to the brackish - salt by then. I'd be very suprised if it doesn't fish well. :biggrin2:

I'll do a recon mission before you get here though. :thumbup:

Byron, when you're up this way give us a cooee. I'm sure that between the two of us Slinky & I could talk enough to keep you quiet for at least 10 mins before the next hit!! :tease::074: Would love to catch up for a fish mate when the hands & back are better & you're in the area. :yahoo:



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hehehe ..... any yak'll do ....... I used to love my perception minnow too .... but now I love my hobie SPORT even more! :) I'll even let you have a go! :1prop: It is soooo easy to fish from!

Sounds a great spot. Can't wait! Take all the usual spinners, hbs & sps?? (then use the 5 that you always use! :074::074: )

see ya


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Your email brightened an otherwise boring day Roberta! There are some very nice bream in that lot. The Sammy 65 has been a fantastic lure for you. Those bream are in superb condition; hence the great fighting qualities.

It takes me a fair bit of organising to land the breambos, move the net and rods, set up the brag mat, and take the photo ... and you manage all that in a yak :1yikes:

Congrats on a terrific session Roberta. I hope the Easter break continues to produce great sessions for you



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............... Might see you up there!! :) Never caught much off the beach there yet! :wacko:

.........The locals know (down the closest grain of sand) where the Marine Park Starts on the Southern end of the beach there & sit there waiting for you to toss a lure across it, so they can tell you off!


Roberta, Some of these these new age Byron Bay locals are another kettle of fish alright... I love the way some of these propped up old boilers that have just arrived up there walk along the footpath with their noses in the air.... even the dogs they walk are unco-operative and seem to want to drag them in front of a car or something. :biggrin2:

It's a real circus at the markets stalls up there on Thursdays, ...There are newbies and has beens from all over the place, the wannabees have long been run out of town on the end of a pichfork......there's an assortment of mountain types, hermits, and other odds and sods among the locals you're talking about.... Ancients come down from Nymbin to sell their produce and their arts and crafts...... don't buy the dried apricots or the tomato jam, as I'll guarantee you'll have a couple of days of memory loss.....

The people I stay with take prawns and fish up there from Ballina in the farm truck and other bits and pieces that don't quite make the trip with the fish in the other truck and lay them out on tables...

If you've ever seen women sniffing new clothes in a department store Roberta, you ought to see the line up of sniffers at Byron Bay markets without even mentioning the fish.... It's that that bad that I've got to blow my own nose when I'm describing the fish.

After I've had my back op I'll try and get up to Byron Bay Roberta, and we'll sort out these do gooders, don't worry about that.. I've got all the time in the world to re-educate self appointed beach side sheriffs, that's for sure... By the time I finish pointing out where they can fish and where they can't fish (not us :lol:) and add a few self styled amendments, they'll think they're living in Lennox Head, :lol: even Grant'll chuck a left down the highway on his way home from the jew session :D .....


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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