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Avoca Yields A Couple Of Nice Fish

Ray R

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G'day Raiders, went around the rocks for a quick fish after work with my bottom gear and a fresh squid, the water was okay but you still had to keep an eye on occasional washer.

The wind was slight from the south and it was all quiet until the set rod took off I picked it up struck it and I was on it zigged and zagged its way towords the ledge and after a short battle I had a nice tailor, he was promptly bled and kept in a fresh bath of sea water.

I checked the leader and retied the hook as it was frayed by the tailors teeth.

Cast out again waited about a minute and the rod goes of again, it felt pretty big and it headed straight for N.Z, I couldn't stop it and it sheered through my leader, probably a bigger tailor.

So then I up the ante to a 30lb leader and guess what, no more tailor runs but there was a faint couple of touches on squid strip, I picked up the rod and waited for the run, it ran alright but it wasn't a tailor it was a nice fat bream.

It was getting dark now so it was time to home for dinner, a good session very enjoyable around the backyard this arvo and a couple of fish for the table..






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Nice afternoon session Ray :thumbup: . I find it interesting that you caught the bream on 30lb leader when latlely I’ve been trying to go as light as possible to nab those buggers :wacko: . The squid must have been too tempting!

Great close up shots too - the bream appears to be looking straight down the lens.



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Nice afternoon session Ray :thumbup: . I find it interesting that you caught the bream on 30lb leader when latlely I’ve been trying to go as light as possible to nab those buggers :wacko: . The squid must have been too tempting!

Great close up shots too - the bream appears to be looking straight down the lens.



I know what ya mean Cam , when Hutcho and I are fishing from his boat we go as light as pos, of the rocks though you go heavier cause you just never know what your gonna get..


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Nice session Ray. Great tailor and bream.

Great close up shots too - the bream appears to be looking straight down the lens.


I agree with Cam. The two close up photos are fantastic. However, whenever I look at them and move, their eyes follow me ... I'm starting to freak out! :wacko:



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