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Finally Scored A Snapper At The Hump!


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If you've seen any of my reports lately, you'll notice a similar thread (no, I mean besides being boring!) ... we head out of Port Hacking, troll down the coast, then try drifting for some flatties. Well yesterday it was different, not very different, but just enough to bring a smile to my face.


Firstly, we headed out of Port Hacking and started trolling down along the coast.


There were a few dark clouds around, but the conditions were great.


We were hoping to find a few stripies, but found the occasional tailor instead. We delayed our intended trip down to the Hump, ending up with ten or so nice chopper tailor which will be filleted and smoked (as usual).

We eventually made it down to the Hump area and started a drift. Unfortunately, that's when the wind picked up and we found that the current was racing. There were some dark looking clouds coming our way too.


Any way, I picked up a baby snapper, and Syd caught a big Baker. At least we knew that we were in the right area. We marked the spot and decided to go back and anchor over it. Over the next hour I caught six snapper which brought a smile to my face, but only three were worth keeping. I was still really happy to at least get a few snapper. Things were looking promising.


Then, all of a sudden, the lines started going slack ... bloody jackets had moved in!!!


Above Syd displays his anger and disgust at one of the jackets he caught. I couldn't hear exactly what he said, but I think he was telling the jacket to "duck"!

We lost half a dozen rigs and decided to move. Unfortunately, the second spot was full of more jackets and sweep. We decide after losing another six rigs that we'd had enough and head back to Cronulla.

The sky and the sunset on the return trip was magnificant! Another fantastic day to be out on the water.



Here is the final catch. Great feed for our families.


Here is Syd holding a couple of the tailor and two of the plate size snapper that I caught. I know they're not the biggest, but I was over the moon just to get a couple of reddies. Many thanks to Ross Hunter for his help too!





Edited by peterS
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Congratulations Boyzzzzzzzzz they are quite respectable REDDDDDDDSSS.

Nice to see your persistance paying off.

Cheers Stewy

Thanks Stewy. However, my snapper were not really even "respectable", especially when compared to two other Raiders who caught some decent reds lately. I am not going to identify either of these two raiders because they'll just get swelled heads!



These are both decent snapper which make mine look like baby squire! I curse your superior fishing ability RayR and Slinky! (You can see more in their reports "Snapper A New Pb For Ray R" and Slinky's "Tweed Snapper")

And I'm not even going to mention (site sponser and super skipper) Ross Hunter! Go to his website and see what real snapper look like!!!

Actually, I am very thankful for Ross's advice last week, because without it I wouldn't have caught anything down at the Hump. Everyone should read his advice on how to catch snapper.

And watch out Slinky and Ray, next time I'm going to shatter my snapper pb ... and hopefully get closer to yours! :wacko:



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Ah Pete, mate what a great post, you and Syd had another great day,

the pics show us the great conditions you had on the water, shame

those bloody leatheries spoilt the day, beaut sized reds too.

As for the second post I'm sure you will get a big red and you'll be

stoked as I was.

By the way Pete not all reddies are ' THE BIG ONE '..

Love your work mate..



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looks like a great day out on the water

are those sargents eatable caught a few last weekend but i just throw them back

are they worth keeping for bait ?

G'day "Framedtrash". Sgt Baker are rubbish to eat - too many bones. I reckon Jewgaffer could give you a "good" comparison to what they're like. However, they're okay for bait. A friend up in South West Rocks loves to use them as bait for snapper. Syd salted his to use for bait next time.

Where is the 'hump'?

Cheers hazza

Hi Hazza. The Hump is about 18 - 20km south of Port Hacking, a couple of km offshore.

Ah Pete, mate what a great post, you and Syd had another great day, the pics show us the great conditions you had on the water, shame those bloody leatheries spoilt the day, beaut sized reds too.

As for the second post I'm sure you will get a big red and you'll be stoked as I was.

By the way Pete not all reddies are ' THE BIG ONE '..

Love your work mate..


G'day Ray. I'm not going to try and compete with you and Slinky, or the other Raiders who have caught some ripper snapper, that would be "mission impossible"! To tell the truth, I was just happy to get some legal snapper. Cooked them last night and they were sensational. They were good pan size. Syd and I also smoked the tailor too, so there's plenty of smoked fillets to enjoy.



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