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Whats On This Weekend ? 2/3

Ken A

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Ok all whats the plans this coming weekend ?

Wetting a line :fishing1:

If its windy :1boat: having a sail?

Maybe a beer :beersmile:

Or is it in the hands of the missus :wife:

I'll be having a couple early morning sessions then a :beersmile: or 2 then on Sunday arvo waving goodbye to the tourists :wacko:

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I wanted to go spear fishing for the 1st time with my new out-law (father in law) but the :wife: has other plans cause we are moving into out new house this weekend...

I think she has a pretty valid point though :wacko: but thats not the point I suppose :risata::risata:

I have got next week off though so will catch up on some fishing then... There is still till to get my Marlin this season... it dont look good but that doesn't mean i am not gonig to try :1fishing1::thumbup:



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Guest Jocool

Boat will be going in for service on Friday. If I get it back Sat. morning I will probably just drop it in at Silverwater, test it out, and have a flick for a couple of hours. May even take Wet Patch along. :thumbup:

No fishing plans for Sunday, but if I get the yard sorted on Saturday, may be in with a chance. :thumbup:

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Having tiles put down this week so Saturday will be moving lounges, TV cabinets,e etc back. Then mowing the lawns. Might get out for a flick Saturday Arvo.

Saturday night I have a freinds 30th in Newy so there will be a few sore heads come Sunday morning. Sunday arvo I we have our first comp game of soccer for the year, should be fun with a hangover.

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Well Saturday morn is the young blokes soccer game (depending if grounds aren't closed) then gunna grab my brothers boat and give it a cleanup and put a new engine cable on it... then weather all good, should be hitting the brissy waters for a bream session after lunch sometime :1fishing1: Sunday may go out for a morning session, depends if the :wife: has other plans or not.

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off to nelson bay fri sat sun mon, got the neighbour in tow so maybe the ground swell will stop as the wind is not causing the kind of swells were seeing at the moment. have fun all. Its easter for me this weekend, no joe its not my religion , I just detest long weekend carparks on the pacific hwy. Got to love the NSW GOVT, yeah I worship the quick sand BOB CARR walks on. See Ya

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you blokes reminded me that I have soccer this saturday :1yikes:

Taking the mrs fishing tomorrow somewhere. I built her a nice live fibre rod recently and she still hasn't used it. Its such a great rod that I didn't want to give it to her after I finished it. :risata:

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Our footy team is forfiting we have only got 13. I dont think well get a team this season. Oh well :05: Anyway any1 up 4 a fish this saturday goon session for sure.


I will be out in my brothers boat on the brissy... if I am goin alone, I will call ya ty, and you can come along if ya like.

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The boat and trailer needed a bit of a servive so hope fully i get it back tomorrow and might be out in the morning. Launching from apple tree as well. Might see you there clarkie. And im sure a few :beersmile: tonight and tomrorow.

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