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Georges Jews 30/9 And Botany Kings 1/10


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This may be my last report as im heading off to Greece for soccer trials on wednesday.

so took the advantage of the calmness in the weather and thought gotta fish for the last time in at least a year in aussie waters.


so my first report is on the jews from last avo/night and being a tide change just on sun down thought perfect to hit the jews...... misses taged along. Went to my favourite little spot near como and produced this little model real early in the session.... just on 45cm


released to grow much larger. Had plenty of hits but no hook ups..... def not pickers as the bait was still in tact...... so would have been smaller jews..... good thing to see. At 8.30 had a nice run and landed a 50cm jew. By 9:30 things were quiet so decided to use up the bait in a spot i've never fished but seen plenty of boats there....... when looking out of my bedroom window the spot is 300m away. so close and never fished it..... funny that. Its has a nice drop off and thought should hold a jew or 2....... which it did.

Within 15min the rod buckles over......zzzzzzz........ZZZZZZZZ...... yeeeeaa giddy up some weight in this fish!! 75cm.


as soon as the fish came into the boat the bait runner takes off........ ZZZZZZZZZ....... the misses was quick to pick it up and brought in. She was so excited!! picture messaged from her phone to all her friends.


home by 11.


headed out at 6 to test the tackle on the botany kings on the downrigger.... on my lonesome this time. Squid were no where to be seen...... water was very merky....... thats my explanation. So off to moli point and picked up some yakkas.

First bait down and within 50m or trolling ZZZZZZZZZZZ....... yea!!! slow battle and landed 75cm.

long story short landed 4 kings between 70-80cm....... kept 2 and released 2. water temp is still cool 15-16C


surprisingly there were lots of boats out!!! dont people have jobs???? hahahaha...

was anyone else in the bay??



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I wish you all the luck 4 your trials and there is no way you would be going if you were not EXTREMELY talented.

Now do you think you could get your future catches trained up and sent to me? :1prop:

I will be on rock X so the fish should be able to find me.

I will have a few :beersmile: on you.

Cheers Clem

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Well done mate, nice way to go on a break from Aussie Waters, jews and kings what a life...

All the best with trials in Greece mate, good to see people with sense, to make a break in soccer you need to get well away from the 'Hyundai A-League' an absolute joke of a league that only makes players lose skill as far as I can see...

Got a few family members in pretty high up spots in Italy mate, soccer naturally, I think Lazio, Genoa and Napoli... If Greece is no good or want to dip your toe in somewhere else send us a PM and I'll see what I can organise for ya... Can't hurt to trial?



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Great last session and good luck with the trials!

Yiasoo Niko.

I just came back from Greece - I baptised my daughter at Ayios Rafa-il on the Island of Lesbos.

Yes, I have a Lesbossian heritage !

I went fishing one day on my cousin's boat there - 6km of long line with 750 hooks.

We caught 5kg of little tarwhine and they reckon that was a good catch !

It's terrible what they have done to their waters - beautiful crystal clear oceans, but devoid of life.

I hope you don't expect to do too much fishing there between soccer games....

Keep your mind on the ball and you'll go far....

By the way, I live near Oatley Bay boat ramp - 5 minutes from Como. I also fish alone.

Any chance you want to share some of your jewie secrets with me?

I'll keep your spot warm for 12 months and give you up-to-date reports.....I promise ! :1prop:

I don't do a lot of jewie fishing at all so I need a few pointers but hey, if you want pointers on bream/whiting in the bay - I can reciprocate...when you return...a soccer hero.

PM me...


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Yiasoo Niko.

I just came back from Greece - I baptised my daughter at Ayios Rafa-il on the Island of Lesbos.

..........By the way, I live near Oatley Bay boat ramp - 5 minutes from Como. I also fish alone.

Any chance you want to share some of your jewie secrets with me?

I'll keep your spot warm for 12 months and give you up-to-date reports.....I promise ! :1prop:


Ditto Niko Yiassoo...Well done on the jew close to home, and the decent size kingfish you caught in the Bay, good luck in Greece in the soccer trials :thumbup:

Hi Tony, there's no need for me to send you a pm to give you this downriver jewfish location for a night session which is very close to your own doorstep....there is room for everyone to fish across the whole section..... It is better on both tides than Como will ever be and has a ten times wider expanse than the hole around Baldface....The hole starts in close just inside the western point of Oatley, runs into a shallower valley that heads directly downriver to the eastern side of Connells Bay, and covers most of the Connells Bay opening where Nick lives but doesn't quite go as far as the eastern point of Kyle Bay.....When that part of the Georges was firing in the past, as it has over the last few weeks, I still preferred to fish in the Hawkesbury.....Fish anywhere either side of the valley which follows the contour of the shoreline on both sides of the river, starts from the Como side at Oatley Pt and fans out at the Kyle Bay end around 200 metres from the shore line between Connells point and Kyle Bay....

Hope this gets you a good downriver result with the fish already in the system waiting for fish coming in with the run in and also the jew schools working there way down from the Bridges to feed during the run out tide.....


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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thanks guys for the replies. hopefuly pick up that big contract!! haha

Great stuff Niko, ps my son play for the Beries under 16's Dimitri

yea berries were my junior club under 13-14. too many greeks but...... hahaha. is Bill stil the convenor there???? he's a made offshore fisho..... he's crazy!

By the way, I live near Oatley Bay boat ramp - 5 minutes from Como. I also fish alone.

Any chance you want to share some of your jewie secrets with me?

I'll keep your spot warm for 12 months and give you up-to-date reports.....I promise ! :1prop:

what jewgaffer is saying is right on the money!! he knows his rivers systems!

just get the sounder out and drive slowly around and find the drop offs or even take notice with any eddies and swells you see on the strong currents..... generaly a structured bottom..... jewies!

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Ditto Niko Yiassoo...Well done on the jew close to home, and the decent size kingfish you caught in the Bay, good luck in Greece in the soccer trials :thumbup:

Hi Tony, there's no need for me to send you a pm to give you this downriver jewfish location for a night session which is very close to your own doorstep....there is room for everyone to fish across the whole section..... It is better on both tides than Como will ever be and has a ten times wider expanse than the hole around Baldface....The hole starts in close just inside the western point of Oatley, runs into a shallower valley that heads directly downriver to the eastern side of Connells Bay, and covers most of the Connells Bay opening where Nick lives but doesn't quite go as far as the eastern point of Kyle Bay.....When that part of the Georges was firing in the past, as it has over the last few weeks, I still preferred to fish in the Hawkesbury.....Fish anywhere either side of the valley which follows the contour of the shoreline on both sides of the river, starts from the Como side at Oatley Pt and fans out at the Kyle Bay end around 200 metres from the shore line between Connells point and Kyle Bay....

Hope this gets you a good downriver result with the fish already in the system waiting for fish coming in with the run in and also the jew schools working there way down from the Bridges to feed during the run out tide.....


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Hey Jewgaffer,

I can't believe I have driven over this area for the last 12 years and not bothered to look around.

I make a bee-line for the bay and I have sorted out the bream/whiting fishing, but at the expense of learning about the jew. Considering I fish alone, it's hard to generate the will power to experiment on the jew and risk not catching anything, when the family love the bream so much. That's why I'm happy to spend some time fishing with someone who is willing to fish with me for the bream (on my terms) and then fish with them for the jewies on their terms, so long as they know the jewies well enough to be able to get me on my feet with a few head-start spots/times/baits.

I have had some bad experiences in the past with so-called-friends who come fishing with me, complain a lot, don't fish a lot, don't want to help clean up, want half the fish and when it's time to contribute towards bait and fuel, they suddenly have to leave. This is why I spent $75K to build a custom 5.7m plate alloy boat I can fish alone in, so when it comes time to fish with someone, I look for somebody who will be fair in all respects, including contributing fishing knowledge. I have not yet found anyone but with 2 kids and limited time on the water, there's not much time I can socialise with people to find such a fishing buddy. I admit it's an unusual situation I find myself in, but it's true.

I'm a visual person, so I have attached a googlemaps drawing here. I don't suppose you can draw some contour lines on it with some X's to try, can you ? I could use the description you gave in conjunction with the drawing. It would give me the option of trying this spot early mornings before work, or as a last option at the end of the day (midday'ish) if the tide is right...


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Hi Kephlapod, Where the minus indicator is at the end of the bar coming down on your google map is pretty close to the hole which starts off near the shore at Oatley Point around the corner on the baths side and joins a valley of deepwater which extends all the way across the mouth of Oatley Bay and then angles out off the shore profile all the way thru to around 200 yards out or so downriver from the eastern point of Connells Bay, where the valley fans out shallower at the inside the entrance to Kyle Bay and that area is good flathead grounds...... Take a drive from the start just around the corner of Oatley Point, keeping both sides of the river lined up reasonably parallel and you will be following the valley all the way along to where the water shallows off as it runs around the corner into Kyle Bay....Quite a lot of small fish and baitfish go in an out of Oatley Bay, Connells Bay and also Kyle Bay, so that makes this particular valley quite unique on that side of the Georges because when you look at Jewfish Point sevicing Jewfish Bay, and then you get to mouth of the Woronora, there isn't anything so entrapping as these particular Bays for small fish and baifish during tide change during the day and particularly on those nights when they have a need to go down deep and stay there......


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Kephlapod, Where the minus indicator is at the end of the bar coming down on your google map is pretty close to the hole which starts off near the shore at Oatley Point around the corner on the baths side and joins a valley of deepwater which extends all the way across the mouth of Oatley Bay and then angles out off the shore profile all the way thru to around 200 yards out or so downriver from the eastern point of Connells Bay, where the valley fans out shallower at the inside the entrance to Kyle Bay and that area is good flathead grounds...... Take a drive from the start just around the corner of Oatley Point, keeping both sides of the river lined up reasonably parallel and you will be following the valley all the way along to where the water shallows off as it runs around the corner into Kyle Bay....Quite a lot of small fish and baitfish go in an out of Oatley Bay, Connells Bay and also Kyle Bay, so that makes this particular valley quite unique on that side of the Georges because when you look at Jewfish Point sevicing Jewfish Bay, and then you get to mouth of the Woronora, there isn't anything so entrapping as these particular Bays for small fish and baifish during tide change during the day and particularly on those nights when they have a need to go down deep and stay there......


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

So, I drew in a contour based on your description. I drew it over a grid.

Is this anything like you pictured it to be? If so, can you point out the cells that best represent the areas you recommend for jew and flatties? I think that the depth of the valley is around 6m.

I will put in some effort if the info comes from someone like yourself Byron - I value and respect the teachings from elders. After all, that's how I became a top blackfish fisherman - alas I have not stood on the stones for many years. I have swapped it for 4mm checkerplate.

Also, I extend an invitation to you to fish the river if you ever feel the need. :biggrin2:


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hey matey if u ever need a fishing buddy im all in

i'ii do my share and split whatever fee's u need

im hella addicted and there just isn't enuf friends whos into fishing to go fishing when i want too!

you can come on my kayak if u ever interested lol

but ur boat looks comfortable


but a kayak is good for a few hrs fishing cos u pack up easily

its sad to hear ur friends did that to you

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hey nick,

what time did you get the kingies? i was there on the same day, however, all i pulled up was a 120cm port jackson just outside the heads. we made our way to moli point around late morning early lunch but got nothing other than a few nibbles.

also what rig did you use? we used both pillies and squid, both frozen.

all the best with the soccer trials.


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.......Also, I extend an invitation to you to fish the river if you ever feel the need. :biggrin2:

Hi Keflapod carli sparrow :D

My drawing below is close enough to where the valley would be located... Use arrows to link the hole on the upriver end of the Marina to the hole at Baldface.... link Baldface to the three upright strokes which denote the approximate end of the valley, and carry the arrows on to OatleyPt and on that side may as well link Oatley Point to Jewfish Point .......


About doing a session... At the moment Tony, my Greek mate Cungee George and myself do have our eyes open for a comfortable boat ride :1yikes::D It would be a matter of picking up George and myself where the old Menai ferry used to be an hour or so before sunset and if we don't like what we see, we fish while we wait for the next ferry :lol:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Keflapod carli sparrow :D

My drawing below is close enough to where the valley would be located... Use arrows to link the hole on the upriver end of the Marina to the hole at Baldface.... link Baldface to the three upright strokes which denote the approximate end of the valley, and carry the arrows on to OatleyPt and on that side may as well link Oatley Point to Jewfish Point .......


About doing a session... At the moment Tony, my Greek mate Cungee George and myself do have our eyes open for a comfortable boat ride :1yikes::D It would be a matter of picking up George and myself where the old Menai ferry used to be an hour or so before sunset and if we don't like what we see, we fish while we wait for the next ferry :lol:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Crikey, Byron, you have me scratching my head.

First, it took me a few minutes to work out that carli sparrow is in fact your way of saying "kalispera", ie greek "good evening". Mystery 1 solved!

Once I think of the river further upstream than como bridge, then my knowledge of the river system exists only in my SIMRAD GPS. I would run aground for sure in the shallows. As for where the ferry is or used to be is further into the unknown realm of upstream George's river. And when you say "if you don't like what you see", does that mean if you think my boat isn't comfortable, you will send me on my way?

I'm having a good chuckle writing this, and I understand that your back aint what it used to be, so I guess I can live with being turned back - perhaps I can send you some photos and you can save me the indignity of being turned back while the sun is setting? :1prop: Hopefully this will solve mystery2.

Let me just digest the map you drew, that's mystery3. By the way, thank you very much for going to the trouble of drawing and scanning and uploading and explaining the diagram - a bit of work went into that, and it is testimony to your good character and the kind of people that the FR website has attracted as members since first coming online.

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Hey guys, to aid in your discussion, I have copied and attached a portion of Maritime's map of the george's river / botany bay from their website. I'm not sure on how accurate this map is, Maritime says not to use it for navigational purposes.

I hope it helps people get a basic idea of the river, i don't fish it often but wouldn't mind assisting people to share their knowledge if they choose to :P


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hey nick,

what time did you get the kingies? i was there on the same day, however, all i pulled up was a 120cm port jackson just outside the heads. we made our way to moli point around late morning early lunch but got nothing other than a few nibbles.

also what rig did you use? we used both pillies and squid, both frozen.

all the best with the soccer trials.


got the kings between 8-10 if i can remember. haha..... wasn't u landing the port jackson as i was bringing in a king was it?

i use the down rigger. where i fish is very reefy so heavy line is necessary for the big kings. tried getting squid but was they weren't about so used live yakkas.



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