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Big Narooma Flattie


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Hi all,

After a very slow couple of days fishing with The Novice this big girl was caught on Sunday afternoon in the heart of big flattie country, Narooma’s Wagonga Inlet. She measured in at 90cm and was taken on a Squidgy Wriggler using 8lb line, so there were a few tense minutes just trying to get her in the net. Apologies for the quality of the pics, but were trying to get her back in the drink ASAP so she could do her thing make lots of little flatties for future trips. She was a fiery old thing and was pretty keen to get swimming again without too much persuasion from us, watching her dart away was almost as good as catching her.

Apart from this good fish it was a pretty hard slog for 2 ½ days. We threw everything at the fish but the entire system was pretty much shut down. Even the tailor and salmon weren’t interested in any of the lures we threw at them.




Edited by Slaka
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Hey Slaka,

Beautiful looking fish there mate. She looks awesome laying in your arms in that shot.


And well done on the release, Id have to agree that feeling of seeing her swim away is as good as catching her in the first place.

Thumbs up mate.


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Great effort...that's a surfboard! Wel done on releasing the old crocette. I have rarely seen them take off at speed after release so that would have been good to see....they normally croc their way at walking pace back to deeper waters.

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What a horse!

Now thats a real croc right there, friggin fantastic catch on light gear- but she gave you some curry eh?


She did indeed give me a bit of curry. We were about 20m off the bank when all of a sudden the sounder picked up a big school and we could see some mullet running close to shore. As soon as we commented on the sudden activity my rod loaded up and I could feel a slight fight, then just weight. I called it for a snag at first, but I could see the line moving through the water. Then some almighty head shakes started and she took off. Getting her in the net was the hardest part of the fight though, it took us a few minutes to get her into the environet, I had visions of the the 8lb line snapping with the fish next to the boat.

And yes, if someone said a slow 2 1/2 days would equate to a 90cm croc I would take it every time.

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and congratulations for letting the old girl swim away to breed and live another day.

Fantastic fish there,

Caught one myself in the crookhaven river earlier this year at that size. Was a PB for me. a 75mm silver fox squidgy did the damage on my fish. was just as anxious to get her back in the water as you so no pics but I can agreee it is just a good a feeling when you see them swim away as when you see them surface and say to yourself "OMG"

well done :beersmile:

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